1998: Ask a girl for notes after class. Sit and talk. Get to know each other a bit. Maybe go for a day after.

2017: Take a picture on your phone and leave.

This is just one of many examples.

>InB4 Luddite

Fuck you. It's never been like this before. People are slowly starting to lose their humanity.

Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe go for a date the day after. That's what I meant.

Guys are ditching women and sticking to porn and videogames. Men aren't aspiring to be better.

Generation Z is a false God. They all use Tinder and salivate over people on Instagram also. So fuck off with that bullshit.

The millennials having less sex meme is about 90% of guys getting pushed out of the market. Not a return to traditional values. Wake the fuck up. We're doomed.

I'm gonna keep fighting because it's my duty but WE CAN'T WIN.

There's a reason people on multiple boards go on and on about 2006/2007 and the advent of smartphones and social networking. It was the end of an era.

So 2006/2007 have been pinpointed as the years when this bullshot started en mass?

Social networking is cancer, but technological advancement is a facet of civilization user.

it is just that the advancement is so fast. I miss the days where maybe they find out how to make a new plow after 800 years

If Twatter and Kikebook were gone the world would be a much better place

That's when smartphones and social media started taking off, so yes.

t. a worried female who knows artificial wombs and ai waifus will render women irrelevant

Taking notes is for fucking losers anyway. Just listen attentively and consult references when you have an issue. Note taking takes away from the concentration

>people never meet up IRL after meeting online


>the year is 972
>I am but a simple farmer, tending to my onion field
>hope my son marries the milk girl and heads a large family
>son fails to romance the milk girl and instead buys a painting
>paint was a mistake
>fucking technology is ruining civilization



that's the strangest way of spelling "Jew" that I have ever seen.

Oh, a TEH RONG GENURATON thread. That's nice.

>Be leader of cave dwelling tribe
>Hope son bangs that hot bithc from other tribe
>Instead he crafted a bow and goes hunting all day
>Bows were a mistake

Technology and Science will NEVER figure out God. R.E.L.A.X(tech will crash).


See ya later bitches me and my Waifu will live forever in a VR paradise of mankind's design.

You are right, congratz on figuring that out.

y tho

Plenty of shitty poor countries in the world that don't have much technology, feel free to go to them

Maybe hit up India you'd get to know a lot of girls when you're squatting in the poo fields with them

I'm not staying that you fucking piece of shit. I'm saying technology has consequences that nobody seems to be addressing or even acknowledging. I could be born in fucking 30000BC not my choice I form give a fuck bitch.

That won't happen. Guys are not going to abandon women because of "muh love."

>the grunt that saved Neander Valley

It's for the best, lest our advancement take so long that we be overrun by third worlders well before we can achieve efficient space travel.

Also this is literally you OP.

>being proud of this
>being christian

>Being proud of this
>Actually imploring the collapse of modern technology.

1800: ask a girl to use her abacus to solve a simple math equation, return it a few days later after she invites you into her home.

2017: "hello ma'am, do you know what 21 divided by 3 is, by chance?


Jesus fuck I want to ravage Astolfo

Pls leave Brotherhood of Steel.

for real? Do you honestly worry about this?

Cause yeah, pretty sure most guys would dumb reality for manufactured perfection

That is why everyone should take the Varg pill, live like his ancestors.

Varg lives ina dirt hut while cashing welfare checks.

Praise the Omnissiah!

You didn't adapt to the technology. Kids today are fucking like rabbits.

To defeat the nigga, one must become the nigga.

>inb4 luddite
neo-luddite actually

and yes you are

>Brotherhood of Steel
Except they are pro-technology. Caesar's Legion is more like it

... just like sperm banks made men irrelevant. Gotcha.

>People are slowly starting to lose their humanity.
Good, we should be striving to leave humanity behind.
Now fuck off luddite scum.
>complaining about technology on one of the greatest technological achievements of humanity

We shouldn't have progressed this far without first wiping out the competition. Norman Borlaug's legacy is a filthy southern horde reminiscent of a zombie apocalypse.

