Americans are Agriculturally Illiterate

It turns out, Americans think the following:

7% (roughly 17 million) believe chocolate milk comes from Brown Cows.

But that's not all.

20% of Americans do not know that Hamburgers are made from the ground up beef from cows.

More than half don't know that pickles are actually cucumbers.

Or that onions and lettuce are plants.

Its also true that 40% of 6th graders have no idea that cheese is made from milk.

Or that French Fries come from potatoes.

Today, many Americans only experience food as an industrial product that doesn’t look much like the original animal or plant.

The political implications for this are enormous as policy makers at the highest levels ignorant of the true origins of food make mistake after mistake; driving the prices of food higher and higher.

Contact your local FFA chapter today. And get educated on the origins of your food.

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We shouldn't be drinking milk anyway. Factory farms are the biggest polluters

If katsup is made from tomatoes, and tomatoes are fruit, then isn't katsup technically a jam?

No source means it never happened.

>interview retarded nigs and spics
>ask easy questions
>get retarded answers

Kikes, every single time.

Cityfags and niggers.

>America has lots of niggers
>America has lots of illiterate retard subhumans
really makes you think

>Not taking every chance you get to tell gullible cousins/kids/siblings such fibs

when I was a kid, due to some exchange thing at my sister's school, we had to house a 15 years old american girl for a few weeks,
she saw my mom cook and looked surprised as fuck
she had never seen a leek once in her entire life

Later my sister went to her house in michigan. She told me the food was a nightmare. Never anything fresh, people staring at you if you drank plain water with your dinner instead of soda

You don't drink soda with your dinner? You're ok with missing out on the vital nutrients provided from a glass of Coca-Cola? It's particularly beneficial when paired with Freedom Fries

Did you know plastic comes from penguins?

This is literally nothing new
>be my grandpa, age 14
>kids from the city visit his family farm for a field trip
>tells them that chocolat milk comes from brown cows, and if you turn the tail like a crank icecream comes out
>kid in the group runs up to a cow before not yet my grandpa can stop him
>siezes cow by the tail, attempts to crank the tail furiously
>cow kicks kid into a huge pile of nearby pig-shit

Result of most Americans being uneducated retards xDDDDDDDDDD

>Too fat for his lorica segmentica

>Tfw there were no riots near me I could wear my full suit of armor to
>Tfw my state is too based for commies to exist in it

>interview class of 2nd grade students
>2 of them say chocolate milk comes from chocolate cows
>Here are five ways that Bernie can still win

>that cheese is made of milk

Well actually they are right, American cheese has nothing to do with what civilised people call cheese

no, fuck off

I love how everyone is getting all self-righteous about this survey question when they are 100% in the wrong.

If the question is "Does chocolate milk come from Brown Cows?" then the only correct answer is yes, it does. The question doesn't ask if it comes exclusively from brown cows, only if the the milk from a brown cow is used to make chocolate milk.

The correct answer is yes it does because if you answer no, then you're stating that the milk from brown cows is excluded from being used in chocolate milk. There's no a priori reason to believe dairy cows are more likely to be white/black instead of brown so the reasonable answer is yes.

The real point with this survey and follow-up news article is how piss-poor burger reading comprehension is. Only 7% of answered correctly and I'm not surprised it's more frequent in urban areas where people are not stupid fucking hicks.

I believe the first part and it made me LOL.
If you think processed food is expensive, try eating healthy food. TV dinner $2-2.50, Healthy meal $6 or more. Processed food also adds to body fat, real (Whole ) foods use more energy to process and add to muscle mass.

... we export like 75% of the world's food exports?

Its actually nowhere near as bad as it used to be. I got an old pepsi advertisement from the 40's somewhere that reads a bit like this:
(doctor holding up a bottle of pepsi)
Headline reads:

Maint body:
Pepsi is a highly energy dense food that contains more caloric value than many common foods. Just think, next time you think of serving tea do your kids a solid, try pepsi instead! Its not only a super nutritious concentrated super food, but its carbonated giving it anti microbial properties as well! Its clean tasty healthy fun!

(smaller picture of two kids pouring pepsi into teacups instead of tea)

Advertising in the USA used to be able to say pretty much anything they fuckin wanted. Hell, menthol cigarettes were invented to try to replace cough medicine, complete with similar ad campaign with a cartoon doctor "prescribing" a sick man a pack of camel kools.

