The loneliest of feelings is when most of your countrymen have been brainwashed and abandoned their culture and pride...

The loneliest of feelings is when most of your countrymen have been brainwashed and abandoned their culture and pride. Watching everything their forefathers built, get decimated without a care in the world.. I want to fight, but I can't do it alone. Where is everyone? It feels like even the ones who got the right ideas, are all talk, no business. Who is doing something? Where are you?

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Its just decadence user. Its a cycle of history. Civilizations rise and decay.

Sweden is a lost cause we're keeping alive on life support just to show what happens when a country has lost its way.

I don't care about this country. But I also keep my distance from my shitskin workmates and I hate niggers. It's just that I don't think there is anything to fight for. I hope I just die, just go to bed and not wake up the next morning, just get this fucking shit over with already. Fuck this world.

You need Jesus user.

Why did Europe abandon Christianity? Can't you see that you are the problem.

Jesus, you fucking 1st world faggots are the gayest people in the world. You have roof over your head, you have top tier government services, everything is functioning normally, you're still prosperous and wealthy, at least according to statistics, and you complain like the world is ending because you have a bunch of blacks in your country and you're "only" 87% "white".

Pathetic whiners, this is what a country with actual problems looks like:

>top tier government services
No, public health care is a total joke. I know from first hand experience. My drive to work is full of potholes.

Dude Sweden is awesome

I mean you guys invented Koenigsegg


Proof stormfaggot. You have none. You're just a sheltered pathetic autistic whiner with too much wealth and good times in your life. You really have no idea what real problems look like. I fucking hate you 1st world nazis, spoiled whining pieces of shit.

>"everything is functioning normally"
Don't speak when you haven't got a fucking clue...

87%? kek. Stop scrolling through your statistics, and come visit, faggot.

Apparently you have Internet access, so shut the fuck up.

What can one person do? It's not like you can team up with other like minded individuals without getting bitch slapped by the powers that be.

Yeah, I'll come visit and I'll see safe, clean wealthy 1st world city untouched by war or any disaster. Just terrible.

Fuck off nigger, this thread is only for people that actually have land and culture of value to lose.

I wish you were serious.. I'd gladly pay for your tickets, and rooming while here. You'd only have to go out at certain areas, at certain times. If you have gf? That would be even better, bring her too. (Unless you're a sandnig/nig)

>this is a falling country according to stromshits

If you're so miserable in your life, that you can't appreciate what you have, just off yourself, no need to make a political movement around it.

I'm armed to my teeth, but me going out and going berserk, won't change anything. A headline in the paper, and more power the brainwashed sheep. We need a charismatic leader, with the gift of gab.


Kill yourselves hitlerfaggots. Lying manipulating cunts.

Maybe, problem though is that no one listens until everything is gone and there is no hope left, only then do they look for someone offering salvation. I don't want to live the life of those in the depression era with bonus nigger plight before a change for the better finally shows up. There has to be another way to protect and stabilize the work left by our forefathers.

I wonder how many commercial clips of Sweden you can find, vs me showing the reality here? Wanna find out? Should it even be close? Again, don't speak when haven't got a clue.

Oh no my country is falling boo boo

Always archive

Where are you even from?

Oh no, crimes happen sporadically. Wow, shocking.
Start lifting or training martial arts if you don't want to be beaten like a pussy.

Like I said, I carry, no need. Still, where you from? Ashamed?

What the fuck does it matter?

I'm from Europe, that's all I'll tell you

So you're in Germany then Achmed?

You're a nigger feeding of Europe.

Big difference

If it didn't matter, you'd have no problem revealing it? Are you from one of those "privileged" countries you despise so much? ^^

>I'm from Europe

Sounds to me like you're from some irrelavent bombed out shithole country and you need to go back.

This could quite possibly be one of the most insidious arguments ever developed. The idea that because someone, somewhere, is worse off than you are, that your situation is therefore "acceptable". Totally ridiculous. Just because other countries are worse off does not mean that we should not fix our own problems.

