Is Molymeme encouraging a civil war?

I think he has lost it

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how much time did you spent doing that shop?

4 hours

Hey its the moly photoshop leaf
Post more



you should have focused on his missing upperlip

no, too rare

Jokes on you I already have them saved on my pc

its good :)


Here's my favourite

What are the chances molymeme is reading this right naw?


Wait . . . people listen to this guy?
Like, as in they do so in all seriousness?

i.. is he going to be ok?

Looks like Mokymeme's cancer is out of remission.

Press For to pay your respects. Explains the $750k of Bitcoin he withdrew for experimental chemo.

God he looks awful now

Every leftist has and it's causing more and more rational people to realize that violence is inevitable. It's already happening at a growing rate and will surely get worse. I just read in another thread that someone with MAGA and American flags on his vehicle was recently shot at while driving by a black guy.

As he said in a prior video/show, it looks like the time for arguments has passed.


>this thread

He looks rough in that video, but I still love the guy





What the fuck? He looks terrible.

What happened?

holy moly i thought that pic was doctored before i started the vid


What's wrong with a civil war at this point?


No, he's encouraging "play to win". If a game has a certain set of rules or no rules at all, then you have to play to win within that framework or not play at all. Playing by a set of rules that doesn't exist is not only dumb, it's going to guarantee you lose. Pertaining to politics, if 1 side doesn't follow the law then the other side must win and force the other side to follow those laws, otherwise the side following "imaginary rules/laws" will always lose. And they're imaginary because they don't apply to everyone. What people don't realize in the real world is that the "alt-right" or "far-right" or w/e is going to win, because they're the only opposition to the left that plays to win. Sirlin's famous articles apply 100% here:

Can we finally put this cuck on a watchlist?

nice shop user, made me laugh pretty hard

He actually looks like that in the video. I guess he aged ten years overnight

>If your opponent doesn't play by the rules
>TFW you play by the rules
>Who's gonna win?

>t. Molymeme

He looks like he has stage 3 cancer in the video.

Source my niger?

Jaysus that pic actually scared me for a moment holy shit

This leaf is not a faggot tonight.

You'd lose? Lol.

To who?

Choke me I'm cumming...


chiming in with moar molymeme

He looks tired and doesn't have a filter on in the vid. That's how most middle aged men look...

The commie doesn't have an answer for that one...