Poland will decline its economy due to moronic nationalists who hate immigrants

>Poland will decline its economy due to moronic nationalists who hate immigrants


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Please take your dreidle and stick it right up your arse. Get it right in there.

bullshit. of there so many jobs in poland, your people wouldn't be jumping ship like rats into the UK

Refugees don't contribute to the economy, they leech off of it.

Well you seem to have slipped through, OP

Yeah same here, people really fell for the bad immigrants meme :/

this is now Polish pride thread
V4 and other friends are invited
EU cucks need not apply

gdp per capita growth by nigger is over 69%, studies shows. additionally, violence and illiteracy tend to plummet to an all time low, and you totally get to keep your culture and values. sign me and the rest of the modern world up.
>bbbbut muh good immigrants
history will repeat itself. rome will never fall. immigrants were never beneficial. basic shit really.

Did the faggot with a Japanese proxy get hold of a Polish one as well? Sage this shit.

Poland has shitted economy because we're ruled by shithead post-communistic socialist who still believe in the socialism meme.

>our GDP can't go up if we don't act like topcucks
KODfags are like a cargo cult, they think the only way to have an economy more like Germany's is to emulate everything they do down to ruining the place by importing millions of shitskins. Like importing savages is a weird ritual and your lucky charm niggers will magically bring you prosperity.

>EU cucks need not apply

Doesn't that rule out nearly all of the Poles?

there are also friendly germans known as PO who sold all our stuff because while in Polish hands our mines and indistry is not profitable, but when sold to faggots it is somehow becoming magically shekel making machine
Tusk public execution when?

Are you visiting poland hirohito?

Eventually you'll get white people pouring into Poland because their homelands are being taken over by killer trucks.

this graph is bullshit and you either know it or you should know it

Actually there is, to the point that now they're starting to complain about the lack of applicants. It's just that you can make more money as a sandwich artist in Liverpool than you can make as an accountant in Warsaw.

>you'll get white people pouring into Poland
we won't allow them
they ruined they own countries with leftism and being retarded
they wont ruin ours
we had communism, we got enough retardation for 1000 years

It's bullshit only in your mind.

Someone call Poland and tell them OP jumped the border.

Have Faith!As the rest of Europe burns Poland will be in the cat bird seat between USA & Russia.Y'all make sweet weapons. Poland you're Like "Little Mac" from Punch Out, Americans love come from behind underdog time lines & POLAND becoming top dog of Europe dam dat's good karma.You just may be the key pivot point to turn the tide & Take Europe back from (them)!


Poland is taking a stand against muslim terrorism and I think this is something everyone should be proud of.

>meanwhile in reality
>poland has the biggest economic growth in europe
neck yourself you kike eu shill

Economies have cycles of growth and recession every 5 to 15 years.

DNA composition never recovers in a cyclical way.

If you want to sacrifice eons of evolution to improve a decade of economy growth its up to you

except it is not
everyone who I talk to now who doesn't have uncle in london despises EU for retardation
fuck accountants and fuck warsaw

>proxy fag or vpn moron believing in "gibs are base of polish economy" memes when in reality they are 2% of GDP
kys now


>mfw we take non exploding refuges that work (96% employment rate)

While germanistan gets niggers (7% employed).


In all due honesty, you, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Finland and Ukraine are our buffer against the ravenous slavshit hordes.

You need to be strong.

what is that logo with the bear in the background?

>biggest economic growth in europe

overall? yes, because of EU money and the 8 glorious years of the former pro EU gov.

last year it was actually the EU loving ireland that got the highest GDP growth. the people here be rather feed using empty politicans right wing populism than actual bread, its like I always imagined russia but I thought that poland was bigger than that...

>muh anecdotal evidence

I think it's because old people long for communism, where they didn't have to do jack shit and where entitled to everything and young people, who want to work, but socialist government takes away fruits of their work and they simply don't want that. Why work where half of your earnings are taken away for no benefit if you can work where you'll earn more AND have smaller taxes?

never heard about Wojtek?

Mr Poland listen to Alejandro he hit the nail on the head, in the long run some economic decline is worth it

in all honesty, end yourself

>muh jewish polls
Trump will never win, he have 2%
>old people long for communism
only those who benefitted from it greatly
I am looking at KOD and Citizens of RP right now
>Why work here and not there
we have no bombings

take Ukrainians . Or actually fuck economies, genes are more important

Tell that to the american farmers who use cheap labor lol.

we took ukrainians
about 2 to 3 millions of them
but somehow they are too white or something

>labeling something that you happen to dislike as "Jewish polls"

one of the biggest problems if not the biggest in this country is that we dont have children.
old fucks vote for socialist government
if u rly want to make superpower poland state u need to vote for free market parties and build healthy economy

>korwin boyyyyyzzz

The sad thing is not only them. Many people. It doesn't help "muh entitlement" is still promoted, along with national pyramid schemes.
>we have no bombings
It's not an argument if you're young and want to have decent, first world living conditions. After all,
>they're just incidents LMAO!

You should be ashamed.

>believing some out of ass data as objectively true

Poles have their reasons to favor the EU, it's not exactly unbelievable.

10 millions of Poles outside Poland. People don't breed because people don't want them nor their children to live there because everything west of Poland provides better living standards. Until government gets rid of socialism meme, there won't be any meaningful improvement.

Eh. BTW, do you think a poll with 118k signs affected Trump's decision to go to Poland first?

>is that we dont have children.
>implying there is not baby boom right now with 500+ and MDM being incentive for it
I am going for my best friends baby shower today, sad that weather got rainy
>no bombings is not an argument
I think even Molymeme would disagree
you cannot benefit from economy if you are blown to smithereens. And I have no idea what you mean about decent condidions, do you have roof over your head? Food? Internet?
yoou got it all, what more you want? AI GF?

