What's the deal with most Americunts being thin-skinned, limp-wristed cucks?

What's the deal with most Americunts being thin-skinned, limp-wristed cucks?

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>this is white im burica

I mean stopped watching the walking dead since season 5, but that was a pretty brutal death scene. Also I'd say it's a pretty normal reaction you'd expect from an emotional woman, after seeing characters they care about brutally killed in a very realistic fashion.

Flailing around on your knees like a retard then leaving the room in a fit of rage is the standard American reaction to a somewhat important TV event?

Really no surprise they clap at everything if they are so emotionally retarded.

when u finally see jesus

from the Brit bahahahaha you cunt.

cus we descended from brits
bants aside, why the fuck do people care about this boring ass show

One of the gayest shows ever, I cant stand people who suck this shows dick.

"Standard american reaction" well firstly they are people that make money my having people watch them react to things so there's obviously influencing their actions. Plus if you are even slightly redpilled you should know woman are more emotional and neurotic then men so their reactions would differ obviously. All of the guys in that video just looked sad but didn't have any noticeable reaction.

Ya I've seen this webm, I can't watch it again, too painful to watch.

Sorry Brit, I couldn't hear you over the deafening sound of Freedom® (and unlicensed butterknives)

Liberals do not believe in God, nor do they have any guiding principals in their lives. So it is no surprise that they put so much emotional investment into television shows and books.

Reactions like this are to be expected.

Hard to take a Euro seriously when they still watch "Big Brother."

>when betas pretend to be scared just to get laid

Show the one where they watch the tiger

>What's the deal with most Americunts being thin-skinned, limp-wristed cucks?
>British OP

>only two white people in the room (and that's questionable)
>only one with any poise or evidence of lifting looks gay
>women are unchained, hysterical, obnoxious, plain
>electric jew

Even Jesus is frustrated

TV is a cold war thing when families would sit together for dinner and watch how they're about to get nuked by the bad guys. I can't believe people unironically watch this. I use it only for background noise, VH classics or whatever the channel is called.

>any of those

You Americans need to follow the news

Times have changed, unfortunately.


russian brainwashing from the forums they frequent

this is in murrica?

They really look Brazilian

Feminized society. You see the same thing in western yuro peon countries, but to a greater extent.

women, all I can say for my country atm

>implying UK Isn't full of limp-wristed cucks

how's that cultural enrichment going?

le hit in head with baseball bat.

>I'm literally shaking right now


Reminder that sand niggers are currently burning down this faggots country while he shitposts on Sup Forums.





>still watching the walking dead

its a one trick pony, Look we killed the person you like DIDNT SEE THAT COMING!

What do those greasy wogs have to do with white Americans?

Watching tv. Tv is shit.

me on the left

You mean women

>reacting this much to the electric jew

Source to this so I can call them faggots please.

Those are just kids you nigger

some beta will actually end up marrying those two overly dramatic bitches.

i would
t. beta

>everyone in this webm is considered white in America

Lurk more

>What's the deal with most Americunts being thin-skinned, limp-wristed cucks?

Guys from the UK are objectively thin-skinned and weaker faggots than almost any American man. I mean goddamn how is a fucking Brit saying Americans are thin-skinned

We voted for a guy after he said he would ban Muslims coming into our country and after you have the 50th terrorist attack of the year you have a fucking concert talking about love and tolerance and coming together. Brits have always been weak faggots. Come to the South literally any British faggot will get his shit kicked in here


Yeah now I know to disregard the opinion of pretty much anyone who isn't a Southerner. Now I can fly my REAL FLAG too, not the cuck union flag


CURRENT SPEED: 140,109,385,117,000 MPH!

At that rate, it would take approximately 11.966 years to travel to the Andromeda Galaxy (2.5 million light-years)!

If you think our watered down bong genetics are funny, look to your local pub.
But on the real side, look at them. None of them have ever worked a hard day in their life, and they're probably used to being on camera. Everyone young and rich eventually become Markiplier.

The standard American reaction is not caring because it's a story. These people replaced living interesting lives with tv so seeing that fgt get killed is like watching a relative get killed. It's called escapism.

never mind, found it myself
thanks for nothing, niggers


If you got smashed in the head with an axe that deep you would fall to the ground and die instantly. Not ham it up for the camera

This not annoy anyone else?

Good job. You get a (You). Now fuck off.

ur father was an aidsbaby
ur mother was a rapebaby
ur their pride and joy

>they didn't read the comics

Fucking normies.

>see a picture of a dead syrian
>give your country away to Islam
you Euroshits aren't much better

Why do americans take tv so seriously ? This reaction is way over the top unless you are a child. Also 50% white. Its over USA soon you are not a white country anymore.

Damn British banter really has gone to shit. Guess you guys lost all your good humor after being ass raped by Muslims all day long. This is just meh

The only white people in the room are on the TV.

Germany has been dead for over 50 years

Its always interesting when a German posts, because you can see their autistic train of thought in action

why did the chink get kill

Then there are guys like me that don't have cable or an antenna and I don't give the slightest fuck about any shows. Friends tried to get me into game of thrones but I found it totally unengaging. Same with Breaking bad. Like, I just can't give a fuck.