>Being a paranoid murderer LARPing as a pagan

>pro technology
>wants to destroy the source of the most advanced technology in the Commonwealth


>Fallout 4
we don't talk about that

girls didnt talk to you then and they dont now op

>W-we don't talk about the game that shows BoS as Muslim tier
>A-ad victorium

It's just the technology of social networks. There are people who, without social networks, would just keep to themselves and not really have any say in theives of others (autistic man children,ultra hairy feminists, communists, bernouts, etc.). Unfortunately social media enabled them to find others who are just as retarded as them and empowers them with the belief that they are the majority and everyone else is wrong

sperm banks and women can't feed the kid though, men can and even single mothers have to enslave them with alimony otherwise she would have starving kid taken away within a week

*Have any say in the lives of others

Destroying technology goes against the philosophy of BoS, not like it matters since East coast Fallouts are trash

>have to find philosophical fulfillment
>99% of people around you are dumb plebs
>have to go to weird places to get some of that real life thrill
>still not dense enough and arena filled with retards and washed up fagets

>go to the internet
>find thousands of people like that
>can spend time among the retards without having a soul crushing existence


Can someone explain that ball?

I’m proud to be last human generation
and you should too . comrade

I always thought we would be the last generation of Humans. Isn't it just cool ? We are young enough to see everything crumble

Tech wouldn't be a problem if people had the framework from which to use it properly without descending into degeneracy.

It began at that moment yes.
Some people, even to this day, had a smartphone before getting a PC.
Some guy discovered the internet via his Smarthpone first, that means Social Media was one of the few things he could do.

Pretty much. I know a girl who couldn't use a computer for the life of her, but got a smartphone as soon as she could and within a month was lecturing me on the internet even though I had been using it for a decade at that point.

the battalion who attacked us suffered psychological casualties. We didn't know until after we won that they were here, we thought they were leafs on proxy or someshit.

when there is a high concentration of free discourse and those who reject, or were rejected by society, with an above average IQ. Magical things happen.

Srsly. This culture, the culmination and the collective output of all the people here is grandiose. Nothing else out there in existence can rival it, it doesn't even stand a chance.

What I am trying to say that for philosophical fulfillment, there is no better place yet than this place. It may not satiate your other social desires, but it sure does make live a lot less miserable by being able to shitpost with others like you.

In the middle ages, or even just before the internet, living life as a person who orients towards the philosophical would have been nightmarish. Since where will you find other people who actually have the desire and the capacity like so? They are rare. Very rare. You would have to spend a lot of resources to go to colleges and other places where they used to originally gather. But now there is no need for that.

this board, technology that we use for a small segment of our social needs, has actually improved it.



Technology is wonderful and gives you more optuons. How you use them is your choice. Maybe dont be a fucking cuck and life is good?

>Ask a girl for notes after class
>She gives them to you with a disgusted look on her face
>The day after you give the notes back and never talk again
Wow OP, you sure got me

I remember a girl asking me for some notes in university, I said Id email them to her and did after editing in wrong information. She ended up dropping that unit, not sure if it was due to me though.

I was a dodgy lad back then

>implying that artificial wombs will ever be publicly available
>implying they won't be tied up in red tape and regulation that only allow them to be used by barren women and ultra-rich men

The artifical womb is a pipe dream

This. Also the End is near.

Lolno. That dumb larping white nigger and his powerless idols?

We should re-introduce decency and the fear of God.

Unfortunately it is too late and Gods wrath is imminent. As it was in the days of Noah so will it be in the days of the Son of Man.


>Be alpha sea creature
>Hope that son bangs that hot fish from another shoal
>He bangs that mutated fish next coral
>His son has legs and goes out of ocean
>Fucking mutants

>be straight father
>son turns gay
>daughter turns gay
>fucking smartphones :DDD:DD:DD

>Reading the book of Thoth before opening the Eye of Horus

>Guys are ditching women and sticking to porn and videogames. Men aren't aspiring to be better.

Fuck off with that shit. Many guys play video games and watch porn because they've already jumped through all the hoops with nothing to show for it. I wasted a decade of my life trying to be one of them, and all I have to show for it is a newfound inability to connect with either end of the spectrum. Being stuck between normie and wizard is a special kind of hell I don't think I deserve.

technology + capitalism = dystopian hell

technology + communism = paradise

roastie confirmed

There are WAY more ways to engage women with technology(which they are OBSESSED with) than there were 20 years ago.

