The microwaves that cell phones emit can interact with human tissue in an entirely new way...

>The microwaves that cell phones emit can interact with human tissue in an entirely new way, says theoretical biologist at a government lab


>NSA chief says 'when, not if' foreign country hacks U.S. infrastructure

Other urls found in this thread:


The pdf on the FCC's site is utter bullshit mixed with both gross simplifications and sparse actual facts.

>...the potential health threat posed by cell phone signals.

>...from Bill Bruno, a theoretical biologist at Los Alamos National Laboratory

>t. Verizon shill


-t. I bothered to read your 52 year old paper that goes on about hypnosis and how you'll have a seizure if you're exposed to 6m waves and other bullshit

And before you say "hurr can't read it that quickly," I saw your other thread and was typing up a response before it got deleted.

>Stephen king directs Maximum Overdrive in the 80's
>blames it on cocaine
>goes on to write "Cell" in the 2000's

I can't tell if he's gone to shit recently or if I've been looking at his writing through rose-colored, inebriation-inspired nostalgia. Perhaps he was always shit.

da fuck is a theoretical biologist

OP, you're pretty dedicated to this, aren't you.

No, like all good artist he was a terrible person doing drugs and those drugs made him write incredible things.
(semi incredible, maybe mediocre, I enjoyed them).
Without the drugs he is just a terrible person.
Oh jej
OP is there something you want to tell us?


a biologist, in theory.


>OP gets exposed as a spammer
>Abandons thread

you read the entire 52 pages in 30 minutes? nope

exactly what this paper is. combining known physical properties of things like radio waves with the known physical properties of the human biology.

he has a BA from MIT and a PhD in theoretical biophysics from UC Berkeley, and works for one of the top government weapons labs in the nation. it's legit

I read far enough to see him start going on about how your muscles will spasm in the presence of a 6m emission, which I know to be false, hypnosis, explaining everything away with "frequency," divining rods, and a bunch of other magic bullshit.

I've posted it here and on /sci/ and Sup Forums and elsewhere for several years. this is within the context of ww3. hence the >NSA chief says 'when, not if' foreign country hacks U.S. infrastructure

I didn't abandon anything. I was otherwise occupied

take it up with the Ford Motor Company and the

Just because something is published on the FCC's site doesn't make it true. You not understanding this makes me inclined to believe that you're not all that well versed in electromagnetism or anything to do with radio.

tldr version:
Take it up with reality.

>Just because something is published on the FCC's site doesn't make it true.

it means the FCC finds it worthwhile and they're willing to attach their credibility to it

No, not really.
By your logic, this link right here means that the FCC supports breaking its own rules.
As I said, you don't appear to be that well versed in the FCC's website.

fair point, but it doesn't prove or disprove the credibility

fact remains Ford Motor Company did attach their credibility to the research; they funded it

and the Los Alamos research remains

>it doesn't prove or disprove the credibility
The contents of your pdf do a great job of disproving its credibility.

Reading over that, I'm pretty sure it's a ham false flagging.

you're entitled to your opinion

I post the links for everybody to make up their own minds

>theoretical biologist
Oh I'mma laughin.

>It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set

