What is the endgame for the Jews? Whites are genocided. Then what? Who protects them from niggers, spics, and gooks?

What is the endgame for the Jews? Whites are genocided. Then what? Who protects them from niggers, spics, and gooks?

Do they not see that whites are literally the only thing on their side?

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>What is the endgame for the Whites? Whites are genocided. Then what? Who protects them from niggers, spics, and gooks?

>Do they not see that whites are literally the only thing on their side?

Fixed it for you, nigger-tier stormcuck.

They release the bioweapons onto the bastardized rest of humanity, and claim the entire world as territory for greater Israel.

Why not release the bioweapon right now to make it faster?

every time


There are white spics tho.

The complete reset of human civilization via nuclear holocaust. ((They)) will hide out in bunkers frozen in cryogenic chambers for 10's of thousands of years while their staff continues work on AI and technology. Time will erase human progress, buildings and monuments and the survivors who emerge will start from square 1, hunter gatherers, tame horses, build pyramids, learn to farm, Meanwhile ((They)) emerge with their technological superiority to be worshipped as gods. The people will draw hieroglyphs of aircrafts, dones and a bearded man with a hooked nose.

we confirmed white

Since when have Jews had any fucking awareness of how their actions would impact their people down the road?

they are american indians, 1 drop

The genes aren't weak enough yet. There are still too many subcategories of goyim, they need to become totally homogenous

The sort of supposed "whites" that larp on Sup Forums and run their mouths like krauts make me feel like it's better if white race just dies silently without ever being remembered as anything at all.

They'll have a mixed population of low IQ individuals to control through the media. It's not that hard and they are accomplishing this goal with flying colors. They just needed us to provoke the east into a war so we can destabilize their countries so they can flood the chinks with non-whites to dumb them down too (Trump and his anti-china/NK rhetoric).

>Whites are genocided.
Jews don't care what happens after that.

Jews don't think about it much like a tapeworm or a cordyceps doesn't thinks about who will protect it when it's done wrecking it's host.

(((White))) Privilege

how often is a professor or author pontificating about 'Whiteness' or 'White Privilege' Jewish?

How often are the 'Whites' actually Jews?



Like the Times, Google is run by Jews, and they stepped in to stop search results from revealing... the truth about Jewish control of Hollywood.


the New Observer article:

Ah, but somehow if its about too many 'Whites' that's fine - even though Euro-Americans are **under-represented**.

A point made in an excellent essay comparing SJW and Nazi ethics:

Ditto at UCLA, which is still worried about 'Whiteness' and not the over-representation of Asians nor, as always, Jews.

(I usually dont bother with youtube links either but this guys video is triggery as fuck)

Non-Jewish Whites are *under-represented* in Hollywood, the Ivy League, the Academy...

Note that 'diversity' quotas have not impacted massive, pervasive Jewish over-representation, which means that it is only better qualified European and Asian Americans giving up seats while Jewish over-representationand wealth is forbidden to discuss.


Islam is often said by the likes of Ben Shapiro and Sam Harris to be a political ideology.

They aren't wrong; they just leave out that so is Judaism and Jewish myth.


Sup Forums is the most diverse group of white supremacists on the planet.

You're probably right...
The more I've been thinking about it, three more this seems to be the only solution.
((They)) already have miles and miles of tunnels dug, huge surplus of supplies and manufacturing equipment under ground to make whatever they want.
Maybe ((They)) are waiting on natural disaster like an asteroid?

Think about it, if we whities die off, the jews, whom are also white, regardless of what deluded shit they spout out, also die.

We must take one for the team, hopefully the asians will take our steed and enslave the niggers.

I'm talking about all of those that are abhorrently retarded. It's easy to tell by their argumentative stances and zealot behavior.

>jews want to exterminate the white race, the one thing keeping Israel in existence

sure thing goyim

These links present a huge, verifiable amount of evidence to prove that Jews are actively working towards eradicating the European peoples. This is Jews and Jewish texts IN THEIR OWN WORDS.



Jewish Supremacist Mythos

"The mashiach [Jewish messiah] will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing us back to Israel and restoring Jerusalem (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5). He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government, both for Jews and gentiles (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10; 42:1). He will rebuild the Temple and re-establish its worship (Jeremiah 33:18). He will restore the religious court system of Israel and establish Jewish law as the law of the land (Jeremiah 33:15)...The world after the messiah comes is often referred to in Jewish literature as Olam Ha-Ba (oh-LAHM hah-BAH), the World to Come...In the Olam Ha-Ba, the whole world will recognize the Jewish G-d as the only true G-d, and the Jewish religion as the only true religion (Isaiah 2:3; 11:10; Micah 4:2-3; Zechariah 14:9)."
From "Mashiach: The Messiah", Judaism 101




Video of Jews:
Orthodox Israeli Jews: Non Jews Are Beasts to Serve Us as Slaves
youtu.be/vfsf6go7MVM [Open] [Open]

What Happens When Jews Can Freely Rule?
youtu.be/E0LpQrJDgsw [Open] [Open]

Judaism in its own words on 'who is human:'


They can easily manipulate the others when whitey has been eradicated. The end game is one world government and financial system

Niggers are pretty much no threat to them. Literally hundreds of millions of people survive soley on gibs from whitey. Once whitey is gone they will just die off. Gooks and arabs are jews only threat. Once the middle east is destroyed you can expect massive conflict with asia to begin. Once asia is cutt off at the knees whiteys job will be done and we will continue on our path to self destruction.

>What is the endgame for the Jews? Whites are genocided. Then what?
Then they BECOME whitey.

If everyone is mixed race brown wouldn't the Jews in power stand out more?

Even if they were all literaly retarded all it would take is one of them who is ahead of the curve to point this out.

Also NK threatens to nuke us and our east asian allies and thats somehow the Jews/Trumps fault?

>USA saying this

That doesn't even make sense

>Then what? Who protects them from niggers, spics, and gooks?

The fact that niggers literally can not feed themselves under any circumstances and will follow the food if prodded. Fortunately white spics and Asians are uncompromisingly racist and have no exploitable historic baggage to use as self destructive leverage.