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Wouldn't come down to sub-species? I thought different dog species, for example, were really different sub-species and we don't articulate the difference between the two for other animals.


the left ones can make offspring
the right ones can't

If a nigger has the same IQ as a monkey does that make the nigger an animal or the the monkey human tier? Didn't Australia have some retarded court case trying to give chimps human status?

I was going to post this
why are racist so retarded



So different sub-species?

>What is a subspecies?

>Distinct populations separated by thousands of miles for thousands of years and subject to vastly different environments will evolve to meet the challenges of their perspective environments.
That's not controversial...until we talk about humanity. There are many different organisms which strongly resemble one another and are even capable of interbreeding which are still classified as distinct species.


But are their offspring fertile? Isn't that how the line gets drawn?

Like a zebra/horse hybrid? It's not fertile. But you could bang an abbo girl and it'll work.

Actually the bird subspecies can breed together too ,but are highly unlikely too in the wild as they are separated. They do find a occasional mix bird when their territories overlap.
Just as polar bears and grizzly bears sometime interbreed in alaska although it is extremely rare every few years they find one mixed bear.

Horses and Dogs are the same way. All of the wild breeds can interbreed and do occasionally when their territories overlap,but it is highly unlikely even then and is a 1 in a million type thing.

I for one don't think we should be fucking white people anyways.
Damn pseudoscience grads thinking they can tackle real science
>Detecting and measuring hybridization in natural populations, however, requires intensive, long-term field programmes that are seldom undertaken, leaving a gap in our understanding of species formation.
If you consider neanderthals a different species than so are the various races. We (non-nigger races) hybridized with them.

because they only circlejerk memes and not checking their facts

Obviously since hybrids aren't sterile monstrosities, usually anyway, the sub-species argument would be a much better one.

Since when are zebras and horses the same species?

Subspecies can have fertile offspring with other members of that subspecies, but is usually uncommon and abnormal for them to do so.

*other members of that species, I meant

There was different homos, they were Neanderthals in Europe and Denisovans and hobbits in Asia.

Just like there used to be a lot of different elephants, there was different people too.

Modern humans are more like dog breeds. The main evolutionary driver since agriculture and the discovery of free time has mostly just been being sexy.
That's the difference between us and hunter gatherers, our ancestors had the luxury of making sexual decisions based on looks.

People who had powerful societies in their past that lasted for thousands of years are the ones who look good today. Aztecs, Persians, Europeans, caucus people, and northern Asia are full of good looking people while the rest of the world is pretty ugly.
Indians are ugly because of the caste system even though they've been doing okay for a long time

Nope... for example the sapsuckers in Oregon branch into three subgroups that share a level of interbreeding ... Making identification very difficult.

>because they only circlejerk memes and not checking their facts

Shine you're wrong. Stop lusting after white women and marry a fine sister.

Unlike what your highschool teacher told you, there is no strong definition for "species"
What constitutes a species and what doesn't is still a very controversial topic in biology

The most agreed upon meaning is that if you have put a bunch of individuals together in the same environment, they'll become indistinguishable over time. That is, they successfully breed when they encounter each other.

Those birds do not do that. They live on the same islands and interact with each other. If you artificially inseminated them, then yeah maybe viable offspring.
But not naturally.

Humans, however, will fuck any other human, more or less.

If humans were really different species, then wouldn't race mixing not be a factor?
Really activates my almonds

>birds subspecies do fuck each other naturally
>the fact they dont do it as much is meaningless
>neanderthals are a different sub species yet we produces offspring with them

wow what a fail of a post.

Humans fucking another "race" is not a biological imperative but a personal choice that some do and some dont most by stats dont.

>If humans were really different species, then wouldn't race mixing not be a factor?

the assertion here is its even worse than race mixing as its sub species mixing akin to neanderthals and homo sapiens

Bird subspecies don't fuck each other regularly because over time they'd cease to be differentiable, wouldn't they?

That's why point. If there is enough difference between individuals that you can call them subspecies, they cannot be interbreeding.
It gets complicated when you introduce geographical factors that separate them physically.
Some biologists say that makes them de facto separate species.
Some say that if you eliminate the boundary and they breed like there's no difference, they aren't separate species.

As for Neanderthals, the evidence shows that there was very little interbreeding, actually. Some genes were passed into the modern European genome, but not enough to show that populations merged.
Murder was probably the status quo.

