Europe is doomed, we lost, we are destined to be out bread and out great achievements erased

Europe is doomed, we lost, we are destined to be out bread and out great achievements erased.

I just get so depressed thinking of what could have been... whats the point in going anymore? the dream is dead.

The worst part is people believe everything our government says about the Nazi party, they refuse to even listen to his speeches or do even the most basic research into the Holocaust. I got called a revisionist today because I showed some retarded lib cuck the aerial plans of Auschwitz showing the pool, theatre and how Zyklon-B stains the walls.

I even pointed out that the gas chamber they show is not air tight, has holes in the roof and is clearly a converted air-raid shelter due to the knocked down walls. nope, I'm just a Nazi sympathiser history revisionist.

how do we save the western youth?

tfw I'm an ahmed living in sweden

Ahah you re all fucked

And dont worry, today you re just a Nazi sympathiser history revisionist. Tomorrow you'll be muslim mashallah

For the White Race, Its never too late

>out bread
All your ovens full?

>The worst part is people believe everything our government says about the Nazi party, they refuse to even listen to his speeches or do even the most basic research into the Holocaust. I got called a revisionist today because I showed some retarded lib cuck the aerial plans of Auschwitz showing the pool, theatre and how Zyklon-B stains the walls.

This pisses me off about the white nationalist movement

>we should tell people that they are being demographically displaced and that it's a bad thing.
If above was too sane and rational to try and reach a normie with lets also
>put a bunch of nazism on top of it, that will surely bring the normies in!!!

>put a bunch of nazism on top of it, that will surely bring the normies in!!!

Normies understand fuck all about why demographic displacement is a bad thing and why we still need nation states and ethnic homogeneity.

even the most liberal position on it gets you called a Nazi, so what can we do? they won't listen to the truth about the Nazis and they sure as hell won't listen to any kind of talk about racial differences.

>All your ovens full?
if only
At this point is it even worth saving? Look at what we have become, we have lost all pride and are simply degenerates.

>so what can we do?
try your best to convince them why it's bad
not trying to tell the truth about iconography that will always be associated with pure evil

>they won't listen to the truth about the Nazis and they sure as hell won't listen to any kind of talk about racial differences.
You have this backwards starting at racial differences is probably easier than starting with nazi's(but you shouldn't talk about nazi's at all, that's the equivalent of smearing shit all over your face at a bar, then wondering why women run away from you)

Yeah, kinda this. You're not really gonna be able to reach the normies if you keep talking about how badly you want to gas the Jews and massacre all the non-whites. And I realize not all NatSocs are like this, but I feel like that extremist Daily Stormer mentality, even if it's supposed to be hyperbolic, is really hurting the movement, especially since some people take it at face value.

look, i know everyone likes to think they matter but you need to hear the story from who really matters. then you will know that you might as well KYS

>womens full employment act
>doubles number of people looking for jobs
>number of jobs stays the same
>each worker is now worth only half of what they were before
>woemen are now enslaved to work force just as men are
>women are working/educated throughout 20s when they are most fertile
>birthrate begins to drop (less women in homes to reproduce, raise children)
>this is because it now takes 2 adults to earn the income that 1 could obtain before

birth rate begins to decline in US

>blacks riot
>US fed pacifies them with welfare, and free healthcare
>also gives free healthcare for vets that faught in great wars

free healthcare system propogates one life extending technology to the next wich sounds great because now grandma gets to be ~90 instead of ~65 but:
>free healthcare creates a limitless pool of money for healthcare system to draw from to create one life extending technology after another
>no longer funding, and paying for free healthcare of the elderly (non productive due to retirement) for 3-5 years, the retirement length becomes 25-30 years

>US birth rate drops beneath replenishment

>raising a child in the US is on par in expense with purchasing an extravagent yacht
>continually less families are having more than 2 children
>birthrate declines further

>due to declining birthrates there are now as many people retired, or on welfare or socially funded healthcare as there are in the working US population

>there are now nearly twice (2x) as many citizens on social support programs as there are working in the US

US economy faces effects
>during 2025-2040, roughly, a 25-30 year span of extreme poverty due to the innability to pay for the massive elderly population, which outnumberes working citizens due to birth rate declines
>social security and puplicly funded healthcare can no longer be repealed due to massive number of old timers voting to keep it going
>this "elderly" group is currently (2017) reffered to as the "Third Rail" of politics
>extreme poverty and decline in wage earning, taxable, citizens results in federal collapse
>military begins to loose funding at an extreeme rate due to loss in net gain from taxes
>within 10 years the US military will collapse due to an increasingly smaller population and tax income

US looses position as pribary global military superpower
>countries worldwide see this
>there is a powergrab for new dominance structure
>every first world country has been economically crippled by EU migrant policies and can no longer fund militaries
>or, they were de-militarized as a result of loosing wars against US

russia is the only country not affected by either of those
>Russian military is already nearly on par with current US military

this leads to 2 possible outcomes

outcome 1:
>majority of nations underfunded conventional military forces are decimated within 1-1.5 years
>world population begins to starve to death, US can no longer afford the subsidies that cause it to produce an abundance of corn and grain, wich are the primary sources of food assistance many current countries depend upon in order to (only barely) stave off starvation
>entire world violently opposes russian occupation, forming a new USSR means everyone starves to death. it happens every fucking time.
>geurilla resistance persists worldwide, every country on earth becomes what isis is today
>WW3 is the war to end all wars, because that geurilla resistance war never ends, just as the war in the middle east today is never ending

outcome 2:
>the US and Russia reach concessions on how things will be operated
>the current US dominant world structure is maintained but under different policies depending on a wealth of variables that may or may not be instituted
>many countries are displeased but starvation does not insue
>civilazation is maintained although very unpleasant for many common folk

If consessions between the US and Russia cannot be reached civilazation will collapse, the populace will starve, and WW3 will fufill biblical prophesy
>WW3 the war to end all wars
>because it will never end
>new dark age
>all knowledge of causes of dark age lost
>it all happens again

if outcome 2
>totalitarianist regime
>worldwide suffering
>but civilization survives
>survives, at least, until it collapses again

consessions must be met.
the US and Russia must find a middle ground.
there is no good outcome.
this is Atlantis.

I stopped reading after the first sentence, back to plebbit you anarchist piece of shit.

Self defeating fags are divide and conquer shills.

Larp harder faggot.

this brother in grey gets it!

one of my ancestors fought on the confederacy, it's also a better geographic locator of where I am than a simple american flag

>fought on
fought in