Do all Nordic schools have those autistic kids who refuse to speak their native tongue and only only speak English?(No...

Do all Nordic schools have those autistic kids who refuse to speak their native tongue and only only speak English?(No, not interested in hearing about muslims. I just want to hear about natives.)

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>interested in hearing about muslims. I just want to hear about natives
Not here. At least not in my experience and I even went to an english speaking high school.

I would expect those kinds of kids to be the most common in a country like Sweden, you people don't seem very nationalistic at all, so i'd think the autists would be emboldened. Anyway, lucky.

No... but there could be some english words mixed in... like "fuck you" (but mostly in eastern Norway).

In western Norway (true Norway) we don't do that.

People like to throw in a few English words here and there, but those people are generally looked down upon, especially by girls. Always funny to see how red-pilled some of the girls I know are when it comes to our langusge.

I've always been impressed with the fluency in which Nords speak English. I've come across Swedes and Norwegians here in London, who sound exactly like natives. Absolutely no hint of a foreign accent.

>Absolutely no hint of a foreign accent.

There is a huge accent for 99% of people... but generally better than most non-english countries (apart from the Netherlands maybe)

"Hallo, I fhromm ICElandd"

Yes in my school we throw in a couple of english phrases like fuck you, motherfucker etc. But otherwise we use swedish. Because saying moderknullare just doesn't have the same effect.

"Hallo, eg e frau Noreg" (my Norwegian kek)

We like to say "Fokkarinn þinn", haha

why would someone use english to talk to their fellows? is it some kind of passive-agressive internal hate towards your motherland?


Rævpular works here (in this part of Norway)

Swedes are the best at english, danes are BY FAR the worse, real crappy accents

...Yes. One of those kids actually said to my face that she doesn't speak Icelandic because "It sounds too...White. Like, it's so lame."

It would just be a few words... like "fuck you"
well... mostly just that actually (because of US movies etc).

I don't hear it much hear at all though (but happens)

itn't it just a literal translation or is it an indegenious icelandic swearing?
i only know that in english in german it's the same, "fuck you" and "fick dich", is it a common swearing for all germanic languages?

hear it much here* (fuck me)

I was friends with one of them since childhood.
cringed every day

wow yeah I had this autistic kid in like 7th grade who would only write in English because he preferred it

Western Norwegians are the best at English pronunciation in Scandinavia... No doubt.

I can hear both Danes and Swedes (and eastern Norwegians) from AFAR when they try to speak English. I can instantly tell it's a Dane at least.

Well... you've probably seen this before (typical "Danish english" to me. "Oslo english" is much worse though...

Is that assfucker in norweigan? Because rövknullare is also an insult in swedish

It basically means "You fuck" or "You fucker", it comes straight from English.

is iceland cuck'd?

i-i thought you are 100.1% nationalistic, your govt used to literally sterilize genetically inferior people
so, turns out that white guilt plague reached you as well

Not only speaking english but using it far too much and mixing it with swedish. Super cringy and dumb


Imagine that kid but he only speaks English with the most American valley-girl accent ever.

actually... "knullar" means the same here too

This fascinates me. Is "fuck" the best word in the world? How do you guys say nigger?

No we aren't, we just have a few autists like every other nation. Read my comment on how red pilled the girls are regarding language.

now you got me into thinking that German "fick dich" comes from english too
i've noticed that anglicisms in swearings are much rarer in slavic languages than in germanic ones, however in regular speech you can hear them more often

But was never a "racist" word. Only meant black ppl.

But now.... (fucking leftists)

The worst English accent in the world is the nasal american boomer accent. Nothing makes my dick more limp than hearing their nasaly voice. I cringe when I see swedish kids trying to sound as american as possible.

Used to?
All deformed babies are given mandatory abortions from what I hear

No but Finland have this thing called bättre folk and they refuse to talk their native tongue because they think they're... bättre folk. I call them forgotten elitists.

nigger is "neger"

And yes. I've seen some of those people. I graduated gymnasiet (highschool( in 2015). There were none there. But when i go back sometimes to that highschool to pick up my little brother, i can hear some autistic girls amost speaking english all the time. Like they will talk swedish, but then all of a sudden they start talking in english phrases. And while i was at the train when i was going out on a friday night. There were a bunch of weaboo swedes who were only talking english with eachother.

I say words like "shit" and "fuck you" someimtes, but that's becuase it just comes naturally for some reason. I never talk in whole english phrases unless im quoting something. Hating your own language has becoem really popular lately.

Luckily it's only among the autists and outcasts atm. The "cool" kids usually don't speak that much english.