Like bonobos and chimps

>Humans fucking another "race" is not a biological imperative but a personal choice that some do and some dont most by stats dont.
You see, that's where the definition of species breaks down again.
Biology has no room for personal choice.

There are species of birds that live int the same environment and are genetically compatible
Yet the never breed. The difference are their songs. If males/females don't sing the right songs, they do not mate.
Are these separate species? Are they actually the same?
Is there a choice being made on an individual level?

Species definition is a hard fucking problem.

Consider though that sexual attraction is not a personal choice. You cannot choose what you are attracted to
It's as close to pure biological imperative as humans get. It's one of the most basic and deepest drives. Not much higher brainfunction involved. You can choose not to act on it. But you can't choose not to feel it.

As a white nationalist I don't even need a reason to create an ethnostate. I just want to do it for fun. And I always have fun babygirl

>As a white nationalist I don't even need a reason to create an ethnostate.
There is nothing wrong with this.

Just don't bring species concepts into it

Again m8 that is a personal choice of the humans and animals.

the simple fact even a handful of subspecies of birds fucking disproves your point at sub species fuck and have offspring in known science regardless of how regular it is

there are sub species of birds that have hybridized same as humans and there will always be distinct humans as a fact no one is claiming there will ever be a 100% mix of all human races or bird sub species you point is again meaningless and I am suspecting you are retarded.

human races are more distinct than some animal sub species m8 and no sexual attraction cant be biologically equal between all races as there are men and women of each race not sexually attracted to another and would never mix.....

you are horrible at this.

Phenotypes are serious business.

Despite being multiple examples the fact a single example of sub species mixing disproved your point as a brown bear and a polar bear fucking (as happens in nature) does not make them not sub species.....


>In fact, Dr. Lovette said, about 10 percent of the world’s 10,000 bird species are known to have bred with another species at least once, either in the wild or in captivity. For example, in the eastern United States, native black ducks have hybridized so often with the more abundant mallard ducks that pure black ducks have become rare.



This is not how speciation is measured. High school boo 101 lied to you.

Dude, biology isn't strict
There are literal exceptions to everything.

Some animals, just like some people, try to fuck everything. You've seen those videos of a seal fucking a penguin, a chimp fucking a frog, a dolphin fucking half a fish.

There are always grey zones on the edge.

But that doesn't mean you throw the entire thing out.
Seals are not in fact a subspecies of penguin, as you are suggesting.

You're just rambling on without saying any much at all.

What exactly is your point?
There are different species of humans because some will always be different than each other?

oh go fuck yourself

No, they weren't human. Look up The Nephilim

The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown. (Genesis 6:4)

>two types of dolphin fuck in a zoo

>a taxonomic category that ranks below species, usually a fairly permanent geographically isolated race.

'boriginals have gotta count for this one. all their MY LAND shit. They even build conlangs to avoid speaking english!

100% a subspecies.

no seal are another species than penguins which is even worse m8

lol you must be bait.

my point that you cant argue against or are trying to and failing is human races are more genetically and physically diverse than sub species of other animals and regardless if they fuck less or more than those sub species they are still mixing sub species m8

you have zero argument and really fucked any credibility you had

They're as genetically distant as a swede and a howler monkey. Being able to reproduce means nothing in terms of species, that shit goes up to order-level in some cases.

>i never took biology the post
humans are a genus, not a species

this general mnemonic will help you:
little dancing kids peel clothes off for great sex

it's crude, but it works, this was taught at my school

>human races are more genetically and physically diverse than sub species of other animals
That's true
But "subspecies" is a made up term with no real world connection. Just like species and all phylogeny
You can't "test" for species. It's not like elements where there is an intrinsic difference.

Let me say again, there is no agreed upon definition of what species is, let alone a subspecies

Like I said in my opening post, the closet thing to an agreed upon definition is that if you have a bunch of individuals and they fuck without coercion or extreme circumstances and have fertile offspring, they're the same species. The genetic or physical diversity doesn't really matter so long as the above criteria are met.

You are missing the point that the idea of races and yes genus labeling humans all the same is flawed as human races are more genetically distinct and physically distinct than what we classify sub species in animals with.

this has to be reconciled or is a glaring flaw in logic.