I have seen A cartel execution video where two spics got decapitated with a chainsaw and I did not even flinch.

come at me paki shitskin larping as a limey.

all women, actually

Nope we are still here. Culture can change. Genetic change is permanent. We still have a shot. You have lost yours for sure.

Is Germany the country with the highest population of autists? I thought Japan was until I started posting here.

You know what you must do......

How is any of what I wrote autistic. Americans are a bunch of meme word throwing fags. No Substance behind it.

I've seen a lot of videos on Sup Forums lately of American mothers inviting nigs into their apartments for gangbangs (one was while her son was present in the other room). And I just witnessed a twitch streamer cheating on her husband or boyfriend with a bunch of black dudes. Next I saw a video of a US soldier's girlfriend accusing this black guy of raping her when he simply just fucked her. All of this information was revealed with the girls boyfriend standing right there, and he did nothing like a cuck. American "men" are honestly no better than swedes.

Bat with barbed wire. Still doubt he'd be up like that.

German women are campaigning day and night for more migrants because they can't wait to race mix.

You shitpost this exact thread so often I'm not sure why anyone doesn't recognize it right away. You have the same basic complaint with the same stupid webm of morons watching TV. Every single time. I've seen this thread again and again and again.



Your people have lower birthrates than white Americans, your culture cannot change because it isn't a cultural issue. The German people are dying. Soon you will have over 25 million muslims. 25 million fucking muslims will change your country forever, that number is projected to grow, and your people vote overwhelmingly leftist and overwhelmingly for open borders

In the U.S. almost 70% of white people vote for the right wing. In Germany you're all liberal and you are accepting your downfall and death of your people because your people are filled with a sense of guilt. It's hilarious that you try to talk shit when your country is in an awful predicament, an absolute joke to the rest of the Western world.

why are they watching the tv backwards

wow you're 'ard

Soon™ brother, Soon™

those are spics

fucking cucks, getting all emotional at the sight of ketchup. Pampered and pussified generation.
I saw soldiers being rotten and eated by strays and didnt flinch an eye.

Chechen passing by.

Was in Alabama and Florida last summer. If I was to live in the US it be there.

So how high are the white birthrates in the us ? Mexicans identify as caucasian no ? The point you aörady reached is stilö far away in germany. Also merkel os tje right wong candidate. And unlike trump she is actually able to deliever pn her promises. She made a deal with turkey. 3 million immigrants are beong held back there. She went tp north africa campaigning for refugee camps. Trump achieved nothing yet he is just talking big putting on a Show like wrestling that amerniggers love so much. But its just that a show. No real change can come from that. I wish you good luck in the future. I hope I am wrong.

>important TV event?
Cool proxy bro.
>unlicensed butterknives
>lower birthrates than white Americans
A nuke from Asia can destroy all your hard-won gains in seconds. Maybe you white niggers need to sit down.

Yeah Deep South is the best man, best place for the white man on Earth if you can ignore all the niggers

that guy on the left who doesn't give a shit is us senpai

this is Brazil though
I wonder how posting this thread everyday benefits you?

Those don't look like americans to me, nigel. Pretty damned violent show, though.

what kino is that?

I was amazed by the difference of americans north up and southerners. You should tell the cucks north to fuck off and make your own country. I would even smuggle my bad boys by boat with me.

So many of them down there tho. I would love to go down south, great firearm laws, but I'm thinking Maine...none of them up there.

Holy shit. Are you a fucking comedian or something. Your shithole is full of rapefugees who are rape your women and blow up children.and you got a fucking spoon to defend yourself?

Holy shit man. You need help,but it's not coming lol:

I,on the other hand,can blow faggots heads off: Lol.

>a somewhat important TV event?
The word "somewhat" doing a lot of heavy lifting here.

White NON-Hispanic are above 2.5. German women? 1.2. You're dying out and dying out at an alarming rate.
> Also merkel os tje right wong candidate
I know and this speaks volumes to how much of faggots and cucks you guys are. Your right wing candidate, farthest to the right of what is accepted in your country is worse than liberals here in the U.S. Angela Merkel is considered right wing in Germany when she is worse than most Democrat politicians here. You're pathetic
>And unlike trump she is actually able to deliever pn her promises.


Yeah she's fucking great man. Reading this just shows how much Germans are pathetic and shows why you deserve to die out. Angela Merkel destroys Europe almost on her own and brings a massive amount of refugees into your country, is one of your most liberal leaders ever, but this is a good thing because at least she promised to destroy Germany and she's following through with it! You're done.

Pic related. Merkel throwing away your flag, wonder if Trump would ever throw away the American flag. You Germans are a sad people

>best place for the white man on Earth if you can ignore all the niggers

Sounds delusional.

Normalshits do this shit for views, they don't give a fuck.

> Your shithole is full of rapefugees who are rape your women

I find it hilarious whenever 52% whiters bring this up. There's something like 50k white women that are raped a year in the US yet you make fun of Europeans for having spoons.

raped a year by nogs, that is.

Maine ain't bad at all man. Whiter than pretty much any place in Europe and great gun laws. Portland is the only liberal place in Maine.
>You should tell the cucks north to fuck off and make your own country
We fucking tried man. One day I hope we can try again. We wanted our own country without northern liberal nigger loving values

I thinks closer to 30-40k. Still 40k to many. Look up white on black rapes. Hmmm