Eight out of ten new jobs in Sweden go to immigrants


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probably talking about blow jobs

Why do you link mainstream media as a credible source?

They're almost at America level

>Eight out of ten new jobs in Sweden go to immigrants

But I thought migrants only came for welfare and lived off gibs.

This is so confusing.

Wasnt it 9/10 yesterday?

Clearly all in medical and engineering fields, Sweden must be thriving with all those new doctors and scientists.

Why has sweden not failed yet?
They have so many of those immigrants on benefits.

Cause our moronic government take loan after loan after loan to afford it...

its comming soon, dont worry



>predicted on Tuesday

And this is a bad thing? You want them to stay on welfare?

Friendly reminder not to buy Swedish things anymore.

What a shitty headline. It's a prediction. The government agency for outrage control and "please love the muslims, please" makes a wild prediction, which will fail, about how a large number of new jobs will be made. And then they make an even more ridiculous "prediction" about how 8 out of 10 of those positions will go to foreigners, even though people don't want to hire foreigners. The government pays private employers 80% of the salary to employ immigrants but they still don't get work because it actually costs the company money to have one of them employed even for nothing, because they're so shitty that they negatively affect profits.

Well said.

its not true
they just invent "jobs" to inflate the numbers

>create a "diverse and including" company
>county/city or whatever take a loan of $10 millon gives it to company
>they makes fuking candles or little glass crystal trinkets, completely worthless, sold at a loss (if even sold)
>no skills or language needed
>of course no profit, but loan is paid back by tax payers
>company owner takes most of it
>key point is, these immigrants are considered "employed"

nothing of value was produced and debt was increased
they do the same in norway


Is this figure really true? I saw some memes claiming this. But holy shit

>Eight out of ten new jobs in Sweden go to immigrants
there must be very few new jobs since so many illegal aliens are unemployed in Swedistan

That's right. Same everywhere
But you still have govt. shills in /po/ claiming Look, migrants love to work, 80% work when they invade the host nation
String up politicians

this is the same fucking bullshit they peddled in Germany, until they found out that you cant even use These refugees for Manual labour
"out of 1 Million Refugees who would ve been able to look for work, German businesses and factories found 54 who were up to the Tasks"

what figure, the 80%? It is true.

How is that even possible, whats the point? They might as well just live on welfare, would be cheaper.

Well not necessarily, in a few circumstances immigrant welfare recipients actually lose income if they get a minimum wage job. But the reason is to fix the statistics to make it seem like the migrants are contributing to the economy even if they aren't. The massive unemployment among migrants doesn't look good so the government "employs" them.

>what's the point?

>Government: Look goys, they aren't parasites. They have jobs
>Private companies: Goys, we do our part in helping these ambitious poor migrants.

Fuck me, more on this?

>white unemployment rises
>white desperation rises
>white neighborhoods form out of defensive necessity
>white children are raised in poverty
This is a good thing. They will grow strong in their suffering