Answer the question


Rape is found in 1000s species and all over nature

Only one says its bad

Murder etc etc

Heterosexuality is found is almost all species and is the only way most species reproduce at all.
Faggotry is the unnatural one.

rape is called mating in the animal kingdom

because humans are animals with higher cognative abilities so of course homo-sexuality would exist in some animals, I don't know the backstory behind those animals, its possibly captivity did crazy shit to their brains, or the reason homo sexuality isn't natural is because a gay couple cant procreate


So if I kill a human and eat it that's fine because animals do it.?


>answer the question

op = massive faggot

Y lions doing butt stuff make my peepee hard?

Yeah homoSEXUALITY! not homophilia, even animals move on to find a mate they can actually reproduce with, and we're supposed to be smarter.. get your head out of your ass, and your dick out of your boytoy, OP.

Homosexual behavior is not the same thing as homosexuality.


Animals can't consent.

Argument used against bestiality.

All instances of animal mating, homo or not, is therefore rape.

My dog fucks fucking PILLOWS! CHAIRS ARMS EVERYTHING, but if you put a FEMALE he would rather have her.

This is the truth. Ever wonder why males were stronger?

Pedophilia, necrophilia, coprophilia, incest is found in over 1500 species
pedonecroproincestophobia is found in only one
Which one seems unnatural now

Fuck off back to your tenticle porn Japan

And the best thing about homosexuality is it cannot reproduce.

Cannibalism is found in over 1500 species.

Cannibalphobia in only 1.

Which one seems unnatural now?

>found in only one
I'm sure that if animals could talk they would call the homosexuals of their species faggots.

So hold on there Op. 1500 species are faggots, but there are 7.5 too 10 million species on the planet so lets check out the maths real quick 1500 / 10000000 = 0.00015

So it's still weird in nature. It's just weird, and that's that.

Animals can talk

Animals can't talk, nigger.

They could've at least used a still frame from vid of gay donkeys, where the bottom blows his load

Animals can have mental diseases too

Some animals are really homosexual and do not reproduce but for many animals that homosexual behaviour is masturbation when you have no hands

>watching a horse bellyslap

What the crusader said

used to know a dude with a hog for a dick. he'd "legslap" by bouncing his one leg up and down. buddy who had him for a roommate finally figured out what he was doing.

>No homo bro: The post

Homosexuality has no evolutionary benefits and doesn't contribute to the survival of a specie.

I don't mind it, though. As long as don't rub it in my face.

Put some penguins in a cage 1500 miles away from their natural habitat and see how "natural" their behavior is.

Damn, that's impressive

Yeah, and animals also murder each other and sometimes eat their or others offspring

Maybe we should also start doing that since it exists in nature

I call that rape

Animals eat their own offspring when stressed.

Its fine by me if other species do it. If shitskins want to fuck each other in the ass instead of breeding, spread diseases to each other and have their men turn into effeminate sissies i'd actually be happy, because it would lower their numbers and make them weaker. But the problem is its not them engaging in that self destructive behaviour, its whites, and its accelerating our fall.

animals are also born blind, paralyzed, or mongoloids, it's still a genetic disease.

When did we start to want to become like animals? Tell me, should animals be our example, or should we be an example to animals?

>1500 species yet the most advanced one rejects it

if animals could talk they would talk much more shit about each other than humans do

>rejects it

Yeah, if you're a religious fundamentalist I guess you do. The rest of us got over that shit years ago.

Hey OP, why don't you get in touch with your animal side, fag?

So just because a trait is found among animals, we should all stoop so low as to compare ourselves to animals?

If you compare humans to the animal kingdom at large, in a relative sense, we are the worst animals at everything. Whether it be speed, strength, agility, survival in adverse conditions, natural weapons, reproductive capacity, or having the physical ability to fly or swim, there is always an animal that does something or several things better than us.
But we're still the ultimate animal, you know why? Because we're intelligent, and can not only adapt, but also change the world to suit us. Using the concept of "natural" as a marketing agent or an argument falls deaf on human ears because we exist to challenge nature itself.

Strawman fallacy ;)

and all of those animals will die leaving no offspring, purging the abnormality, be it genetic of mental.

>animals do it so it must mean we should too

fucks sake



>implying there's no such thing as retarded animals.

>if animals do it i guess it's ok

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say orcas would probably bash the fuck out of a gay orca they're just assholes like that

Majority by far of humans reject it, get out of your bubble lol

Most animal sex is about dominance or lack of females, they don't have homosexual relationships like humans do

How? OP just delivered a prime example of a naturalistic fallacy.
If OP had been smart enough to argue that nature was redundant instead of argueing that nature was homosexual, then yes it would have been a strawman. However, OP didn't.

Fun additional fact, carrots also. contain high levels of sugar, although not nearly as much as kiddie candy.


Are you a homosexual? Do you take dick in your ass? If no, then you're still a homophobe according to queer theory.
Nice try you liberal bandwagon pussy.

fpbp, fellow Christians are the best posters on Sup Forums


considering AIDS is more common in the homosexual community, you should enhance your idea of what is natural or not.

