He has $ 130M debt

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That's a normal amount of debt considering he is a billionaire.

>Billionaire has 315m in debt.
>Half of it with Deutsche Bank.
>Billionaire is owned by the Germans.

Deutsche Bank is one of the biggest banks in the world. It's like getting a loan from Wells Fargo. If Trump is owned by Germany for getting a loan from Deutsche bank then so is my Dad.

Deutsche Bank has must have massive, worldwide influence to have bought the US president AND a McDonald's franchisee in a small town in Washington State.

>300mil debt is supposed to be alarming for a billionaire real estate mogul



>Trump is smart because he's rich maymay
>Turns out he's not actually so rich
>Turns out he's barely a billionare (1.1 bn)
>Oprah is worth 3 billion
So tell me Sup Forums, how does a nigger born into poverty surpass a white man born with everything?

How can a billionaire be in debt? How does that make sense?

he is just a scam artist a politics PUA equivalent

By not paying the debt back all at once. Im 7000 in debt, but my bank account is positive. Same thing on a larger scale

But why? Isn't it always better to have zero debt? What kind of jewish trickery is being pulled off here?

Because you can spend the money now, buy nice assets. In his case make those assets worth more than when he started since hes famous. "Car owned and driven by donald trump" etc. Celebrity status alone could generate money from anything he touches.

he gave up 100% control of everything to his kids

he doesn't owe anybody jack squat, it's their issue to deal with

>people like trump's things because he touched them
maybe now that he's president and what not but he generally bought some shitty building, knocked it down, and made a big fancy one in its place

he built some golf courses which is a similar concept but generally in wasteland type areas on the outskirts of towns, like mar a lago was

he's not out there buying jaguars on credit, driving them for a week, and flipping them for twice the cash because nobody's that dumb

Doesn't hillary still owe like, a billion dollars to muslims?

pay denbts

It's called investments, nerd virgin.

>Thinks assessment of assets = networth

>not understanding real estate

they all have some amount of debt tied up in property investment/construction etc

Experts estimate Trump has almost no liquid assets so this is actually a huge deal

>It wasn't Russian debt goys, it was German debt, oy vey

And this is how you know he's the right kind of fascist. Day of the copter when?

If you use this argument, you have to also realize that Trump has assessed his own business/assets/brand as being worth 10 billion. So what is it trumpcuck, you've painted yourself into a corner. What's the next step of your master plan?

Hillary sold uranium to Russia, killed Seth Rich, passed out at the critical moment: 911, is part of the bilderberg globalist scheme to create a new world older dystopian hellscape government

>Experts estimate

>liberals are financially illiterate
Breaking news there

>AnCap flag
>doesn't understand the basics of capitalism

wew lad, time to admit you're a Leaf.

>Having debt
in a debt based economic system
Call me surprised

It's a loan for an investment. Like say... a business loan. You may owe a large amount of money, but you'll also likely pay it off and make far more with taking the loan. It's for initial start up costs.

The only kikery that goes on with loans is usury.

12 year old retards think a line of credit equals total net worth debt.

If your mommy gets a car loan she's not 30k in the hole total... its just financing.

Surely this is a conflict of interest.

We should demand that USA leaves the EU

>know nothing about basic economics
>AnCap flag

sounds about right desu


Your incoherent rant doesn't change the fact that assessment of assets is not the same as networth. Don't worry kiddo, your balls will drop eventually.

130m is nothing

1.1 bn is his net worth.
ffs, you guys are a bunch of idiots

>not understanding basic accounting
this is literally accounting101 shit, unfortunately most americans are dumb as fuck and never take an accounting or finance class in their entire lives and will fall for this stupid fake news bullshit

>What are liabilities?

Not a single argument was found. Thank you kikes for admitting defeat.

I'd support a gofundme to finance that guy to go around and look at celebrity butts and show his reaction.

I also wonder what she thought the first time she saw that on her twitter or wherever. It's better in a way than the guy asking Emma to autograph the crotch shot, because this is the guy's genuine reaction.

130 million in debt
is worth
10,000 million
libtards were never good at math

hence why he is donating his paycheck.

Gotta love fake news.

If he were to sell all his businesses, his brand, etc, etc, he reasonably expects to get that much money.

>Can't grasp economics
>Want to tell you what's good for economy

And we're done here, folks

Assets-Liabilities = Net worth

Try again retard

Isn't Trump exactly the guy who said that if you owe the bank a mil it's your problem. If you owe them 100 mil it's their problem.

I bet they kiss his ass because his interest payments puts him in their highest tier of customer. Welcome to big boy world, op.