Student dies after being bullied for his good grades

Student dies after being bullied for his good grades

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He was bullied to death? How?

Probably by nogs

Nerds on suicide watch

Probably by mexicans

Crabs in a bucket. That's real reason black people on average don't do well because they have a culture of pulling each other down.

He killed himself

This doesnt even make sense."ah shit the niggers know im smarter then them, time to kill myself"

3 times more likely that it was nogs

It also stops people from acting like faggots

And I can guarantee they didn't bully this kid just because of his grades

Than be a cool guy with the other cool guys in your crab bucket but don't beg for monies from the crabs that escaped.

t. pedro

It's real common in parts of the south. Minorities and rednecks bully smart kids. They take pride in their low grades. The south is slowly stating to segregate itself by class more than race now.

>Bullied for good grades

Seriously? wtf?

Dr. Pedro to you nog

you just let the niggers copy your homework and cheat off your tests and they won't fuck with you.

They believe "book learning" is for fags.

Yeah. They do that just so they can get a D so the teacher can hand them off to the next grade.

Should we just kill all the niggers?

google image search op's post
dont forget to sage

Don't be a retarded fedora tipper. There's a reason Scandinavia and Anglo countries were so successful and its because the communities in them didn't let people do dumb degenerate shit.

This kid would have been bullied for something else if it wasn't his good grades because that's what happens when you're a fucking weird cunt. People aren't actually that petty despite what Jewish hollywood movies have drummed into your impressionable little kraut """""brain"""""

more than ever your countries seem to be hating on potential teslas , if anything the anglosphere is increasingly the anti-intellectual zone of the world, so much so only america is carrying on with her imported intelligence on a payroll

Yeah I suppose the white guy needed bullying for being a nerd who got good grades and not wearing his pants on his ankles. That sort of shit was the reason euros were successful.

>be like 12
>don't even study that hard, just pay enough attention at class
>grades are pretty good, could be better
>lol fag
>laugh it off at first
>lol fag
>ignore it
>lol fag
>hit'em hard enough to hurt
>ow you asshole it's all a joke

It was his parents fault for putting him in that environment in the first place. If your kid is the odd one out in school as the only white kid then fucking move somewhere else.

The reason anglo countries import workers is because theyre worth half what an anglo so it's cheaper

You never had good grades, right? I got s lot of hate for my grades in college, but I never gave a fuck.
People are jealous if you're performing better and they mock you if you're stupid.

link please???

>common in parts of the south
Dude this shit is common in Boston. This is where the high IQ under achiever meme originates. Kids are smart but don't want to be bullied by the future libtards. So they do the bare minimum not to look to smart. Do this all the way through high school, Basically fucking their chances for a good college.


I got good grades but I wasn't bullied for it because the people in my classes were my friends because I wasn't some fedora tipping loser who thought having an above average intelligence made me a special snowflake better than everyone else

This is 100% spot on, sionce the 60s when we detsoryed grammar schools and rigour in education to appease the weak and stupid by dumbing everything down in the name of "equality" we have had a culture of anti effort,anti intellectualism that drives genuinely smart individuals into the shadows and celebrates the dumbest of cunts.

>iow he sucked dick and kissed ass so people wouldn't bully him.

All i got from that is you're an annoying extrovert who was to pussy to stand against his peers and did everything to fit in under their acceptance like the little pathetic bitch coward you are.

How do you die from bullying?
Stupid fag didn't even go on a shooting spree.

>i've literally never had a human friend

Not even an extrovert just not a cunt with a superiority complex. I didn't "stand against" my peers because I wasn't in opposition to them since there was no need to be. Fitting in and being intelligent are compatible believe it or not

Maybe he didn't let them copy his answers during tests or something? Or it could be code for "bullied for being a nerdy weirdo".

ages 6-20 , you have to put up with retarded peers, afterwards it gets better. as an adult you can just decide to close out people from your life completly and people learn pretty fast that if someones threatens to call the police he usually actually does it. say something like this in class and you got laughed at. in the adult world after that this annoying childlike shit stops immediatly.

man i really hated those first 20years of my life, total shitshow and most of it cause everyone else was an immature asshole + the one who was born half a year before you always wins in a fight cause he has a small development advantage. fuck this

Typical Drumpftard

luckily, few on Sup Forums will suffer the same fate

Wouldn't muslims be extremely successful then?

everyday, humanity becomes more and more weak holy shit

>no link
nice thread fag

>t. a social outcast
How did it work out for you following Machiavelli

Probably by Trump supporters.

The norm for northern europeans and their diaspora is different than the norm for mudslimes.

Being a normal protestant means working hard and being frugal. Being a normal muslim means rubbing your face into the ground every hour every day

>they're worth half an anglo
Your women don't seem to think that

>ctrl+f http
>1 of 1

Pretty sure they do actually

The only non whites they fuck are maori who are half anglo anyways

This is a result of anti-intelligence culture brought to this nation by niggers, arabs, and spics. If you follow the rules and try to get ahead, the non-white tries to pull you down with them.

Plot twist: this was at Sunday school

What is with American cuck obsession?

Serves him right for being a fucking nerd.


If someone tells you to kill yourself
and then you start considering killing yourself
you should kill yourself

>They take pride in their low grades.
>They believe "book learning" is for fags.
>common in parts of the south
>this shit is common in Boston
>a culture of anti effort,anti intellectualism

Is there a way to fix this problem?