You just need to figure out how to do it correctly.

protip: it is mostly the same as 20 years ago
>engage confidently, but not creepily
>don't EVER appear needy or desperate
>everything is easier the better looking you are

The only difference between 1998 and 2017 is that girls have way lower morality and there's infinitely more ways to keep their attention

There are MANY things that are harder or worse than they were 20 years ago, but getting females to notice you or talk to you is not one of them.

So no, you don't need to ask for notes any more, but you can literally just ask her if she'll help you UNDERSTAND them/coach you up a little bit.

>People are slowly starting to lose their humanity

Eh, it hasn't been a 'slow' process since about 1920.

Everything is a total shambles now.

80% of people think you're 'weird' for making the slightest attempt at normal conversation.

You can fuck strangers thanks to Tinder, but it's almost impossible to get to know anyone, even in a platonic sense, because there's nothing there to get to know, in most costs.

It's never been like this before. People have no depth.

There's a big difference between man using technology and man being a slave to it. This isn't the same as bemoaning the invention of houses, paint, or walkie-talkies. People are so addicted to social media and the stultified psychology it breads that they've lost their souls. This is no the same as past examples of Luddites because now the very social fabrics are not breaking down but totally disappearing.

Postmodern technology is not the same as civilization any more than a cage is a natural environment for animals in a pet shop.

>People are slowly starting to lose their humanity.
Humans are retarded brain dead monkeys. Nothing of value is being lost.

that's like saying bottled milk made cows irrelevant
please try to make a logical point at least

When I was in college in 2005 Bebo was already a plague, just as bad as now.

Or maybe you're just failing to get with the times? It's easier than ever to meet girls now.

1998: Cute girl in class. Dream of talking to her, but don't for months. Finally work up the courage just before summer break, maybe you get talking or maybe she waves you off, either way you don't see each other over the break and can't communicate so fire fades.

2017: Swipe right on a telephone screen, set up date with a superqt that you've literally picked from a catalogue of women that fit your wishes and needs and go on a date, get to know each other, do cute things, laugh, have fun, meet her friends, fuck around in the meantime.
B-but user, I'm not handsome, I never get replies on TInder fuck the world. First of all, get your game on. I'm a skinny, pale manlet with a crooked nose and I have like 75% reply rate on my messages because I'm autistic enough to have crafted like 25 different openers going from "Hey [name]! What's up" to small novellas and measured response rates and interest, and found the literal perfect opener.
"Hurr durr, can't be bothered to do that for sluts" - well then you're gonna fall behind mate. You had the gusto to meet chicks then, it's no more effort, just effort in a different area.
Technology isn't ruining civilisation, you're becoming archaic.

are you me

>Plenty of shitty poor countries in the world that don't have much technology, feel free to go to them
Name some where smartphones aren't ubiquitous, please, I'll go tomorrow.

>please try to make a logical point at least

>just get with the times grandpa xDDDD

>surprised social media spreads across humanity like a virus

humanity is a tribal, pack-hunting species

if theres any room for us to resort closer to a hivemind, we will eventually go down that path... social media was just the next step after network television and the internet.

Any ways to hold a conversation better with girls?

I mean confidence is okay on my end, but I literally draw a blank for what to ask em or what stuff to cover...

Seems to me this hasn't changed. Im not honestly interested in much of anything popular.

I mean its just most of everything sucks, especially anything on tv, that I just stopped genuinely caring about anything pleb tier.

Would girls be interested in unusual shit? Or anything that proof didnt exist of?

I'm deathly afraid of woman
If I'm in a situation I only have enough social skills to make basic replies and an excuse to leave and then burst into tears when I get home

I'm so fucking terrified of them and ashamed I'm alive

Also I know there are girls who dont care about a guy's financial situation but how do you go about getting with a girl or keeping her attention...

> when the only thing you can provide to the situation is Yourself

Like cant even feed myself kinda level. But im a great guy and ive got the confidence and all that.

Serious question, and all the jobs are taken, so thats not the answer.

I mean I could possibly even swing that "im a Sup Forums guy and I catch all the news before it gets to the news, and ive learned so much actual shit on there its unreal"

>Be nothing.
>Hopes son will also be nothing.
>Son starts the Big Bang.
>Fuck time and space.

