Please bomb us again

please bomb us again

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how are the Islamic refugees treating you?


she's of croatian descent too

Don't worry Roach Rape Baby! Freedom is on it's way!

Delivering to your cords. Good luck and Godspeed...

to be fair croats are descent of degenerate serbs so i guess we came full circle

>please bomb us again
>implying bombing you wasn't the entire reason the Balkans lost their identity and became shitty versions of Austria or Greece
>implying we didn't tell the entire world that we prefer muslim sewer rats to a unified Christian nation just because it didn't fit into our geopolitical aims for the region

Trump is in charge. Invade Albania or something again, we won't stop you. Just make more fun accordion music videos.

>to be fair croats are descent of degenerate serbs

Don't worry Serbia, the Jews are really going to love you now.

You'll be rewarded with being enriched by hundreds of thousands of African and Arab Muslims over the coming years.

Shattered glass ladies! I'm with her!

OP is denying his homosexuality yet again.
Just embrace it and go with it. Don't look back. Be the faggot you were always born to be.

You don't know that the USA have lots of reasons to protect kosovo, do you?

They've got natural resources that cant be mined by anyone else and the amount or the locations arent published.
They need kosovo as a base to be kinda "close" to turkey and russia

Ughh. That face looks genetically modified

LMAO I used to tell Serbroaches they're the ultimate cucks but I never knew they'd be cucked to THIS degree

Fck you fgt

And hopefully under Trump and Mattis we can just work with whoever wins, not cripple two of the largest states in the region on a whim.

I'm sorry. I visited the Balkans last year and the only impression I came away with is that Croats are fuckers.

>I came away with is that Croats are fuckers
in what way?

>we won't stop you
Albânia is NATO member. It activates Article 5 - Colective Defense of NATO - USA and rest of 27 - but of course mainly USA - bomb Belgrade again.

Kek I heard about this on Albanian news. A good thing to laugh at for us, but just a distraction from our shitty poor narco-trafficking lifestyles

honestly who cares if you have a lesbian pm? it is a good strategic move to lull the rest of the world into seeing serbia as 'part of the advanced world.' meanwhile you all can secretly go ever more reactionary.


Jesus Christ.. in a time when right wing nationalism should be rising the exact OPPOSITE occurs. FUCK this gay earth.

The men were all dull and uninterested in their own country, and I had three women out of the blue ask me if I was a Christian and why I hadn't denounced Jesus yet. I wasn't offended or anything, but that's some pretty off-putting small talk.

I also found myself on the site of Operation Storm and was kind of annoyed that absolutely no Croatians would tell me about it.

>we won't stop you

- strategic spot for the biggest American base in Europe
- drug, organ and human trafficking
- massive amounts of all kinds of natural resources stolen from among others the huge Trepca mine that's no longer owned by Serbia
- the entire Kosovo region is now owned by various European and American countries and corporations

you really don't have to be a serb to hate america because of this.
also, these are the people you were protecting:
Speech from the second october 2000.

>Serbia invades Kosovo again
>Albania responds
>Albania is declared as interfering in Serbia's internal affairs and do not benefit from NATO protections

>The men were all dull and uninterested in their own country
thats kind of rare here tbhq, most men are patriotic
>and I had three women out of the blue ask me if I was a Christian and why I hadn't denounced Jesus yet
most women here are religious, i seriously don't know what you're talking about
>I also found myself on the site of Operation Storm and was kind of annoyed that absolutely no Croatians would tell me about it.
well you can literally open Wikipedia, there isn't much to talk about
it was a simple military operation

Kosovo is hosting a NATO base

>insult a country while hiding his own flag
you really can smell an albanian nigger from miles away.

aјaјaјaјјa хpвoјe миcли дa нијe зли cpбин
we did before and had to pull out from skadar under world war threat

>>Serbia invades Kosovo again

That's a diferent """"country"""" that you were talking about previously in >Invade Albania or something again, we won't stop you


Serbia 1st world now

I've got a kind of thick Virginia accent and I still had my marine haircut so I guess they were just fucking with me. I really was just a stupid American wandering around trying to figure out what was going on.

I don't know anything, guys, please don't be mad at me.

Vec 70 godina niste u stanju da skontate da li ste vi zrtve ili niste


Za Afriku spremni!!!

>operation storm
>Yugoslavia leads a war against Croatia, secures 30% of Croat territory in first months
>A Serbian provisional country is formed inside of Croatia
>Yugoslavia wages another war against Bosnia this time securing almost 70% of the land by 1994
>NATO intervenes
>UN puts embargo on Yugoslavia
>Yugoslavia backs away major troops due to cuts
>Croats cleanse their land of 200 000 civilians

out of the top of my head in 2 in the morning.

