Mark my words

Write this down. If a non-white ever calls me "white boy" in real life I am putting a bullet in their pathetic little brain. The inferior does not call the superior "boy".

That's really cool any everything, but no one cares. Talk is cheap you little faggot. Now, how about a basic gestalt on that picture?

Sticks and stones, tough guy. How pathetic is your ego?

oy vey white boy, you seem to be acting like a fucking nigger.

If you kill somebody for caling you something you're an idiot.

Good, do it without hesitation.

holy shit that guy is small if the gun is that big to him

white boy

fuck off fbi. it's getting embarrassing.

>be member of superior white race
>become less than a nigger by savage act

Send a non-white to my address and tell him to call me a "white boy".

one less nigger is one less nigger

where do you live little cumskin?

Fuck off, white boy.

can some talented user please put a blurry red filter on this picture of destiny like the just about done pepe

Flag up fuckboi

this insult has always been really dumb and I cringe at people even using it ironically

Do white boys actually sperg out and kill people over words? God damn, those dysfunctional albino snow monkey genes really turn you people into basket cases.

Fuck of white cuck/wigger. Or if you are a Nigger trying to outsmart Sup Forums then fuck you, you filthy animal

You sir, are most likely not white for even posting this. Shove another big black dick up your ass and rush off to the next antifa/pride parade.

cool shit dude

see you in 3 days

Why aren't you riding the bus home from summer school right now nigger?

Fuck you're a nigger loving piece of shit.