To those thinking Iceland is cucked, don't worry. We love calling people "negrar" and making jokes about other races. Our rich middle class people are a bit cucked, but the working class hates those people.

okay, this is relieving.
keep it up, Iceland.
Deus Vult'ers, Redpilled Eatern Europe and Former Vikings should unite under the same flag to get rid of subhumans destroying europe

I have a friend who only texts in English.

I knew a bunch of girls who almost exclusively spoke in English during the last years of elementary school.

Yeah we say neger here too. We even have a pastry here in Sweden which is basically round cocoa balls that we call Negerbollar, as in nigger balls. But now it's deemed racist so it's called chocolate balls instead

There are a few people who speak english here (London), but it's mostly misc. European languages and Arabic.

Hey Iceland! How it's going in the land of ice and snow, where the winds of thor are blowing cold?
When I was in school, half of the school would be autistic, but intead of english they spoke russian. It seems that's some sign of "elitism" if you speak russian here. That's what dumb rednecks and dumb people are thinkg here. And cuz they are dumb, they've got horrible accents in russia, which makes you cringe to the death.
Just don't pay attention to them, the are show-offing, avoid them, AND, the most important, mock them. Cheers.

Those who do it have a superiority complex because they're weebs and dweebs and need to find some meaning to their pathetic lives. I only know of two people who ONLY use English on social media even with other kinsmen, and they're total faggots and keyboard warriors.

Seriously though,

Why is this?

i only know about 0 babies with down syndrome born in past 7 or 9 years because of voluntary abortions, and i think it's beyond good.
eugenics do have a good point when it comes to abourting defective fetuses and not letting people with bad genes reproduce. it's like manually making natural selection better.

Are those the same balls with foam in them what we call nigger kisses?

Is that the accent where they say "like" every other word? Because that's fucking gross to listen to.

That's fucking gold. Long live Soot Pete!

We still use 'neger' in most of Norway though...

Here is a quick google find from some Swedish article (talking down on Norway - because Sweden is the best country in the world)

In flanders at least, english words have kind of been assimilated, people say "fuck" a lot but it's more like a dutchified "Fak"

in russian "negr" is not a slur, just a usual name for people of negroid race. since there are almost no negros in russia, no one can be offended by nigga or nigger either
same with racist jokes. we love affensive humor, but it's shitty most of the time tho

Teacher here! No, even in Islam "free" schools (schools outside the governmental main controll, basically private schools) there are laws that you cannot have those kind of classes.
Only English and Finnish exist, but they still are being thaught Swedish.

They love to say "Like", it kills me.

i'm pretty sure it's just us that are experiencing it, since icelandic is inherently difficult and cumbersome to both speak and learn, leading to kids just speaking entirely in english, a much easier language
heck, I just graduated from MH and there was always this group of 15-20 kids that sat around and just spoke english all day even though they weren't exchange students

always proofread your posts while posting from phone, kids

Idk, they look like this. You can either have pearl sugar or like coconut that you roll the balls in.

HA! I fucking hate that. I just listened to some US video where the guy LITERALLY said 'like' every 5 seconds.

I almost smashed my computer to pieces

>Do all Nordic schools have those autistic kids who refuse to speak their native tongue and only only speak English?
hahaha what?

Ég veit að ég er búinn að vera að kalla þá einhverfa á þessum þráð á móðgandi hátt, en í raun er útskýringinn yfirleitt bara sú að þessir krakkar eru í alvöru einhverfir. Þeir tala Ensku til að aðskilja sig frá hópnum.

Negerbollar heter det för fan!

Which is weird because I find you guys use English words/phrases in your speech more than Swedes do, who seem to translate those things into their own language

is it really that hard to learn?
i'm going through Survival Course in icelandiconline rn, the thing that is still strange for is is prononciation
like, "ll" = [k], "tt" = [ht], "pt" = [ft] and so on
but it sounds and looks gret/10

That is just danish for a black man. We had some autistic socialist whine a bit that a couple of years ago that we dont use a more political correct word. However I see no point as neger just means black as far as im aware.

It's Norwegian without "En" before words.

Dont mind that, just some sjw. They are furious becuase the majority of swedes still use that word.

I guess it's almost the same without that whitey shit sprinkled all over. Tho we have that too.


>sees flag
come on out Tyskersvin

We've always called them "Svertingi", or if we want to be derogatory, we call them "Surtur" or "Negri"

It's not as toxic as "nigger", it's more like "negro".

Inside socialist breeding grounds such as gymnasier, neger is considered offensive af. However, they won't do shit if you stand your ground, most they will do is talk behind your back. Speaking from experience.