Is there a link to the story?

Islam animals aren´t any better.
"Bildungsferne Schichten", educationally deprived strata they are called, the parents do not care the slightest about education, female teachers are of course female and thus subhuman, the daughters don´t need no education when they get married away, the sons are little machos and inherently better than the unbelievers.

Politicans now try to prevent this by forcing the "common school" for everyone in the hopes that the better (white) pupils pull the rest up.
This will work just as well as expected in classes where the national language is rapidly beoming a minority and anyone who has even the slightest interest in education for his children will put them in private schools. Even the socialist politicans that propagate the "common school".

A disaster in the making and everyone knows it. But hell yeah, muh ideology!

Christ you retards are easy to bait.

"Bildungsferne Schichten", educationally deprived strata they are called, the parents do not care the slightest about education, female teachers are of course female and thus subhuman, the daughters don´t need no education when they get married away, the sons are little machos and inherently better than the unbelievers.

Damn, that is chad and stacysparents to the T in the US

they are rich right?

HAH! Sometimes I think you Mexicans are OK. But not the full bred cholos. Fucking Christ.

It's real

OP is just a faggot

A SCHOOLBOY who met Prince Harry during last year’s Invictus Games took his own life after bullies relentlessly hounded him on Snapchat.

Sam Abel and his dad Mark, who is registered blind, met Prince Harry when Mark competed in the Games last May, The Sun reports.

The pair were watching volleyball when the Prince came and sat next to them.

Mark said: “Sam was thrilled to have met a Prince and it was great to see him happy for once.”

Now, Sam’s devastated parents have spoken out about the bullies who bombarded him with spiteful Snapchat messages day and night.

The clever teen was taunted by bullies who were jealous of his good grades.

School bullies hid his school books from him, punctured his water bottle, calling him a “snitch” when he confided in teachers.

Mark and Anita Abel have said that their son’s death will “haunt them for the rest of their lives” after he took his own life.

An inquest heard how the 14-year old school boy had shared text messages with friends about his depression and suicidal thoughts before the tragic incident took place on January 8.

Sam, who was a pupil at Tudor Grange Academy School, suffered name calling, pranks and physical abuse before the bullies took to social media and bombarded him with cruel messages via Snapchat and Facebook messenger on a daily basis.

Sam’s dad Mark said: “Snapchat messages only last seconds but when you’re getting those messages constantly, the seconds add up and they broke him down in the end.

“It started as individuals but I think more people joined in with taunting him when it developed into cyber bullying.

“We will never know how serious those messages were because the police cannot get access to the messages due to encryption.

“It obviously got that bad that it pushed him over the edge.

“He had no escape from them because it wasn’t just at school anymore.

“It was online and offline and on and off the playground.

“They probably thrived off it or got a kick out of it.”

probably by other whites u fucking idiot.

A Snapchat suicide? Toppest of fucking keks.

His parents describe how their son was first bullied in primary school, in year six, but that they were unaware how badly things had escalated.

Mark said: “He kept a lot to himself and what he did share we acted upon. We knew about the bullying but we visited the school several times and were told they were acting on it.

“He did a good job of hiding everything and put up a front and we assumed everything was fine.

“He suffered in silence.

“You put measures in place to make sure your kids are safe but they even bullied him for wearing a yellow crash helmet and jacket.”

>Too smart to keep living

Sam confided in school friends and even teaching staff but after thinking the problem was under control, his parents were left in the dark about what their son was going through.

The young student excelled in business and had dreams of becoming the next Alan Sugar, having already set up two successful YouTube channels, reviewing products for the shopping site, Amazon.

Anita said: “He loved school and loved learning. He just hated the people who were there.

“We were looking forward to his exams next year.

“We won’t get to seem him go to his prom or have driving lesson and we are devastated by the verdict at the inquest.

“We will never get over this.”

Thanks for the input, Shekelstein.

Your post is crab bucket in action. Clean your room

>internet problems
>better kill myself!

Let's be real here. If it wasn't Snapchat that killed him, it was going to be coke or gambling debts. The kid's a loser.

A spokesman for Tudor Grange Academy said the school had been made aware of several incidents of bullying, which had been dealt with sensitively.

They said: “As a school we are devastated by Sam’s death and our thoughts are very much with his family. He was a kind, considerate pupil and we miss him.

“As a school, we do not tolerate bullying. We encourage our students to go to any member of staff if anything is worrying them, any concerns are taken very seriously.

“Issues are dealt with sensitively by providing support for the young person through our trained counsellors or other appropriate staff and senior leaders deal with incidents that require sanctions for individuals to keep the children in our care safe from bullying.

“Experienced and caring staff have been helping the students to come to terms with this tragedy and they will continue to do so.”

Crabs in a bucket. People will always be looking to tear you down. Lack of blood ties makes it even more common

whatever you say, kike

Nobody bullies me on snapchat, because I don't fucking use snapchat, there's no such thing as online bullying, just turn the computer off, easy.

Don't worry we hate them too

>tfw to smart to live

How hard is it to close your fucking eyes? To walk away from the tiny screen in front of you? Was his ass glued to the chair? Or his hands glued to his phone?


He clearly wasn't only bullied online

It's right there in the article

>who was a pupil at Tudor Grange Academy School, suffered name calling, pranks and physical abuse BEFORE the bullies took to social media


>"The best of the gentiles, kill,"
kikes did it

>Is there a way to fix this problem?