Znaci vi niste zrtve?


>be average serb
>earn less than a refugee in any EU country

i don't think so pal.

Not even true Christians.

>put muslims on serbian graves
pick one plz

great counter argument to those 200k civilians.

How low can one even sink.
Lower then muslims is quite the achievement.


>1000000 gorilijona


Borili ste se protiv Srba u prvom pa docekivali srpsku vojsku u svojim gradovima uz cvece i Boze pravde, ispracali kralja Aleksandra pa nakon 7 godina cvecem docekali Nijemce pa onda ste docekivali partizane a neki bjezali, pa ste ispracali Tita pa ste popljuvali i to.
I te slike sto postavljas, to samo govori da ne znate sta ste.

Glad we can agree.

why are you so sad and pathetic?

wtf dude operation storm was like our greatest moment of the 20th century ask any croat about it and they would proudly talk about it

sit down serb bro

you expect politicians to act any different?

Uz isus je srbin postavio si sliku na kojoj pise 700k, pa onda sliku protjeranih srba pa onda pokusavas da sve pljunes sa sarkazmom.




>buni se zbog retardiranih slika
>na mongolskoj dasci za pranje pletenih kosara


genes say otherwise, Turk

You still believe in that idiotic theory? Just shows how deluded you really are. You are literally browner than a Turk.

i never understood this claim
i know the average serb is pretty brainwashed and uneducated, but do they really not know they were easily conquered by the turks and then spent half a millennium fighting for their muslim masters against the rest of us

>memes are his only education

ok, educate yourself serb bro.
do you want me to pull out the memes that teach you how you are a serb and that actually the turks are the ones with balkan and asian dna?

Good genes, my confused Serb.

>posts gypsies

Znaci i Bugari i Grci su Turci??
60 posto l2a, r1b i r1a, 20 posto e1b i primjeste J2 i ostalog.
Sam sebe pravis budalom.

Loads of bullshit there. Learn some facts first you war losing idiots. NEVER FORGET OLUJA 95!


want me to post the ones where it says that you are as dinaroid as we are?
i never said we were white serb bro, we're all dinaric brothers. :^)

I'm sorry, here have one that's white.

Pobijedili u oba balkanska, u oba svjetska, dobili RS a vi dobili svoje avnojevske granice, ima smisla


my catholic brother. :^)


Tako mogu i ja rec da smo pobijedili isto u drugom svjetskom ratu kao sto i ti kazes. Pa zato ste sve manji i manji sad.

Manji i manji i opet veci od vas, ne ide ti ni to.
Vas doprinos pobjedama u oba svjetska rata je ko doprinos kamena sto je sluzio da se zakrpi put.



I thought that was the mayor of Barcelona for a second.
Btw, nuke that as well.


serbia is based, remove the kebab!!!

do you really want a pic shitshow showdown, my cigan friend?


Ovo se sve svodi na:
>mi smo beli vi ste cigani hrvati srbima i obrnuto
>srbi vjerovatnu ukucaju peder hrvatska a hrvat oluja 95.
Sve je to proizvod vase gluposti, zato nam i jeste ovako kako i jest. I treba.

that guy is based
need to get him citizenship asap

Start dumping you cuck.

zasto se ubedjujes i prepucavas sa bratom Srbinom? Vidis da je retardiran

Istina nije neki doprinos, ali nije niti vas nesto velik kad objektivno gledas. Tj. niti jedna "balkanska" zemlja nije previse doprinjela tijekom drugog svjetskog rata. Medusobno se udarali svi i to je to.

I think he already got one.

Ma bantujem, nemam nista pamentnije trenutno da radim.

Sve su to gluposti.
Podjela hriscanstva i dolazak islama su potpuno unistili ovaj prostor. Nismo ratovali medjusobno u srednjem vijeku ali eto sad je vazno reci ovo je kroatsko ili srbsko. Isti narod isti jezik, razlicite vjere i podjela se uglavnom na to svodi.

Istinu kazes, ali nebi ja nista rekao da niste vi prvi poceli. Zivio

And her daddy is croatian ahahah you absolute cucks

Da smo se sami zavadili sami bismo se pomirili.

pa naravno da nismo ratovali u srednjem veku kad Srbi-katolici i Srbi-muslimani nisu imali svoje zemlje i izmisljenu nacionalnost.

moram spat sada, ak oces celo sranje ostavil bum sutra link na jednom od Sup Forums đeneralsa


