Why so many white girls want to be black all of sudden ?

Why so many white girls want to be black all of sudden ?
And how can we stop them.. do they deserve to be saved tho ?

she looks just like a nigger,.. incredible

>do they deserve to be saved tho ?

White people are better looking black people than black people kek

Quality blackface


Classification problem.
White people can tan into almost black and blacks can be at the level of midterranean-white.

White girls are not truly blacked until they get chlamydia.

You stop them by marrying them. All of them. Marry and impregnate as many white women as you can.

It's called the progressive stack. Look it up.

I'm confused which side shoud i take on this ?

Those niggers are going hard on those poor white girls, despite being traitors they're still part of our race, if they only realized how disgusting their monkey asses are, they are no match to the aryan beauty

They do it for many reasons, but none of their reasons are reasonable. Women are not know for good decision making.

>Those niggers are going hard on those poor white girls, despite being traitors they're still part of our race, if they only realized how disgusting their monkey asses are, they are no match to the aryan beauty
Kill a traitor before a enemy, Jimbo.

Wow that is advice to live by

A lot of women will do whatever the music industry, TV and Hollywood tell them to.

>Black woman are ug-

Because if blacks are the inventors of anything in this country it is popularity. Whenever they do something stupid it is considered "cultural" and a "trend." Blacks are the path of least resistance and the straightest line to popularity. To be popular you can either mimic blacks or you can be with a black guy.

Although this is anecdotal, I knew a dumbass girl who dated only thug black guys. I asked her if she would ever consider dating a clean well mannered educated black guy and she said no. She wouldn't say why but it was because those blacks are unpopular and even outcasted. They don't bring in popularity.

Wanting to immitate niggers is a trend almost exclusively followed by poor white kids with no future and beta stacies trying to set themselves apart from the alpha stacies.

>deserve to be saved

Nope, let's get them out of the gene pool

White women suck

Everybody needs to be fucking euthanised

Women enjoy being victims. I believe it comes from hereditary experiences of being kidnapped and raped through the ages.

Women are not human. That is why Mohammad pbuh teaches to keep them hidden away in a potato sack.

If someone wants to become a nigger they're too far gone, shoot them.

The answer is pretty obvious. There's a problem with white culture, OP.

Because your white parents had 0 culture. They want some funk in their life. They way some COOOOOL.

Also once they had the cack it was over.

It's a subtle form of warfare.
Pol pleb disgusts me, they know nothing.

wtf does "deadass" mean? ffs niggers type as retarded as they speak.

If niggers want to shame and put down race traitor wiggers and coalburners, more power to them.
When liberal white kids value what black people say more than other white people, black people putting them in their place and tearing them a new asshole for trying to emulate black culture instead of accepting that they're fucking white and just sticking with being a white person, acting like a white person, and not trying to fucking devolve, it's doing us a favour.

Black vaginas are gross. Too baboon like.

It's cool to be black. Rap culture is no longer taboo or a counter culture, it is now pop culture and on the scale of someone just turning emo.

They don't.
You just spend too much time on the internet and love in a bubble of delusion.

This. Looking black is not necessarily the issue. The real issue is thinking like one.

why u care, not like you'll leave your basement to meet one anyway.

also it is proven that the Black woman is far superior to the wannabe cracker ass ho