I am a leaf living in Britbongistan. I moved here as it was better for my business

I am a leaf living in Britbongistan. I moved here as it was better for my business.

Since then I have grown distant to Canada and don't really plan on returning back, at least permanently. Some might say I am ridiculous for doing so. That's fine.

I renounce my Canadian principals and never plan to regain citizenship of my former country. However, this got me thinking. What are Canadian principals? What exactly am I renouncing? I wasn't particularly political before I left.

You've just gone from one cuckshed to another, good job

At least firearms were available in Canada.


Canadians were always "british" americans until the 70's. Canada isn't really a "thing" anymore. We used to be australia with snow, but now we are more or less mexico with snow. Stay away if you are smart.

The desire to not live under a glorified police state on the hunt for butterknife users and unlicensed televisions?

tim hortons, syrup and clinging for dear life the united states border, you're not missing much bud.

> moving from canada to uk
are you a cuck why would you move to a muslim country ?

>UK better than Canada

lel, nice b8. Stick to /bant/.

principLES you half-wit leaf

Canadian principals used to be British principles. Now they're a chilly Californian cuckfest. The Anglosphere needs to reunite and turn back the tidal wave of shit our planet is being covered in.

You're renouncing America's hat.

im right there with ya

going from a commonwealth corporation to the motherland is not exactly renouncing anything meaningful
maybe make a thread when you move to he US

listening to stories from canadians is sad. whenever one tells what it is like he get attacked by other leafs. they are the most meanest people on Sup Forums.

who are you talking about? there are 2 leafs replying here

Canadian values sure aren't Sharia, that's for sure.

Leaf who moved to Ireland here.

I never plan on moving back. Canada is a country without a history, culture or common moral matrix for people to fall in to. You either tow the line of extreme liberalism or are called a racist, bigot etc etc. by everyone. You are taxed to death for minimal social services. Women make up 71% of government jobs, which tend to be the only decent paying and secure ones in the country because of the tax system.

Canada is a wasteland I never plan on returning to. It will only get worse once the housing market falls apart, and the government is forced to recognize the recession it has been in for a while now. Fuck that shit hole.

Fuck off back to your own country .

Leaf living in the UK here too. It sucks. I risk my freedom and liberty every time I have a romantic night with the old Labrador.

Now now, lets not be hasty. He might be white.

This. Look at the old flag. Canada was for Scots, Irish, and English...Quebec was included as a necessity for not becoming American, but Canada was always a British territory for those from the British Isles until Trudeau, resentful of this historical fact, decided to pave the way for a new Canada... the one we have today.

How and why did you move to Ireland?

poles are white, people dont seem to like them much either

its about being anglo, not white

Canadian values used to be that of the French, and of the English. It was a slight mix between the two.

It was taming the frontier, it was growing the land and towns for the sake of all free European peoples, to extend Britain's empire.

It was a new, big, beautiful white homeland.


Now it's filth. Now it's degeneracy. Now it's a "post national" state.

I, like you, travelled to Britain for a time - Canada meant nothing to me. Eventually, though, you will feel a call to come back, you will understand why this nation, built by our European ancestors is worth saving. The beauty of our lands and women, the small rural communities, the undervalued and overlooked history of our Nation - it's overwhelming once you actually dive in.

And it can be saved.

There is NO opposition party in Canada at the moment - NOBODY in the political sphere willing to say what's right, and that's why Canadians tune out of politics. That's why they tune out of their culture, and history. They are looking for a party to believe in.

That's where you come in.

We need every good man to help build an actual opposition party; one that our people build.

Reject the leaf, embrace the Ensign. It's your history, after all.

100 anglo-celtic

And shame on the leafs in this thread who do not resist, ignore, and destroy the sodomite orders that have been enforced upon them by traitors, kikes, and non-europeans.

You allow them to have power over you? How absolutely sickening. You are men of the British Empire's largest colony - you are the product of their biggest win, and live in a place that only whites could live in: the frontier.

Yet what is in this thread? Whining, complaining, "oh no, no, no, I couldn't do THAT, I couldn't change anything". Instead you'll buy a dozen donuts at Timmies and pay your rent to your Chinese landlord.

The times are changing, and real Canadians, not their chinese and indian knockoffs, are looking for a voice in the political sphere. Will you get involved? Will you throw away that traitorous leaf flag, and re-instate our Red Ensign? Re-instate our history?

Diversity is our strength and acting snide towards americans

>mfw the worst change Trudeau sr. made wasn't loosening immigration
>mfw it wasn't the charter of rights and freedoms
>mfw it was changing the flag

I know leafs get a lot of shit on this board, but they are (*were) the best colony

Canadians have a greater per-capita-GDP than the UK, so there's that...

Well the point still stands, if he's an original Canadian he'll be Anglo.

Qatar is the second highest, doesn't mean you'd want to live there.