Bill "sleep well" cosby

Where does Sup Forums stand on this man's trial.

>nigger rapist


>women lying for attention/money

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Gee it sure is funny how we no longer read stories about Bill Cosby delivering speeches about the degeneracy of the glorified black sub-culture, isn't it?

Well, I first I was all: Put him in the slammer
But the I flip flopped jimminy jammer. Zappityywappity do dop flobbity bammer.

I lean towards the latter. I can believe one or two druggings, but women are like fucking sharks, and when they smell blood in the water, they all swarm for some of that Gibs.

Funny how that works.... Every single black celebrity that speaks out against black ghetto culture is found out to be a horrible monster soon after.

I'd say he's almost certainly guilty, but I hope he gets away with it because I want women to feel bad about getting taken advantage of by a black man.

>women remember that 50 years ago he raped them
poor cosby man
i bet he even payed them

Maybe 1 or 2 legit ones in there, but we'll never really know now because the other 50 who straight up lied ruined that. He's gonna walk and I'm glad


Hmmm really makes you think...

>i bet he even payed them
This, they made their choice.

Mostly women lying for attention/money. One or two of the accusers might be telling the truth but I don't really give a shit. Gonna enjoy the feminist tears when he walks.

Hail lord cosby.
Hail victory.

Dont be retarded its much easier to just post a link.

>women lying?
>nigger raping?

Can't it be both?

You have to go back

We have a winner.

Probably a bit of both.

I don't care either way, tbqh.

I just think it's funny his career was torn down by a comedian barely anyone knew about.

This, sort of. Women will lie for attention and money no doubt... but not 50+ women, telling almost the same story, spread out over 40+ years.

Is this bait?


>Mfw jury not deliberating today
>Mfw jury wants definition of reasonable doubt
Is this good for Bill or not? I'm scared dudes
Also how retarded is this jury that they don't know what "reasonable doubt" means?

There is one that after being "raped" was his girlfriend for three more years! Only women will justify that!

If he did it, then he needs locked up. Its too bad he wont live long enough to serve his full time.. oh wait, black on white crime? Hell be out before fall.

How about both? He's a rapist and some lie too to get more money.

If you'd been paying attention to the trial, you'd see that it's a big fucking witch hunt.

The primary witness the prosecution has claimed he drugged her with "1 and 1/2 benadryls"

The prosecution is trying to say he used Quaaludes, but the only prescription he had for them was almost 2 decades before the alleged assault, so they would have been LONG LONG LONG expired.

Another of the "victims" described the pills as "pink".

Benadryl are pink.

You'd need to take like 6-8 of them to get a significant sedative effect.
1.5 pills is less than the standard dosage.

Never mind, the jury is deliberating, I'm a retard

>I'm Cosby #69, pill Cosby, ya see

How the fuck has the jury not returned a not guilty yet? The prosecution literally can't prove he used Ludes and if he DID give Constand Benadryl then Constand is lying. Reasonable doubt galore.

(((They))) are at it again. They did this same shit to Michael Jackson. Don't fall for it.