DeVos suspends rules on student borrower protection

How's Sup Forums feeling now?

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>For profit colleges

How is that a thing?

Good. There are too many people in college, and college children don't know the risk in which they are involving themselves. They can just a loan for school ANYTIME they want, and that's just not good.

debtcucks btfo. i hope to see these peasants starving on the streets one day.

College didn't cost so much years ago. Why does it now, why should it, and if not, how do we fix that?

she used to be cum in her mother

>One rule, the Gainful Employment regulation, required for-profit colleges and certificate programs at non-profit colleges -- under the threat of withholding federal aid -- to show that a student's education in those institutions would help those students receive "gainful employment."

nothing stopping the states from enacting their own protections.

can poorfags get less degrees now?

wait, this article is poorly written. Is this rule being DELAYED?


Partly because loans are so easily attainable - even Biden admitted that.

I don't see any problem with a "Gainful Employment clause" being a prerequisite for financial aid disbursement, but it needs to be applied to normal colleges as well. No more gender/sexual/women's studies bullshit.

Another one.

it doesnt actually cost much, at all.. top private schools do.

California State colleges right now are like 3 grand a semester (I graduated 5 years ago and it was 2.6k so just guessing). now, IF I wanted to live on campus in my own living or with a roomated, that 2.6-3k turns into like 18k per year, because housing aint fking free.

So yeah, I graduated college, all in, prob spent 20k over 5 years.. So muuuuuuch.

Biden guzzles bank cum all day every day. Not a good source.
The secret, as it happens, was that states actually subsidized their universities, as an indirect way of increasing the state's gross product.

1. Loans are stupidly easy to get whether or not you'll ever be able to pay them back
2. Schools are all for-profit now and exploiting the easy loan money their customers have access to

The market is out of whack and completely distorted because everyone needs to go into debt to get work to work to get out of debt.

>How's Sup Forums feeling now?
I'm glad to see she's serious about fixing our education system. These fucking unions need to be gutted, shut down, the leaders put on trial and imprisoned for life with their beloved black criminals.

You get what you pay for. A free education is a worthless education, as the last fifty years of America's plummeting educational standards under liberalism clearly attest.

Part of the problem comes from students spending their loans on everything but their schooling and classes.


How much is that per unit?
>housing ain't fking free
I seem to remember a lot of universities had on-campus housing requirements for freshmen.
Do you ever wonder if maybe the debt, rather than the education, is the desired product of the university system? I can't think of any other legitimate reason for jobs that require a bachelor's degree without regard to course of study.

Extremely positive. This is a good thing, categorically and without exception.

Bidens wife was the head of all US community colleges. Those fuckers are the ones squeezing out a bunch of subpar shit on the govt dime (pell grant) and making the cost exceed the grant. Typically only by k or so but it adds up and they basically take anyone. I don't understand why someone studying cosmetology has to take a class like western civ but they do.


let me tell you about my country

>Bidens wife was the head of all US community colleges
Literally wat
are you a complete idiot or do you just choose not to understand how universities were funded before you were a twinkle in your daddy's eye?
>has to take a class like western civ
>in the next breath, complains about the decline of western civ
Do you understand yet why the only reasonable course of action for you is to neck yourself immediately?

They're seen as taboo for some reason but the reality is they're in a position to provide quality affordable education without Federal gibs. Often dropping the highschool reboot teir humanties requirements and fast tracking students into classes relevant to their major. I think Strayer offers a 3 year bachelor's program for like 35 grand.

Cool our economy may not crash.

I might have to reconsider pursuing a degree in gender studies now

Forcing other people to pay for your education at gunpoint is pretty wrong, you socialist cuck.

Trump University cucks btfo

That education isn't much use without the state and their blessed corporations taking advantage of it, is it? You think that corporations who change their minds like they change their shorts are worth taking four years out of every 20 retraining on my own fucking dime? No. Fucking corporations either pay or get fucked.
How does it feel to have your throat continually coated in oligarch cum?

My MA state school was 8k per semester and you've never heard of it. I had a scholarship cover tuition but "credits" were charged separate of tuition.

The system's fucked, depending on the state.

The person who wrote this article should be fired. I had to read this article three times before I could understand what the fuck he was trying to say.

>this bitch got into the position cause she donated millions of the GOP

Bretty gud

Like all of them?

>Forcing other people to pay for your education at gunpoint is pretty wrong, you socialist cuck.

So why do kids go from Elementary to High School doing this?

Totally agree. Horribly written article.

Please; what does it mean toothpaste?

All colleges are for profit. Your mistake was thinking otherwise.

>multi-million dollar athletic programs
>rising tuition way faster than inflation or other costs
Yeah, those not-for-profit / state colleges sure have your best interests in mind.

Uhhh, great?

>All colleges are for profit.

Was about to say, this.

What made me finally made me realize college is a complete scam was finding out how easy it is to torrent a textbook that the school was selling me for $200

Not just America, the whole West is declining thanks to liberals and their pets.

Because there is a legitimate social interest in citizens that understand basic civics.


Fully erect, fuck you debt fags you are literal cancer.

They cut civics in my area because minorities were doing too poorly in them, no joke.

60k in debt kek. Good luck getting it from me. I pay $0 a month and I keep my savings under my matress

You can't do that anymore because every professors requires online access codes now

I pirated most of my books. Only a few required online shit.

The U.S. has run a huge trade deficit for years, cumulative value since 1980 at approaching five trillion dollars. That means Nips, Poos, Chinks, and everyone else overseas winds up with surplus dollars.
They take these dollars and send their children to school over here, which drives up the price of education for natives, along with the price of housing, and a lot of other shit as well.