Idę po kanapkę, zw

Should I make pierogi or kotlet for my dinner?

>yoou got it all, what more you want?
moar yuros. It's about money. Surprised much? I mean, I get your point, but when you're bombarded by leftist "dindu nuffin" press normies might not realise true scale of danger.

>having an economy to speak of

yeah ...

Fuck you. Take your "economy" to hell moronic leftie. Being free in your own country - that's what is valuable.

actually i think that poll had some influence in decision of the white house, they saw that poles want to see trump in their country in contrast with UK and other cucked nations of EU

>implying that 500+ is good
kys faggot

Anyone from Germany here? I heard Germany is doing quite well ecomically, despite the refugees. Have the refugees contributed to this growth? Because it seems hard to believe.

Germoney you wasted money America gave you into destroying your own country

>glorious years of the former pro EU gov.
Please kys

Hey poland want to buy some weapons to fight EU merkel army? I recommend TOS-1 really good against muslims.

mielony czy schabowy?
dziękuję; all yuros of the world cannot buy stuff that really matters
It is not as bad as you believe
people are having more kids
problem is that all people, trash who have low end job and people with good, stable jobs
you cannot make it good for everyone at the same time

>allowing all muslim immigrants to live off welfare, which costs your country billions of dollar annually
>criticising other country's economy
Well, perhaps some.
>not "we took away from all of you 600 but will give some of you back 500"

Poland IS the Polish people. No other way about it. If we all go down, I would be proud to have the torch carried by people as based and proud as the pols.

>having country


they contribute hard to healthcare, see above

schabowy oczywiscie

sure thing, as long as you don't pull ribbentrop-molotov on us again
and we really really want Wilno and Lwów back, is it ok with you?
send us some guns, we may need them if EU army becomes a thing

socialist policies and the government artificially decreasing the price of corn in the store is the reason farmers barely scrape by. that and water stipends, which give farmers discounts for water so they can grow corn or grapes in an arid environment better suited to something like wheat.

if we were allowed to grow the crops best suited to to our land we would make more money

Europe and US currently get a very different type of refugees.

i will present u better solution
>no pension

>all yuros of the world cannot buy stuff that really matters
But user, newest iPhone is all that matters! How else will you take that sweet selfie at your execution?
I've heard that, funnily, Poland has one of the more lax gun laws (though it's still nowhere USA). Is that true?
>government tries to do something
>it goes wrong
Who could've guessed

>wants his country invaded for muh economy

PiS turned out to be more principled than I thought.

Fuck off proxy fag. No self-respecting Polak would say such things.

i'd rather be poor among my own culture and people than rich surrounded by groids and middle eastern trash

Economic growth is overrated

Consider the hypothetical case of a man who can have anything he wants just by wishing for it. Such a man has power, but he will develop serious psychological problems. At first he will have a lot of fun, but by and by he will become acutely bored and demoralized. Eventually he may become clinically depressed. History shows that leisured aristocracies tend to become decadent. This is not true of fighting aristocracies that have to struggle to maintain their power. But leisured, secure aristocracies that have no need to exert themselves usually become bored, hedonistic and demoralized, even though they have power. This shows that power is not enough. One must have goals toward which to exercise one’s power.

>I'm 17 years old and I know how to improve my country's economy

yes Poland! let urself tear into a war against Russia! Nobody has beaten the big bear, but you can do it this time, you are strong. It's a giant on clay feet! What could go wrong?

well, there is an economic gift that turkey is threatening to release upon europe should they not get money from the EU

The correct answer is to dispense with aristocracies altogether and ensure that only workers get a say in the state's affairs.

Are you the same faggot that posts the same thread about Japan regularely?
It is time to neck yourself mate.
You would be doing everyone a favor.

Quit hiding behind that proxy, Jew.

you cannot cut all pensions because reasons
>war against Russia
we will invade your sorry ass way sooner than Russia attacks Poland again

Do you know what nuance is

>implying workers know how to rule
If they were smart, they wouldn't be workers.

Yep. And you should be executed for having a problem with it. Some Pole should drag you out of your house and hold a blowtorch on your face until your mother wouldn't recognize you.

>If they were smart, they wouldn't be workers.
Sure, Shlomo.

Oh, we are all for a trade union with Europe and free movement of the European peoples.
What we are staunchly against, however is its increasingly growing authority in all fields of life and law, its immigration policy, its submission to islamic invasion, and its desire to shape the social policies in member countries towards the left. These are all areas that the REAL EU should have no say in and no authority over.

We want cooperation with Europe. Not the death of our culture under the pressure of all other cultures. So we are for an Europea Union to benefit us all. Just against the cucks who currently run it.

>what is sarcasm

in my humble opinion we should legalize criminal activity that produces income because thats the most important thing and nothing else matter than numbers

I am from eastern Poland
we do not like sarcasm over here


>russian saber rattling scares its neighbours
>they run away to cry into daddy 'murica's shoulder asking for protection
>oy vey!
>why are you so scared we only want to kill you comrade!
>much evil white man building his evil bases!
kys fagot

>canada gets cucked with C-16
>germany gets cucked with imigrants
>france get cucked with macroni

Meanwhile in Poland.

Milan is immune too it seems

>tfw europhilecucks will never allow this

>being this brainwashed
I hope u just troll or larp

traitor leftist scum



Do polaks also hate foreigners from EU who come to live there (I realize that's unicorn-tier rare)?

degenerate but when compared to transfaggotry it is almost ok

wyprzedziłes mnie

degenerate shit, combining traditional imagery and "sex" to sell

If you mean regular polaks then no.
If you're asking if your're gonna get your face stomped in by football hooligans, then probably yes.