Why should video game developers exclude women and people of color from the historically-themed games?

Why should video game developers exclude women and people of color from the historically-themed games?

I've already read over hundreds of comments by gamergate trolls and I'm yet to see a decent argument for it in these online oceans of racism and misogyny of Trump supporters

>that flag
>that abhorrent post
ha rus shitposts everyone


It's like you want men to be kindergarden teachers and collect money from divorce proceedings or something. Go back to your uni class sweetie.

Tbh I actually don't care that they've done this because they have admitted it is inaccurate and just to pander to people.

If they pulled a dice and were like


Then I would be mad.

I most care about the state of the server system for this game than anything else.

I really don't give a shit as long as it's decent to good. Business as usual. If it sells it sells. If it doesn't they'll stop doing it.

Stop playing video games. Seriously you are too old for this shit.

I don't really care as long as the game is good and the characters are fleshed out.

>Black women fighting


if you care either way youre austistic as fuck and are probably going to die at your computer chair jerking off to this lame shit

>Why should video game developers exclude women and people of color from the historically-themed games?

because they didn't actually take part in the conflict?

they did

>Why should video game developers exclude women and people of color from the historically-themed games?
Some people prefer historical accuracy to identity politics and virtue signalling. These people are more likely to purchase war games than fat, purple-haired man-hating feminists. It's not rocket science.

> 8 year old loads up CoD ww2
>wow the graphics are so realistic this must be how ww2 really was!
>Sees niggers and females fighting
>Women were in ww2?!
>goes to (((google))) and clicks first article
>whitenightfemanist420 writes: hurr durr this 1 penile partisian group had 5% women,therefore women won the war!
>goes and tells his friends
>good goyim

Not realizing how this is blatant historical revisionism and a bulkhead to ramp up and set the stage for further historical revisionism in gaming.

Gamergate 2.0.

>call of duty past the year 2004
lmao @ ur life

How does it feels to be an ineducated monkey who knows nothing about history?

>that trip
High effort shitpost.

>Why should video game developers exclude women and people of color from the historically-themed games?
Because it's historically inaccurate, and focusing on a minority of events and groups implies a developer has a political or social agenda. That agenda is inherently anti-white and anti-male.

It's historically inaccurate to say half of British soldiers fighting in the WW1 European theater were niggers and ragheads. It's historically inaccurate to depict multicultural units, when segregation was widespread throughout military entities.

If you want to have movies focusing on black or female units, go right on ahead. But don't bitch when we point out the historical inaccuracies that still exist to make them look better than they actually were. Red Tails is the perfect example of this.

It's historical revisionism, merely amplified by the fact that modern education is so shit.

the MP potion is loosely based on WWII, it's not even trying to depict it

we expect player avatars to be representative of players themselves, at least on the basis of gender and skin color

stop spouting conspiracy theories, you're just wrong

>they did

did not, you watch too many holly"wood" movies, noob.

They shouldn't. They should just be portrayed accurately as slaves and bullet sponges.

>disagrees with post
>uses flag as an insult method
I'd expect no less from a brain dead skin head

Youou guys are ancap right? Let me put this in terms you'll all understand. The population of normies >>>>>>>>> population of outcasts like us. So, if they add all the genders and whatever, more normies are attracted to it. TL;DR, diversity = more money

it's called business