> tfw working and middle class Conservashits vote against their own interests

How do we educate uninformed Conservashits to stop voting against your their own economic interests ?

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You would have to explain to them how they are voting against their own economic interests. Bet you can't.

What precisely is my best interest and how exactly do federal level politicians deliver what is in my best interest?

Usually leftists say something like how conservatives are all poor and on welfare. What they don't realize is that studies conducted in this manner base the definition of "conservative" on whether they support traditional Christian values. So in other words, they count niggers and spics as conservative(lol). And nobody takes more gibs than niggers and spics. In reality, Republican voters make more money than Democrat voters.

>voting to give up your rights so you have a slim chance of living with slightly better material comforts
>"against your interests"

That rhetoric is another Dem/lib tactic to make you (liberals) think they are on your side and have the best interests of the people at heart. As we saw from their recent candidates that's a crock.

Also hello /r/politics now go think about your life choices.

>How do we convince conservatives that stealing from people is actually a good thing?

How about tell the rest of your party to STFU about Queer Trans Black Women, and then maybe more of them will listen.

Not quite true.
Blacks and hispanics have higher rates of welfare and subsidy but whites use the majority.
>So in other words, they count niggers and spics as conservative
>You have to be white to be conservative
Racist ideologies aside, that's objectively false and you're a retard for implying it.

I have to work17 plus weeks annually for free.
Apparently liberals think that amount should be more after doubling our deficit the last 8 years.
That is why I don't vote for them.

Excuse me, debt, not deficit.


Oh yes, Democrats are totally looking out for the economic interests of the middle class.

evidently you faggot scum educate them by killing their dogs and shooting up baseball games.

Leftiest BTFO

Just because you don't want handouts doesn't mean you're stupid.


Percentage of the population. The majority of welfare recipients may be white but they represent a minority of white people overall. Where as that percentage of blacks on welfare represents a great percentage of the black population.

Learn what per capita means my friend.

So in other words, you want a non white country full of welfare cases.

Well you could stop calling them retarded nazi bigots

That has to be fake.

Conservashits BTFO

I know this is bait but the people who actually say this unironically are such fucking scum.
How stuck up does one have to be to go to someone and say that you know what is good for them more than they do?

Not an argument.

Ummm -- they DO know the Communists built the Berlin Wall after the city was partitioned post-WWII, right? Right?


>no one mentions anything about per capita welfare rates

Come on dude, it's like you're not even trying.

I've never understood this question. How is supporting a free-market economy and less government regulation voting against one's economic interests? The more regulation a government has (aka liberalism) the less jobs there are.


Conservatives are so stupid. Not wanting to be replaced by millions of low IQ mexicans and somalis for the gimmiedats. What a bunch of fucking idiots. Am i right fellow leftypol?

Because the left are useful idiots programmed by a Satanic death cult to mix all the races together. You are pure evil and you must be stopped.

>don't want government to take care of me
>vote against excessive government spending


Voting egoistically is supremely dangerous. If you want your country to last, sometimes you have to vote against your economic interests.

More so, why are those "economic interests" considered the most important ones?

>Blacks and hispanics have higher rates
>Where as that percentage of blacks on welfare represents a great percentage of the black population.
>per capita
All three of these mean the same thing. Pay attention in school, kids.

No, just pointing out incorrect information.

After landing on a pile of shit generated by republicans aka biggest financial crisis in decades.
What has american debt to do with corporates making you their fucktoy?

Futhermore what has being a corporate fucktoy to do with liberals?

The inherent problem with America is that most people hate the welfare programs that churn out worthless poor people across the country but nobody in politics has the balls to end them.

Did you try insulting them?

>incorrect information.
Since they just restated your post, how is it incorrect information? Yes, whites use up the majority as of now, give it another 25 years and that will flip and this country will be a shithole. If the elites get what they want before then (socialist slaves), it will be even worse.

Why, when the us gov spends like retards already would I want to give them any money, let alone more than I already do?
That is the point.
I am told it is in my best interest to give the same retards who have us 20 trillion in debt more money to waste.
I just don't see the logic in that.
Perhaps you do. But since you are apparently not a corporate fucktoy I am going to wager you don't really pay all that much in.

Why are liberals faggot numales?


It is fundamentally impossible to perform an action against one's own best interests. You fail to understand that people value things differently from one another.

because voting for handouts from the magic money tree is like believing that bernie actually cares about you.

that dude drives a $170,000 car and has three very expensive houses. he fucking knows how money works, and he knows that shit has to come from somewhere. asking the productive portion of society to pay for the unproductive portion does not work long term. you havent thought your position all the way through, which is obvious to anyone who has. lazy bum democrats and useful idiot progressives are cancer on the productive force of western society.

the real question is, why are you still here?

you are free to leave to another country that shares your idiotic ideas. go. we have no barriers keeping people in. you are free to follow your dreams.

you can't .....we are smarter than you think....Dues Vult!

Conservatives understand there is a pecking order. They just want to do an honest days work, enjoy the fruits of their labor and not be preached to by some weak kneed commie.

"Stop voting against your interests, whitey inbred piece of shit hick (we hate you), and vote for us!"

because nothing matters except how much food you can shove down your throat and how many orgasms you can have, goyim

because voting whats in the best interests of the country as opposed to how many taxdollars you can leech from it is the tide that lifts all boats

Because a source from Occupy Democrats is obviously the most valid thing out there.

>highlight some shit yellow
>italicize some shit
>sheeple will eat it up
>yummy yummy

I have no idea how to.

I work in a red state with republican voters and they vote Republican constantly.

Meanwhile we are all part of a union.

Dumbasses will be dumbasses that are undeducated and don't care.

I mean at my job by the way.

They don't seem to understand we have this union by Dems and more liberal standpoints.

Every conservative out there would rip up our union contract at the drop of a hat if need be. Fucking retards all around.

Why do you keep insulting potential voters and calling then racist morons?