1984: getting stomped on the face forever is bad

>1984: getting stomped on the face forever is bad
>BNW: sex drugs and rock n roll is bad
One is a moral that literally everyone agrees with, the other is a moral that is mocked more and more every generation. 1984 is about the Soviet Union and Communism, And while Communism can bring some truly horrible times we know that in the long run it doesn't last and most Post-Communist countries are nationalistic and conservative. BNW is about America and Capitalism, Capitalism gives you bread and circuses but the long term damage it's done will never be fixed, partially because most people have been turned into such degenerates that they revel in the destruction.

Is it any wonder that Western Media puts so much focus on 1984 while ignoring Brave New World?

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Everyone should read this book.

Huxley was MKULTRA doctor with Gordon Wasson this book wasn't a fucking warning it was a blueprint. Orwell was a fabian socialist too.

For the love of God, Give me some Soma!!!

What's your point?

I read BNW right after I read 1984 so I was able very accurately compare the two, I feel like BNW is slightly less praised than 1984 because 1984 felt more surreal and dystopian to people

>Sex drugs and rock n roll is bad

Always felt like Huxley was writing about the world he would like to live in.

lets have a conversation

do you think BNW was an utopia or dystopia? state your reasoning

1984 is basically a history book of the Soviet Union with some of the names changed. Meanwhile when BNW came out G. K. Chesterton among others mocked it as pure fantasy. So I'm kinda having trouble believing people thought 1984 was more surreal.

>Always felt
Maybe if you actually used your brain and read some of the stuff Huxley wrote you'd know things instead of feeling them.

I want to read 1984 and BNW. Is it worth it? Can I have the quick rundown before I buy?

If you really wanted to read them, you wouldn't be asking for cheatcodes.

He's right though. Huxley was a massive degenerate.

What do you have to lose by reading classics? Go to the library asap

Oh cmon now, just give some idea what to expect.

They need to be read. I read both in my teens. Cannot explain, must be experienced.

1984 was the future, BNW is the future.

>What is spark notes
1984 I thought was a decent read. Never read BNW.
Time. I read Atlas Shrugged and wanted to claw my eyes out. So fucking boring. Same with Stoker's Dracula.

Definitely a utopia. Anyone who thinks otherwise forgets humans are just biological machines

Neurosis is non existant. No depression or anxiety

No murders, no pain, no suffering, no crying out to god asking for help that will never come

Everyone is born with an actual definable purpose in life and your brain is wired from birth to enjoy your existence

You can literally fuck any beautiful girl you want just by asking.

Everyone is ceremonially executed at age 60 in a massive happy drug overdose. There is no pain and no dealing with the senile

I kinda agree. But it depends on one's thoughts about the reality. "Is perception reality?" If the answer is yes, indeed it's a utopia. If the answer is no, it's not.

If I was a citizen in BNW, I won't deny I would be happy as fuck, live a happy life and stop existing. But if someone outside of BNW universe observed the planet, he might have considered the entire planet as a soulless dystopia.

Also I believe sadness births happiness and hope. Can someone be truly happy without experiencing sadness(the sole reason of art)? If it's programmable in some degree, I'm ok with that.

No wonder to me, they are using it. But the thing is that the societal breakdown is a combination of both. On one hand we have the BNW conclusion of that which you love kills you, and then the whole control over thought, and accepted speech, and behavior. The media is indoctrinating people into both system simultaneously, more so in recent times. So in conclusion we are in a BNW84.

calicuck here: both books were went into high school ban back in ~2007

I read BNW when I was 17 or so, and I have always maintained that it is FAR more important than 1984, because it FAR more accurately describes the world we're living in.

But the reason it's not more popular with plebs is because BNW indicts THEM. It is telling them that they are lazy pieces of shit who indulge themselves with movies, masturbation, pornography, and other mindless pursuits.

1984 allows them to blame "DA GUBBERMINT" for all their problems.

That's why 1984 is more popular.

Here's a great passage from Neil Postman, an American author and critic, on the two books. It sums them up perfectly really.

>What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egotism.
>Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumble puppy.
>As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists, who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny, “failed to take into account man’s almost infinite appetite for distractions.”
>In 1984, people are controlled by inflicting pain. In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short, Orwell feared that what we fear will ruin us. Huxley feared that our desire will ruin us.
From this book: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amusing_Ourselves_to_Death

Postman, like me, thought that "the contemporary world was better reflected by Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, whose public was oppressed by their addiction to amusement, than by Orwell's work, where they were oppressed by state control." (quote from that Wikipedia link).

Of course he's absolutely right. Indulgence is what enslaves and pacifies the population today.

I wanted to live there. Bernard was a cuck and should've given Lenina the dick. I didn't like how it ended

No it's no wonder. Anclaps need to be shot into space on Elon Musks defective McRockets. And if you don't post with your country flag you have been dazzled by kike mods to abandon your roots.

don't forget to read brave new world REVISTED once you are finished

>Bernard was a cuck and should've given Lenina the dick. I didn't like how it ended

lel, Sup Forums the post

1984: population controlled by thought police and war footing
BNW: population controlled by desire for sex, drugs, entertainment, vacations