You should be glad that our nations have the generosity to fund Africa with foreign aid, otherwise their situation would be 10x as worse than it currently is. I don't suppose you thought of that though, the idea that if things get worse for us they get indirectly worse for others.

I'm from shitty europe

Because you're so fucking privileged, and you act like the world is falling. You masturbate to some irrelevant eastern european shitholes because they're 99% white, while they're a pile of shit compared to you and will probably never reach your level. You're really fucking pathetic ungrateful little shits.
Everybody has problems. Yours are nothing.

Even an army needs a leader. Start small, the people will come.

No I won't. You deserve to be enriched, because you can't appreciate what you have.

Ungrateful? Says the self-loathing wannabe-nigger puropsely destroying the biological orgainsm that Europe is.

In the same swing you also disrespect the work and memory of European forebears for the sake of "Equality" when that is the most retarded thing in a world based on hierarchy.

Kek, i remember i used to visit Sweden for shopping but fuck that in 2017.. Dont wanna get stabbed or raped lmao

Doing what? It was a sunny day yesterday, suggest you go out and get some sun and realize there's still millions of your people, you might just be stuck in a bad neighborhood.

Yeah you have like 0.00000001% chance of that happening

I do appreciate what I have which is exactly why I don't take kindly to useless fucks showing up on the land I live on who create nothing but problems and I certainly don't care for the brainwashed fools who want to "share the wealth" with the rest of the world by ripping up the metaphorical floorboards of a prosperous nation to use as firewood.

I'm a Sjowall.

I'm all the way the fuck over in America otherwise I'd fight side by side with you brother.

Probably around 60% chance

I thought atheists could not be brainwashed because of COMMON SENSE

Yeah show me statistics, larper

you can't fight. escape before it's too late

Nobody cares what you think, stormshit. We'll come anyway, but it won't affect you. I mean according to Sup Forums Sweden is hell, while I see a fucking paradise on earth. But you'll have to get used to it and stop being a faggot.
This was posted unirionically by one of you earlier today. You deserve extermination and enslavement by the Russians honestly.

Sorry you lost the evolutionary mixing vat your race is literally the most worthless on earth swede cuck

These new flags tho

>You deserve extermination and enslavement by the Russians honestly.

No they fucking don't. Russians are subhuman animals compared to cuck Swedes. Muh based Russia:

>Watching everything their forefathers built

A cabinet lmao

We are born into this time and must bravely follow the path to the destined end. There is no other way. Our duty is to hold on to the lost position, without hope, without rescue, like that Roman soldier whose bones were found in front of a door in Pompeii, who, during the eruption of Vesuvius, died at his post because they forgot to relieve him. That is greatness. That is what it means to be a thoroughbred. The honorable end is the one thing that can not be taken from a man.

> You are not alone

Seems like fucked up shit is happening over there every day.. I dont trust you

And there it is, without fail, the very root of the nigger thinking process. Even if you come you will still live in a filthy ghetto living off our table scraps looking out at the miracles of the White man because you're just another dumb ass nigger.

OP as hard as it is, try not to despair. You are certainly not the only one who thinks like you do. Try to find others, and organize. That is the only way to make change. Start small and grow from there.

The establishment thrives on our fear. The less afraid and more rational you can be, the more effective you will be.

Yeah, you need to put down video games. And stop masturbating so much.

Plz, you never leave your basement, stormnigger

I don't care. I'm just a simple man trying to make ends meet. It's not my fault my country is shit, and not your achievement that yours is great.

Worse than any nigger

There's poo on the sand but no paper. Do they not wash or wipe at all and just walk with shit remains till they dry?

Quality arguments, shill comfirmed (implying im a "stormfag"

Hitler did everything wrong and made White nationalism a taboo subject, i believe he was a puppet

> .02 shekels have been deposited in your account

That's a quote from a German philospher friend, ignorance is painful like watching you flail about trying to derail this thread

I'm glad you're one sane person on this board.
White supremacy is retarded though.

