Is /hebe/ redpilled?

Saw a random post from an user that made a lot of sense to me: why do we have girls wait 10+ years after they have developed a sex drive, to get married?

Sounds like a recipe for disaster. If they have the drive, girls are going to fuck whether you like it or not. It's what they were made for. Especially in this degenerate world...

>Is /hebe/ redpilled?

if wanting sauce is redpilled...

yeah i should be able to bang your mother and grandmother if i please.

Should be able to date 16+ girls with no issues.
Sex only if you marry them
Also saus

They should be married off when they hit puberty and start producing children for the White race. Women are the means of production for the race. They belong collectively to the race and thus does not have a say about it.

We must seize the means of reproduction if we want to survive in the long term. If men don't lead everything goes to shit. We can see that now.

>why do we have girls wait 10+ years after they have developed a sex drive, to get married?

1) They don't have a "sex drive", they're sexually mature - there's a difference between being *able* to get pregnant and *wanting* to get pregnant, and there is a difference between when males and females experience these two different things. This is basic biology, available in any middle school textbook.

2) Teenagers are selfish, irresponsible pieces of shit who shouldn't be breeding. The whole reason civilization works the way it does is because we delay the natural instinct to breed until you're actually capable of providing for and responsibly raising your offspring. If you want a quick return to the dark ages, then by all means, go right ahead and let kids have kids.

It's in the filename.

Well you can in a lot states. Also here, legally.

It's just everyone will scream PEDO! But being homosexual or tranny freak that saw their dick off is perfectly normal!

HI plebbitor
Men were marrying girls as young as 12 in colonial America. They'd raise them and eventually raise children with them. This makes sense because in general women left to their own devices are dumb as bricks and can't be trusted holding authority over much at all

That foot is pretty redpilled (´・ω・`)

No mention that little girl in the OP is dating an Asian boy????

>No mention that little girl in the OP is dating an Asian boy????
You never ever forget your first love ...

>>No mention that little girl in the OP is dating an Asian boy????
Look at that devotion and the way she is looking at him

literally beautiful

If you're even mildly attracted to a minor you should kill yourself with haste!


I could of sworn the AOC laws changed once women had the power to vote. They raised to cut down on competition because they know younger women are much better than them. It could of just been a fake Sup Forums image I saw though but it seemed very plausible.

I'll leave this here.

You're a ticking time-bomb waiting to spread sexual trauma like a virus. Do us all a favor

alternative world all men marry 10 year old girls and their teenage years are spent learning how to be the perfect wife, mother and home maker. the years 10 -20 is where women's retarded western personality is formed, it is absolutely wasted on education that teaches them to be princesses who are like men

the west would have astronomical birthrates, no feminism and happy men and women. women could spend their time doing hobbies, writing, reading, making videos outside of making a family

what do women really lose in this scenario except that men are more happy and hate life less? I think that is the main reason why it is not the status quo today.

Women want muh sexual liberation, and don't want to be societally obligated to settle down until their late twenties/early thirties when their sexual market value is declining, and they've already gotten to make all their "mistakes." They want to live a consequence-free, obligation-free lifestyle as long as they have to.

Also, women are always trying to eliminate competition. They don't want men to even have the option of a nice, teenage girl who hasn't rode ten-twenty dicks yet, and hasn't been screwed up by the world.

"But women at that age are too young to make a choice like getting married!11" Women have no idea what the fuck they want. Let the male members of the family decide who they're married off to, just like the good old days, and bring back the heavy stigmatization of divorce and single parent "families."

Almost all of our major social problems, drug addiction, depression, mental illness, alienation, all of it would nearly dissolve if we would just repair the family unit. Growing up with a married mother and father is the single greatest predictor of success of any factor in a child's life, education, income, health.

But the Boomers wanted muh sexual liberation, consequence-free marriage, normalization of single motherhood, and they got it, and look at where we are.

Idiocy in written form.

16+ isn't only safe, it should be recommended. It's literally what nature fucking intended.

And man has absolutely no fucking place paying around with laws that get in natures way. Frankly, I don't think man has any place putting laws on anything involving sex that doesn't also involve violence or deceit.

Having children late in life is what's fucking killing us.

Turning sex into a controversy is also what's creating perverts and degenerates, stopping us from dealing with various issues as a society, and finding better solutions to living our lives on this earth.

the day 8 chan killed all /hebe/ boards is the day cancer won over oldfags

sort yourself out

Piece of gypsy trash, die of cancer asap

At what age does Sup Forums think a minor can logically consent?

I have. I'm a psychology student.
I'm not talking out of my ass.

You can literally fuck somebody as young as 13 without causing any damage, at all, zero risk, as long as you're not an irresponsible asshole.

The only reason I vouch for 16+ is because I'm taking safety into account.

Your sex drive doesn't give two shit about what the government or the church says is right. Not one goddamn shit.

Why were they removed anyway? Were normalfags just mass reporting it?


> psychology student
> not talking out of your gypsy ass

> romanian education

Degenerate loser fag detected. Do us all a favor.

Day of the rope

Chemfag pls kill yourself