Like I said, species isn't something you can test, even with genetics.
The biggest factor between producing viable offspring isn't the genes, it's how those genes are packaged in chromosomes.
Similar chromosome number and similar enough genetics, you will have hybrids.

>when you think you know shit about other species but forget that cross-breeding exists

I believe what he is trying to suggest is that attempting to define it by what will fuck what is silly as that is fairly random and down to the personal choice of the species/animal itself.

What's more definitive is whether those things can breed and create proper hybrid offspring rather than creating no offspring or a sterile failure. IE, Whites and Blacks being different subspecies as they are distinctly different however they are still able to create offspring. However, dogs are a distinct species as we can't breed with them and create offspring.

And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings (Acts 17:26)

We are all descended from Adam and Eve, made in the image of God. This is why God commands us to love one another, because if we hate each other then by extension we are hating God.

so you're argument is sub species cant exist at all because you have been shown multiple examples of them fucking without coercion and having fertile offspring.

this is literally point.

Yeah abos probably qualify along with any other highly isolated group. The problem with OP's photo is that aside from abos, the rest haven't kept pure and isolated.

>Chihuahua and wolf are completely different in appearance and nearly every facet of behavior, still capable of making viable offspring
>This means that there are no genetic differences in intelligence or temperament whatsoever! XD

now species and sub species does not exist and cant be tested?
how do we know a Neanderthal from a homo sapiens

lol this is fun

>I believe what he is trying to suggest is that attempting to define it by what will fuck what is silly as that is fairly random and down to the personal choice of the species/animal itself.
But there are trends
If 95% fuck this one way, you can call it a trait of that group

Just having viable offspring is an outdated species definition that's only taught to highschoolers

Willingness to breed in natural conditions is usually agreed to be a factor in species categorization

Then why are polar bears and brown bears considered different species?
Why are domestic cats (of african origin) and the various wildcats of europe considered different species?
Why are silver birch and downy birch considered different species?

Except science confirmed those birds are genuine sub species yet still meet and fuck and produce like the barn swallow....

its not about genetic distinction, it never wud

its about distinction in behavior, location, habitat, etc

there is a 0.0000001% genetic difference between an australian abo and a norse viking

>making a discussion on different races as different species without even doing a cursory read of what qualifiers scientists look for when distinguishing whether two creatures should be classified as the same species or two

>failing at comprehending biology and genetics so hard you don't comprehend that most racial differences are almost entirely cosmetic

Different species implies no offspring produced after mating.

This isn't the case with humans. Stop being a retarded racist. Be a racist if you want, but not a retarded racist.

How do I know you're not making that up?

Explain how Neanderthals bred with Modern Humans

except statistically race mixing is minute compared to in group exclusion in humans....

so where the fuck is your point.

People have eyes, but many do not see

there is even less between dog breeds m8 and they sway wildly by behavior location and habitat

>racial differences are entirely cosmetic

Yeah! Since humans can make viable offspring with one another independent of race, it automatically means that ALL HUMAN RACES are exactly the same with no genetic differences at all whatsoever lmao! It definitely means that it's impossible for meaningful intelligence and behavioral differences to exist right because if you can make viable offspring, there is no way there's any genetic differences WHATSOEVER!

Fucking retard

actually, it's 0.7%. They are 99.3% identical. Just like you would be 99.3% identical without a frontal lobe.

So what is a mule?


But not enough examples of it happening that it will erase the differences between the populations over time

If interbreeding between groups was greater than just fringe examples, then over time the gene pool would become one.
The fact that you can point at the differences today means that in the past they did not mix as a group.

Species/subspecies is ONLY useful as a scientific grouping tool. That's it. "There are a bunch of specimens that have these traits, I call it a species to separate it from groups of other specimens"

The rigid species definition is a holdover from the more religious era before evolution that believed that every animals was an unchanging divinely created work. Things were created to go into groups and all we had to do is categorize them. To name them as Adam did in Eden.

But now we know that boundaries are fluid and the only use is in human communication.

With regards to Neanderthals, whether they're a subspecies or a species, it doesn't matter.
They're different from other groups of humans so we give them a name. That's it.

It's like colours. You can tell blue from red, but there are things in the middle where you can't directly say where they belong to. But it doesn't mean red and blue don't exist as categories

Dogs are one species. Fuck off.