>Þeir tala Ensku til að aðskilja sig frá hópnum.
pretty much
ég var svona með vinahópnum mínum í grunnskóla-- oft að tala ensku í stað íslensku og litinn hornauga af restinni af bekknum
þetta hefur bæði að gera með það að vilja setja sig á jaðar bekksins og með gríðarlega aukningu á áhuga og aðgang (sjónvarpsefni, tölvuleikir, etc) krakka á ensku
i know immigrants who've lived here for more than 20 years and they still fail to get the pronunciation on a few words right (though that happens to the natives too)
it's definitely up there in terms of hard languages to learn but you can learn it if you have the conviction to do so

Try again, big boy

norwegian BTFO'd by not having ð and þ.
i'd like to learn norwegian or danish one day, but they are kind of easy

Third world immigrants only recognize english though, they will associate the word and their globalist ingrained seed will trigger.

Yet they still want to go full orwellian on that word.

This thread is cute.

Ég er ekki ennþá kominn með tak á Íslensku, maður endar svo oft að gera þau mistök að tala allt of hratt og þá skilur mann enginn.

Yup, i heard about them. Högsvenska or bögsvenska as you say? Lol

the only "useful" languages I speak are English and some German, and i have an autistical attraction towards r a r e literally-not-needed-anywhere languages
are all of these immigrants white? i've never heard of blacks or muzzies in iceland

yeah but calling them "sorte" is way more offensive in danish.

True. My father likes to use "nigger" since it annoys some people. He is childish like that.

Hvis fanen din svans. Eller er du blot endnu en moeg knaegt der ikke vaerdsaetter Dannebrog?

Lowlander scum? Marblenigger? Svensker?

All of them? No, but that's only because the EU pressures us into taking in third worlders. Most of them are Polish, and then Europeans keep piling up. Third-worlders are still the minority. Better than any part of Scandinavia and Europe.

velkominn í klúbbinn
ég er kominn í háskóla og ég kann varla að tala móðurmál mitt og neyðist til að sletta allt of mikið
>are all of these immigrants white?
most, very few nig nogs here
an example of such an immigrant would be the canadian english teacher who had been teaching at my college for over 10 years but still couldn't speak the language to save his life
everyone just spoke english to him anyway

Mariam var best

Maður verður að treysta innsægji sínu þegar það kemur að beygingum, hef ég lært.

That's why I made a political decision not to learn swedish in school even tho half of my relatives are born and raised in Sweden. Swedes>finn-swede "we wuz aristocrats 'n shiiet".


Yeah, i do that as well. Funny story, in 2011 or 2012 i got arrested for yelling "åk hem till afrika, niggerjävel" to some real asshole harrasing women. Luckily he was too stupid to press charges.

slæm hugmynd
ef þú gerir það þá endaru upp eins og einn vinur minn sem segir "frá Egili bróðir mínum" og "ég vill gera þetta"

what do nig-nogs even do in there? i mean, how do they survive?
I've seen dindu nuffins in Moscow (and it's not even a cold city at all, we have milt climate) and they all look like happiness is drained from them and they all have this depressed bland expression on their faces, especially in winter and autumn

Ja, kannski byggjist þetta meira á mér sjálfum. Ég lærði hvernig þetta virkar allt þegar ég var ungur. Ég veit að það ætti að vera "Agli"og "Vil"

Tourist propaganda? I don't really know. They like to keep to themselves, some of them, I imagine, are good people, but i'm sure a lot of them just want to exploit our generosity.

>what do nig-nogs even do in there? i mean, how do they survive?
they don't
the humid winters and seasonal depression do a number on them


I don't know, I don't live in Swedistan. Norway will always be my go-to place, their culture doesn't scare me as much as Sweden's.

what if this is the actual reason bc of which EU wants you to accept more nogs and religion-of-peacers?
your country would kill them withing a few months and you can then use corpses to bait more fish to you coast
Iceland is a naturally designed slaughterhouse

the same goes for a lot of shitskinned immigrants that travel far up north
they never last long in the cold, even less so with the mild summers

Worked as a teacher for a while, never observed that, not even among the tanned kids.

In English we have a lot of loanwords that people use to sound fancy. Mostly french words that we're developed after 1066.

some metal band must write a song about how ancestor's graves across the country were disquited by the shit-skinned new plague and mythical creatured and even the weather are now helping the warriors of Odin to beat the enemies

anyway, i know understand that global warming is not only fabricated to leech money from research-funding companies, but also to attract more nogs and muzzies