Does anyone actually believe Al Baghdadi is dead?

Does anyone actually believe Al Baghdadi is dead?

im skeptical these bastards could just have kidnapped some poor bastard that looks like dadi just to mess with the world. never can underestimate these animals.

Was he even real in the first place? He was confirmed mossad. People in the know knew this a long time ago

No. It's just something made up by the government. Just like the JFK assassination, the moon landing, the USS Liberty, the USS Cole, 9/11 and all the rest.

NOTHING ever really fucking happens.

>Shillball OP
you freakin shitskin

fuck off fag

It's possible, but we have to hear from ISIS to confirm.

It's likely they would welcome Baghdadi being dead, considering their supporters would go apeshit and tons of terrorist attacks would happen worldwide.

This is why I think he may not actually be dead. Perhaps he's wounded or in hiding. A dead Baghdadi would be huge. They would use his death as a rallying point.

There were some reports that he's hiding in a small village at the syrian border, very skinny and unhealthy

/d/ is probably the best board on this site

ISIS not communicating about it is also extremely bad for the morale of their troops and terrorists they want to know what is happening and they have no news about it, it's not in their interest so he is either dead (like with Mollah Omar's death that was announced months after his actual death) or injured

>implying ISIS would outright say their leader was killed

True. Only board that is really creative

Injured and/or sick I can imagine. Dead, not so much. They'd just replace him.

Evan McMullin and John McCain have traveled to Langley to hold a candle light vigil and pray for Baghdadi's safety.

No, he's been "killed" a dozen times already in the past couple years.

He's probably kicking back in a lawn chair on the beach in Tel Aviv right now. He's working with the CIA/Mossad.

It doesn't matter. His C&C was always limited. Most ISIS probably don't give a fuck. He never really was that public. They nicknamed him the "ghost Iman" he was so reclusive. So if he became a real ghost it would just add to his persona.

Nobody knew this guys before the MSM showed a quick video of him and explained to us he was the leader of ISIS and demanded all muslims to join him. Makes you wonder why is the MSM relaying ISIS propaganda?
When americans get captured in Iraq or Afghanistan, we never get to hear the hostage takers demands.

It is a long running joke. It is a prank Sup Forums could only dream of doing. If they did they would be laughing about it forever

He did his part so he went into retirement with a CIA/Mossad pension.

when I see his dead body with my own eyes I'll believe it

Does anyone actually believe bin Laden is dead?

>implying the CIA/mossad don't just promote some paper pusher to agent every time he dies
>implying they don't force him to grow a beard + put on a few pounds before his brand new assignment