>Different species implies no offspring produced after mating.
Get that highschool shit out of here


And we can literally rank them by their intelligence and temperament anyway. Really makes me (((think))) that we do this for dogs without issue but if you do it for humans it's suddenly impossible and unscientific. Hmmm


we are all the same species but there are enough differences to classify races as subspecies

bad goy, you're all one race, THE GOYIM.

the only real humans are the jews.

>getting this upset at being the same species as non whites
>calling other people retarded

kek all your grandchildren will be black assuming any white girl would have sex with you in the first place. Big assumption.

Everything you just said applied to humans m8

a minority of each race will ever mix and we will always be distinct and why we are today.

everything else you posted is esoteric nonsense honestly I am done with you and your blew this whole argument.

When sub species such as animals literally can have varying intelligence and behavior and be genetically closer than two human races the prospect is staggering and real with consequences.

you are a fucking imbecile.

>t. Potatonigger

Thank you for proving that certain subspecies of humans are demonstrably more stupid than others.

At least I can look for my ancestors without inheriting ten years in gulag or something

>And we can literally rank them by their intelligence and temperament anyway.
Because humans sacrificed inbuilt instinct for brain plasticity (aka ability to learn)
Animal brains aren't as plastic as ours. They develop into rigid presets

Consider this: If lock a baby pigeon in a box and never let it fly or even see the sky before it becomes an adult, it will leave that box fully able to fly.
Humans are incapable of doing something comparable. Plasticity is an integral part of our brains, for good and ill.

Yes, I do believe that there are some potentials that are determined by genes and that genes that hold back potential may be more common in some populations more than other.
But people aren't truly locked into what they were born being.

>This much butt hurt different races are sub species.
>not realizing a minority of humans race mix
>not realizing mixed children in a diver place such as america are less than 10 percent of the population and most have white fathers.

>waaah he called me on my racism Waaah

Cry moar. Americans under 5 are majority non white. Your whole country is getting blacked. Keep crying, baby.

Nice reddit spacing

>you are a fucking imbecile.
I'm going to wipe the tears from my eyes with my degree in biology

>potatonigger is still replying

LMFAO. I literally never thought a fair skinned race could be so retarded until I first met an Irishman. Holy shit, that was a defining moment

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6a)

This is why you guys need to read the Bible. First, there was Adam and Eve. Then the fallen angels started taking over the world with the Nephilim, essentially polluting the human race (we don't know exactly in which way, DNA? morals?). But the Bible states the Nephilim were on the Earth in those days and after The Flood. From Noah, we have Ham, Shem, and Japheth. It's common knowledge that Ham was essentially the ancestor of the Africans and East Asians. Japheth is the ancestor of the Caucasian and Indians (Indo-Caucasoid). and Shem is the ancestor of the Jews and Arabs.

We are not separate species. We are of one blood. I know this is hard to recant the theory of evolution because for the past 100 years, evolution has been chipping against the foundation of Christianity. Evolution is so pervasive in our society, our way of thinking. Evolution is false, think about it, open your eyes and think about it for a second. Those caveman decorations you see at the Smithsonian, it's all a farce. It will take some time to uncondition yourself from this, but you really need to read the Bible as it is and believe it. It's not just a bunch of fancy 'Jewish' stories, it all really happened. Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Man. He died on the cross for our sins. Believe upon His name and you shall be saved. Read the Bible cover-to-cover. All the answers you need in this life are all in there.

>its humans thoughts and culture that make a Chihuahua not as smart as a lab or a pug not as aggressive as a pit bull naturally

you totally side stepped his point m8

Yea the degree that taught you species does not exist....


those are pure shit skins m8 mixed children are less than 10 percent of the pop

do you know what getting blacked means?


Protip: the average black today in America has a higher IQ than the average American in 1930.
Lookup the Flynn effect, average African American today is also smarter than the average citizen of Nazi Germany.


It turns out that the world is a complicated place.
Who knew?

The species of the wing & feather are of different make & model than the species of man!

No, I addressed it exactly

Animals don't have (very) plastic brains. Humans do.

Modern monkeys aren't our ancestors

no m8 no.

in the back of your thick shit skull you know you just got raped up and down this discussion and are a fucking joke that will continue to post non sensible shit any one reading he thread can see this