Complete bullshit.

>I-its the niggers I swear
Kek whatever you say 51%s, that still half of you lmao

This is like those stupid "sidewalk surveys" where they ask 100 people stupid shit like "what city is new york in" but only actually show the 5 dumbasses who say something retarded like "uhhh..... texas?"

Or it could just be straight up manufactured like how that bullshit with the documentary supersize me all but claimed eating mcdonalds for 30 days straight will shut your internal organs down. Not one actual study replicating his experiment has been able to achieve the results the asshole claimed in his documentary.

Only urban and suburban retards do. Rural people all know the truth.

It's actually in problem in some regions that it's cheaper to drink a soda than to try to get your calorie needs from real foods.

So I could understand someone back in the 40's possibly thinking that made sense. I think it was also during WW2 that they were doing meatless tuesdays and feeling they needed to cut back on most things to help make sure troops got more resources.

I remember my history teacher telling our class about how when she was young in that period, that you'd hear of guys going and beating up Hispanics wearing zoot suits because they saw it as such a waste of resources.

Surprising number of Americans think chocolate milk comes from brown cows

Only city retards voted for anti-agricultural policies. All the suburban and rural people didn't.

Well what that guy did was plain insane in Supersize Me. He made a point of overeating even when he wasn't feeling hungry.

Then there was the counter documentary Fat Head where a guy ate fast food for a month yet ate like a sane person and lost weight.

Supersize Me wasn't even concerning itself that much with fast food itself, but rather with the idea that if people are offered the ability to supersize their meal that they would mindlessly do it and overeat. Which is just so fucking retarded.

What I'm wondering about this study is if the respondents were just thinking about the kind of cow they were getting the milk from. Because where I live, most of the cows are brown so I could see someone thinking chocolate milk would then be coming from brown cows there.

It seems like an issue of how the question was asked which could lead to answers that you could easily take out of context.

Surveys can be worded all fucked too.
>come home from combat deployment in afghan
>asks all kinds of questions about mental health
>"do you find yourself feeling like harming yourself or others, depressed, enraged constantly, or hopeless?"
>literally only response available is "I do not feel this way, or do not wish to talk about it"

Obviously the survey was just ass covering so if one of us snapped and ate an orphan or something command could say "dont look at us, he passed our mental health screening."

Or like how democrat run polls *suprise* always show democrats doing well. You can intentionally get results by wording surveys a certain way.


This guy knows what he is talking about.

Ha. That's just the shit that we export to europoors and feed to food stampers. That's like pointing at Budweiser beer and saying Americans can't make good beer.

We can and do make some of the best cheese and beer on Earth. We also make mass-produced garbage for export and to keep the plebs too drunk and full to riot.
But you know what? Go right on believing that only Europeans can make good cheese. You guys have so little to brag about, we in America will allow you this delusion out of pity.

And furthermore syrup, making it chocolate is done during the pasteurization process so it's fair to argue that normal on the shelf milk is done the same way.

It's freedom fries not french fries okay :DDDDDD

>pickles are actually cucumbers
no fuckin way

>tfw city fags will never have a slab of beef fresh from a grass fed cow with sides of fresh potatoes grown in the farm and fresh churned butter
>cityfags will never eat pasture fed buffalo and venison

Yeah, I have no idea why pickled cucumber gets shortened to pickle.

>40% of america is not white
>40% are retarded or low iq
really not hard to understand faggot.

"We can and do make some of the best cheese and beer on Earth". citation needed. one would assume the best beer and cheese in the world would actually sell well enough to export and make a profit. but all that arrives here is trash.


Thanks to Burgerstani education a child might not know that a banana is a fruit, but it knows how to put a condom on it.

Fuck American education and the fucking commie teachers that teach it.
America is stupid?

I'm not surprised, last week I posted some video about some nigger trying to scam a hospital for meds and had 5 different American posters thought I was the nigger in the video.

>7% (roughly 17 million) believe chocolate milk comes from Brown Cows.

So? The bottom 7% of the population has an IQ below 78.


The EU won't import the best cheeses the US makes because of pasteurization laws. The US makes the good stuff like unpasteurized Stilton (though it's called Stichelton because of name recognition laws) and all manner of bespoke cheesemakers have popped up.

And none of you fucking idiots know that 100% of all red meat contains shit.

Attack the source all you want; you may have to actually Google something for once.