Brit/pol/ - Death of a Nation edition

>New secret home office report reveals an extra 250,000 illegal immigrants a year

>Brexit negotiations will start on Monday, UK govt confirms

>The homes of rich people in Kensington should be SEIZED for Grenfell Tower residents made homeless by fire, says Corbyn

>Did EU regulation mean deadly cladding was used on Grenfell Tower?

>Majority of Brits say proper Brexit good for UK

>Theresa May to meet Sinn Fein as Philip Hammond is accused of delaying DUP deal

>No more survivors likely, say rescuers

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Start buying Hijabs

Could set up a stall in Kensington and make a killing.


Why are ARYANS starting fires across London and then trying to blame the Tories?

The ARYANS are the only ones to benefit from these actions. They will soon up little German cafes and start selling pumpernickel from the ruins whilst they build their tiger tanks for another attempted take over of Britain.

We are facing Blitz 2.0 and nobody here is going to wake up.

Start hanging Muslims.

Reminder that the fire can be DIRECTLY linked to our foreign policy.

Hijabs are beautiful. All respectable christian women should wear one

People in glass houses, Sweden.

Oh for fuck sake, he says it not once but twice as well

Wtf is Corbins problem?? Seize rich people's homes??

Can't believe ppl voted for this clown

So there's at least 30 dead and 70 missing, so basically all the 70 missing are dead right? so the death toll is over 100?

*People in glass mosques

>10 helicopters shooting water at the building
Is this one of those Syrian engineers we've all heard about?

Having the government outright steal private property to cover handouts is pretty popular with the left.

Hey guys can I marry a Muslim girl if I push out her family and redpill her on Islam?

Not without a gun license.


Yes! The rich must pay for something they had no part in, and they will like it! This isn't just a convenient excuse to start seizing private property... it's just a coincidence, comrade!

Your house now belongs to the state comrade.

We'll be taking your cars too, as poor people need them to get to places.


I can't tell you how much I despise that old impotent cunt

With ropes of pork sausages.

You know yall are about to become india and pakistans bitches after brexit right

We'll be fine my Ching Chong Muslim friend

>800,000 immigrants a year

Youll be the fine piece of ass being sold from the caliphate of england

wew, guess it's mayfly hour on brit/pol/.


Fuck the rich tbqhfam

Bout time they pay their fair share.

Oh look a faggot mudshit. What a surprise

>tfw my phenotype won't exist in the future

I hate the poor

You lads do realise that the conservatives are done right?

In the General Election Corbyn mamaged to effectively turn large parts of the conversation onto public spending and cuts.

The conservatives are already in and untenable position and are entering into a widely unpopular deal with the DUP.

May's and by extension the parties political capital is shot. They're almost certainly going to fuck up brexit and be unpopular with leavers and remainers when they come out with a proeuropean Frankenstein deal.

Now with this tower burning down and the media laying the blame on penny pinching policies may will never be able to pass an austerity budget if she manages to get the speech past her own rebels.

If we go back to the polls THINGS CAN ONLY GET BETTER

>blonde hair predicted extinct in 100 years

>Foot tattoo

>if you don't like Corbyn you must like May
fuck off

>Anyone want a spat helmet?

There are five distinct Tapir species. I am a Brazilian Tapir. However, I was born in London Zoo. Does this mean I am now a British Tapir?

Also, and unrelated to the above question, I have gravel rash again.

Back to r/uk_cucks with you.

>hey user, I'd like to make sure it gets passed on :-)

He never called for seizing rich peoples homes you Daily Mail reading dipshit

He simply points out that in London there are countless homes unoccupied due to foreign investors buying them up en mass.

Sky News Australia thinks Sinn Fein is a man, and a member of the DUP

>believing a daily mail headline

Good goy

>unironically liking the rich

It's almost as if we need a third way...

>Implying this thread isn't full of tories

You might not be one but they are here.

Requisition is seizure, which is what Corbyn said.



>dark eyebrows

Not pure enough.


Tories and Labour have literally destroyed our country ethnically since 1997.

Land banks, I think he referred to them as.

He wants rich peoples 2nd / 3rd homes in South Kensington to house hordes of shitskins who smell like a bonfire.

Britpol FAQ for burgers

Have you guys seen this yet?
Muslim woman is implying that Muslims fear this is revenge for the terrorist attacks.

>Once again have to bring out the victim complex
Saw it last night and saw it shared by a normie friend on facebook. Looks like we're about to have some more Muslims radicalised

How was QT?

i expect it was rather dull, with a unanimous panel on muh prayers and thoughts and the generic "we need a debate"

Go to Wales.

>being jealous and blaming others, rather than working hard for yourself.

They didn't talk about the fire for very long, only the first 10 or so minutes. It was dull though.

>>Once again have to bring out the victim complex

They do it because they know it's an incredibly effective way to get what they want.