+ other animals don't think - or a least, I never see an animal holding a valid argument -, how do you want them to be homophobic

I'm tired of these memes which twist the reality and reassure the idiots in their own thinking of the truth.

bisexuality exists in many mammals
not strict homosexuality
it's a coping mechanism to avoid clash with the alpha male, offer him your mammalian pucci

Still waiting for proof of this, especially since I know this retarded internet rumour has been debunked. Animals fuvk eachother for reproduction and to assert dominance. Male animals DO fuck other male animals, but it's to dominate them and show them who's boss. Liberals constantly mistakes this for homosexual prefferences.

eating your young or killing babies sired by another male is also natural

are you ok with killing your wifes son user? its natural

Appeal to nature

cus ur gey

>but it's to dominate them and show them who's boss
what do you think human homosexual behavior is????

You have a point with rape.
But, despite what Wild Kingdom says, humans are not the only species that kills. The #1 cause of death by adult male baboons is other adult male baboons.

They're just dumb animals that fuck indiscriminately. They literally don't know any better. Humans are smarter than animals, so this is not an issue. In reality, homosexuality doesn't exist. Gays are just deluded.

Many species: When you try to bond two animals from two different families there's a 99% that the one will hump or fuck the other to assert dominance, regardless of eithers gender. They'll even do this if they're neutered. Also, the panda is one of the only animals that has sex for the sake of pleasure more than the sake of reproduction.


It's natural for a bear to maul you to death, doesn't mean I want it for my kids

No it isn't.
All "homosexual" behaviour in animals is dominance acts. If a male dog humps your leg that doesn't mean it routinely goes around sucking dog cock you fucking faggot. Alpha pack leaders in Wolves often mount subordinates to show this. Doesn't mean they relent from fucking the female after.

Kill yourself.

>Animals that act mostly on instinct don't care if they rape a male or female so we shouldn't care either
Really makes me think

I see that as more bisexual, rather than homosexual behavior as it has not been observed that animals will EXCLUSIVELY mate with members of their own sex (at least not to my knowledge), which is what homosexuality is.

Also, a lot of species have short lifespans and probably don't live long enough to mate with the opposite sex so they will just mate with the same gender and then die (I am mostly referring to the males here).

Its probably just a way for (mostly males) to relieve the sexual tension and the aggressiveness they face when they want to mate.

This. There's a reason it was coined the naturalistic fallacy.

I don't dislike homosexuality because it unnatural, I hate homosexuality. Because lgbt made it into a stereotype sub-culture whoms prime goal is to tell me that I'm a meany and a bigot.
If homosexual was JUST sexuality then yes, as they keep claiming, I wouldn't be bothered by it, because I wouldn't know about it. But it isn't JUST sexuality, it's a retarded trend parading around a million times a year for my tax money.

I think the aussie meant to say "fallacy fallacy"

Also cannibalism

Pedophilia, rape, cannibalism, etc...

The argument in the OP isn't a naturalistic fallacy, it's arguing that homosexuality IS natural, not that because homosexuality being natural is why it is moral or "good."


Still wrong. Fallacy fallacy is used when a person rejects the arguement on account of the basis, but here OPs arguement was only the basis, which made it completely reasonable to reject the entire arguement as a fallacy.

>lowering the standard to animal standard's
I swear they are more and more becoming regressive.

Mental disorder, animals do this only when they can't find a female.

rape is found in n specis

rapophobia is found in only one.

Which one seems unnatual now?

trans is found in only one species- white whores and cucks, which is unnatural?

white women are a problem

The aussie called the comic a strawman, whereas it's a fallacy fallacy. A fallacy fallacy is when someone invalidates an argument BECAUSE it's not argued well: commits a logical fallacy. The little girl commits a naturalistic fallacy, but the man in black commits a fallacy fallacy.

I would agree with you if it weren't due to the last line. The macro operates on two genres whereas the first is explicit referential function and the last line is an implicit Constive function.


>Homophobia is found in only one
Eeeeh the standard reaction across all species of a male trying to fuck another male is for the target to respond to the advance by violently attacking the homo.

Animals don't build civilizations.

Faggots are natural bureaucrats. Kill bureaucrats

And? The argument was the if animals do something we do then it would be unnatural to criticize it and we should just embrace the behavior. So murder, rape and homosexuality are all now all beyond critique.

First off, you just rephrased what I said. Second off, no the Fallacy man is still not making a fallacy fallacy. Read what he's saying, he never rejects the arguement that carrots are healthier.

Most logical explanation:

Animals sometimes fuck their own gender because they're too stupid to know any better. Animals fuck anything they can tackle without thinking about it because THEY"RE ANIMALS.

Kinda difficult to do that in a human society... unless you're a Muslim in a EU country.

I wouldn't have noticed either of those because I'm taking the image a face value. I'm reading a macro that calls homosexuality natural and homophobia unnatural, with the "so what" being absent.

animals dont know theyre being fags
they dont even know theyre animals
humans are above animals,and thus know being a fag is wrong

This. butt sex in the animal kingdom is an act of dominance so it's an attack that will be countered.

Now you're just being dense

Are you this user?

what the fuck is going on with these flags?

humans are technically animals tho