>muh kike
Everything I don't like is a kike.
I don't give a fuck about some irrelevant philosphrs to which you stormfaggots masturbate to. Only Greek philosophy is sane, all modern shit is garbage. German "philosophy" is fucking cancer that crated you SJW nazifags.

My country is great because the people make it great, that's the difference from myself and scum like you.

My people see the hardwork of another and think, "I want that, I will work until I get one."

Your people see the hardwork of another and think, "I want that, I will take it from them and it will be mine."

That's why we all have so much while you squabble over peanuts in the dust like animals in a zoo.

>"I want that, I will take it from them and it will be mine."

I work hard in "your" stupid country, you neet faggot

Just give up its over accept your destiny

Got em

Bah bah fucking bah, you Swedish imbecile.

The loneliest of feelings is when you don't have a Brazilian shemale and know you will never have one.

Why don't you talk about Greek Philosophy then, I'm curious

Someone needs to start a new political party. Crowdfund that shit if you have to. There must be so many people wanting to fight back, but they feel like they have no platform to do so. People never speak out because of the stigma. Look at trump, no one thought he had a chance because most trump voters were attacked so everyone did the talking at the voting booth.

At least the Russians have some sort of nihilistic purpose.

Swedes don't even have a reason for living and admit they don't.

>eastern european shithole
Go fuck your goat and go back you pathetic edgelord, we have education a health care comparable to western countries, having smaller wages is well worth it if the price is having niggers like you around

Stop relying on politics, fix your own life, get kids, move away if you're in a shitty part of the country.

Let me guess, you work hard but you get paid next to nothing?

It's good enough for me. Certainly better than in my shithole country
No you don't. You're dilapidated post communist shithole. Go compare what your "based" shithole looks like to western countries on Google maps

Not to mention you're a slave to them, they mock you and treat you like shit and do everything they can so that you'll never reach their level.

Varför bry sig om ett land som har vänt mig ryggen? Om födelselandet ska kallas moderlandet så är sverige en hora. Sålde ut sina barn och importerade araber.
Nej, det här landet är förlorat. Jag kommer alltid bära det ursvenska i min själ, men att bo kvar här är idioti.

Lel, they have the same reason as everyone to live. Life is generally miserable.

But they certainly have the best conditions to ease the misery.

Fuck it might as well put it in english as well.
Why care for a country that has turned it's back on me?
If my country of birth is to be called the motherland, then she is a whore, who sold out her own kids for some arab fuck. No, this country is lost. I'll always carry the arch-swedish in my soul, but to stay here is idiocy.
Börk börk, sweden yes, etc. Funny memes. Ha.

I think you just need some sun desu

Compared to Paris, Amsterdam, Frankfurt or Berlin we actually look like Europe and not some middle eastern shithole. I can easily save 1000$ while living a comfy life, I though it's nothing but when I see threads about Canadians or even Americans that swear about how expensive their lives are, I think I'm good. You are either sandnigger or self hating cuck. Life here is great and your insults and swearing arent going to change that but importing that human trash will.
>boo hooo you are slave to Germans
The whole Europe is slave of Germany and I'd rather be their slave than to be actual German these days

assemble with like minded people, let them know they are not alone, then do something about it. i guarantee you there are plenty of people who follow the status quo out of fear of reprisal, thinking they are alone.

Assemble and grow is the only way to get your country back....

What a massive faggot you are, yes the country has not collapsed yet but what is the situation in 10 years if the current situation goes on, what about 20 years? 50 years and there will be hardly any swedes left.

I'll screncap this and we'll see. Pretty sure nothing will change, Sweden will still be great. While eastern Europe will still be a low wage shithole

He's from eastern Europe. Since he know know how barbaric are russians, probably a country which has been dvoured my Russia, just like mine.