>Tories and Labour have literally destroyed our country ethnically since 1997.

It started before Thatcher, and she only made it worse.

>when a muzzie making bombs starts a fire killing more muzzies than anyone in all terrorist attacks combined

>Muslim woman is implying that Muslims fear this is revenge for the terrorist attacks.
I only wish it was.

>Looks like we're about to have some more Muslims radicalised
>muslims are so uppity that dodgy fridges can turn them to terrorism
Diversity is our strength though, right?

I am guessing that everyone has discussed the man arrested outside of Westminster with the knife that made the news?

All rich people are lucky. Every single one of them.

That's why we need to requisition their property and force them to redistribute their wealth.

They're just greedy.

But for real white nationalist terrorists are the prime suspects for arson of a building full of immigrant

What did Google mean by this?

no one gives a crap unless someone dies.

>Tfw you "became" gay just so people would stop thinking you were a single loser after so many failed attempts With women

I still feel hollow and lonely. The sad part is he loves me.

Enoch Powell was complaining about 'tens of thousands' of non-whites coming in per year.

Demographic replacement started after WWII.

Don't forget, they're heroes for staying up late and playing playsta.... I mean, for observing ramadan.

He can't keep getting away with this...

>All rich people are lucky. Every single one of them.

>since 1997
Try since 1945 lad

>implying the 3rd way isn't here

>be me
>be corbchovsky
>win 40% of the vote
>Make it hard for the tories to recover
>could go back to the polls at any point
>need to secure this home run
>get a momentum plant to burn down a tower block full of browns
>Blame it on cuts
>Demand direct seizure of wealth
>150+ majority when the queens speech fails

That is the funniest thing I've seen in a while

It's true.

and then they complain about muh fake news

>a fire breaks out in central india
>nobody surprised that indians helped

>a fire breaks out in the congo
>nobody surprised that congolese helped

>a fire breaks out in london
>somehow it's a surprise that muslims helped


It's not. It explains a lot about your mentality though. Enjoy being poor for the rest of your life unless you change it.

Luck is a fool's crutch.

Even if we assume
>All rich people are lucky. Every single one of them.
is true (protip: it's not),
>That's why we need to requisition their property and force them to redistribute their wealth.
is still a complete non sequitur

Why ought people be punished for good fortune? It's not their fault.

Stop forcing this "white sharia" shit.

sometimes money doesn't just magically spawn in front of you.

a few rich people like alan sugar talk about how they came from scum blocks in london and got rich by being wise with money

Gonna repost a question from last night in hours of getting a more developed answer.

Were the Labour governments of the 60s/70s aware of the damage they would cause to Britain, or were they simply naive idealists?
I just watched an interview of Harold Wilson, the political arbiter of the British cultural revolution, and even he seemed so more conservative and old fashioned than the most stodgy of modern Tories. His voice, pitched higher than a tent on Mt Everest, as the political elites' accents were back then, and his talk of precedent and tradition in how this nation works, which would never happen now because of the ignorance of the British people of their own Constitution, which he himself is partly responsible. All things considered, I can't bring myself to hate him, nor his ilk, for beginning the death of my country.

what are you going to do about it eh?

spam your hedge row with more "vote tory" signs?

Wow Muslims now talk and act like sassy Nigresses.

She looks like she has trimmed her eyebrows. This is hardly.

Pol will love this next bit…..
>Namas means removing some of the hair of the eyebrows, and is not permitted, because the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed the woman who plucks her eyebrows and the one who has that done, but it is permissible for a woman to remove a beard or moustache, if one grows, or hair from her legs or arms.”

They didn't expect selfish citizens and career politicians to take advantage of everything they started and push it to self-serving extremes

Path to hell, good intentions, etc., etc..

Their ignorance is why modern day political handwringing and 'virtue signalling' (if you'll excuse the meme alt-right terminology) is so dangerous. These people think they're working for our betterment, and are so certain of it that they're willing to overlook everything that's happening around them in order to justify their behaviour and beliefs.

Do people keep immigrating to Britain because it's a great country full of wealth and economic opportunity, or do people keep immigrating to Britain because they see the "HORRIFIC BETRAYAL OF 1,400 CHILDREN" headlines and they think "Mmm, I wants some o' dat white meat"?

Looks like a decent guide lad.

The rich got where they are through luck. Nothing more. They had the propensity to succeed through luck. They don't deserve it.

Not about punishing them, it's about redistributing things they got through luck to the less fortunate.

His ability to be wise with money was luck. Alan a Sugar got where he is through luck.

how fucking bitter and entitled are you haha

>tfw no helicopters shooting water at a building

The poor are scum

I think it's mostly economic.

Good spot.

Thanks. I add to it when I come across things that might need explanation.

Might add a explanation of QT in the next update.

I almost feel pity for you. Almost. Luck has nothing to do with hard work and effort.

Tell me, o communist one, do you have a job?