I’m sorry, but did Rubio already lose? Oh, that’s right. The primary isn’t even over yet. In fact, it’s only New Hampshire. Does not having the lead in heroin central count as a loss? Is that what you’re saying? Because if you’re saying that I can assure you that you’re wrong. Why would you say this when the primary is still on? Rubio is still campaigning right now and they have been maintaining a strong position in the polls for how many months now? He’s going against a bunch of dirty politicians and holding his ground while at such a young age. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded assumptions like this. You know why? Because you’re going to be embarrassed when Rubio wins and someone quotes you. Oh look at that, Trump just dropped a point. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a post like this and I’m fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you’re the only guy making all these anti-Rubio posts because you’re a faggot hater who doesn’t like Rubio because he’s hard working to the point of sweating heavily. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll people on the internet, like I give a fuck. It’s so easy to spot your posts now, you’re a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don’t you try to be a good poster??? Just for one? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That’s just you, you’re always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing

Reminder... if you are for technology, and you're a Sup Forumsturd, don't forget that technology will eventually lead to transhumanism, global use of knowledge, uploading information through brain stimulation via electrode-embedded nanopores, and genetic alteration. Meaning in other words White people will be useless as shit. Whiteness would no longer be seen as supreme or of use since people can just splice genes into themselves that would make them better capable than White people could even be in their wildest dream, since those people wouldn't even think twice about "Muh Heritage" and more in terms of practicality and what makes them better Humans.

If you are really for your crusade, you will fuck off with robotic arms, go back to bible thumping, and living in primitive little societies, while the rest of the world advances, supersedes, and eventually achieving a unified symbiosis where everyone is indistinguishable from each other.

Absolutely correct. Its why the first world is going so mad. Also, those in power undoubtably hold technology that would propel us into the next industrial revolution but this would make our problems a thousand times worse.

They fund efforts to make our society progressive, to stamp out particular thoughts and ideas. What if its because if we were to harbor these thoughts whIle having access to powerful technology would cause undue chaos? I hope you can interpret what im saying here


It's when normal people went from shaming people for being internet/computer addicts to being so goddamn addicted they get panicky if their phone battery gets low.

I'm not the only one that avoided getting a smart phone until I couldn't anymore. I insisted that I didn't need the internet when I was out and about. I was plugged in constantly and wasn't about to pay $60+ per month for an extra hour or two.

Eventually I got a job doing tech at a school and I didn't want to look like I was out of the loop with some ancient tech.

In order words, other races will have access to to technology that would make them better, more productive, more global centric, while white people would just be seen as insignificant or just another in the mix.

I'm for the future, white people can go back little rural communities screaming about race for all I care.

Men no longer believe in the pot o gold at the end of the rainbow.

Navigation for sexual selection occured via nostrals, touch, visuals, sound, taste in that order.
>the jews have hacked the biological tools to take over humanity. One of the earliest ones was circumcision.

>be Chinese scholar
>write everything on bamboo strips
>neighbor Cai Lun invents papermaking
>easier to make, write, and store
>post on local Ninhao image board about how technology is ruining civilization

My advice is to appeal to the true nature of a person. Don't be a phony, and while this will alienate a lot of people, it will also attract those who recognize the phony aspects of other people. Do you want your relationship to be a masquerade, a game where the goal is to conceal who you really are and only show what you believe the other wants to see? If you can't maintain a conversation about the things you care about, why bother? Every exchange is bound to be shallow and meaningless, providing nothing but an illusion of closeness to the other person. Two masks speaking to each other while the person underneath hides away, deathly afraid of being discovered. A lot of people live like that, and they are not happy.

I don't think you get it bud.

Sup Forums is a step BACKWARDS. It's a mostly text board and static image sharing. It doesn't have a search feature or meaningful archiving. You can't directly message users, the webms aren't even allowed to have sound.

This is on purpose. Less is more.

I don't want options, I want everyone to be on the same page.

I want people to be hype about going bowling or to play laser tag. I want the simple things to be special again.

Today everyone is so buried in their specific niche that appeals only to them. They can't be arsed to make time for other people.