Is this a joke right?

Just because someone tells you to kill yourself. You are not obligated to follow it.

Meanwhile there is not much you can do to prevent any incoming AR bullets to pierce your body.

he never killed any children only communists.

He is not going to be released after 21 years, his sentence will be renewed until he dies.

Also Norway is not in the EU, don't mix us with them.

I thought she only got 6 months jail.

lawyers need to be burned alive more

She didn't get sentenced yet faggot AND she will be tried as a juvenile so it's not going to even be close to 20 years. Fuck off retard.

Didn't use an AR.
Didn't use a "machine gun".

fuck that bitch glad she got a stiff sentence


Breivik is based

>Norway is not in the EU

How'd that happen anyway? I always forget this fact and then it pops up and surprises me each time. Something to do with getting the most shekels possible for your oil?

Scandinavia and America have different approaches to justice.

I'm quite happy with both sentences desu. Fuck that cunt, and I hope Breveik is having a comfy time with his Playstation.

Well the children were leftists so

We have had 2 referendums on whether or not we should join, both times we voted no.

Don't want the rest of the EU coming over stealing our fish.

you're a retard if you think Breivik is ever going to get out of prison btw

I agree she's bad and what she did is punishment-worthy, but it seems un-Anglo law to jail someone just for talking - it denies her boyfriend's agency.

>Don't want the rest of the EU coming over stealing our fish.

It's weird how that became the rule.

If they said it was OK for foreigners to steal oil or gas there would be riots.
But foreign fishermen plundering your seas is somehow acceptable?

Anyways, you had a lucky escape.

this is untrue. a judge said a few weeks ago that he will most likely be released before he is 65 years old.
>Norway is not in the EU, don't mix us with them.
also, you're in europe, so same thing. the EU controls everything your shitty country does anyway.

What are you saying exactly? That there's something wrong with America for giving her 20 years, or something wrong with Europe for giving him 21 years?

First: illocutionary
Second: Breivik is considered a hero in Norway.

Jesus christ, you're dense. You're already poor, you don't also need to be dumb.

What happened to that American freedom of speech I've been hearing about?

I mean it's not entirely the same thing. We are not obligated to follow everything the EU says, though our politicians tend to bend over anyways.

Also what judge are you referring to? I tried finding it, but can only find lawyers and other law experts saying he will never be released.

He's saying that he lives in Ancap shithole and that no country should have any laws.

She's a youthful offender she can't get more than 6 years under law

And she hasn't even been sentenced yet. Where did you get 20 years from faggot?

if i ever said to anyone here kys i'm sorry i take it back.

Just because you liberals tell people to kill themselves and pray for others to get murdered doesn't make it normal.
Nice b8 but the hypocrisy was a bit heavy handed desu.

Breivik was a hero tho.

Crowded theater rule

She didn't send him a text saying 'kys' or some shit, she manipulated him into suicide including telling him to "get back in the fucking car" as he backed out, she's a shitcunt for talking him into it and her boyfriend was a cuck bitch for being talked into it. Why does any one care about this case? Everyone involved were dickheads.

Sounds like justice. Gonna cry about it?

>Just because someone tells you to kill yourself. You are not obligated to follow it.


What if I tell a retard to fetch the rifle and shoot himself in the head, because it will be so much fun. Am I off the hook because "he was not obligated to follow my orders"?

The bf was clearly retarded. She should be grilled on the electric chair if you ask me.

As to Breivik, the "21 years in prison" are a completely misunderstood sentence length. Under Norwegian law, Breivik is being held indefinitely based on a "dangerous criminal" judgement which is being extended every few years. The 21 years is the "average length" of such confinement in all cases, not Breivik's maximum prison sentence.

Fuck off, white knight feminist huemonkey.

> muh crying white girl! Quick! Overturn our civilization for her feels!

I'm afraid the reason she got that high sentence is beause she's white, that's what I thought at first glance, but that's just speculation.

>machine gun

tfw my gf never tries tells me to kill myself. Feels kind of bad actually. There's something god damn hot in psychotic girls. Maybe they'd breed strong and ruthless children.

So you don't think you can jail somebody for verbal harassment?

holy shit stop posting this

She shouldnt have even been tried, he was a faggot bitch who deserved death. I have no respect for people who kill themselves. She deserves a medal for weeding out a pathetic waste of a person

Norway has oil. That's the only reason. Everything else is bullshitting.

1. Norway is not in the EU.
2. In Norway we have 21 years maximum OFFICIALLY, in practice we have indefinite sentences that can be periodically renewed. He will not be a free man again, not unless the society changes completely.

Holy shit the only reason this thread keeps existing is nobody will read the case. I wish people would not use Sup Forums for 100% of their news but thats just what happens.

She literally murdered him because she encouraged him to go to a car and turn it on in a garage. Did he have to do this no but he genuinely thought he did because he was mentally ill, maybe he did it for pussy or love.

He sat there 20 minutes and she kept him there by talking on the phone giving pep talks.

Later he said he was about to die so left the car for a moment and she screamed at him to stay there and please just go through with it. Then he died.

There is really no difference here than if someone was a supervillain who could use mind control to kill themselves.

Not sure why I typed all this nobody will read it and this case will be lied about all year so that teenagers can get ultimate (you) luls but go on believing it was some 'way unfair 1st amendment violation brah'


When I think of harassment I think of someone talking to you or calling you or bothering you when you don't want them to, and have told them to stop. He never told her to stop or leave him alone, he wanted to talk to her.

Obama's Nation holdouts trying to replace justice with "social justice" everywhere they can while Trump is distracted by fake investigations. Be glad if this is the most blatant example of courts ruling that "your freedom of speech ends where my feels begin" the 4th and 9th courts rule on.

>machine gun

You can not be a degenerate faggot

As a leaf, I can safely say that Sup Forums has told me to kill myself - literally and unironically - and I haven't even come close to doing it so far, and I wouldn't want anons prosecuted for telling me to neck myself, miss me with that gay shit. Her boyfriend was a faggot, she clearly deserved better desu

This seems a little ridiculous. What if he legit gets rehabilitated? How will they justify that he's still a threat?


wtf did she really get 20 years? I feel sorry for her, what the fuck

After reading about this case in some detail, I am convinced both the girl and the guy that killed himself were/are totally messed up in the head.

Norway is not part of the EU, you stupid Brazilian cunt.

Doing what you are told is the highest virtue in society

Because the average man follows faith and not reason, he is not capable of self governing

Reasoning belongs to the cool observer

aka retard rule.
If people's response to randoms yelling shit is to kill each other, they deserve to die. You really think people are going to be like "oh shit there's a fire, better trample everyone"? People don't even take fire alarms seriously, I don't see why they'd take some random seriously. If speech is limited because people might react a certain way, then wearing MAGA hats should be illegal. MAGA hats are much more likely to result in deaths than yelling "fire" in a theater.
...But that's just my opinion.

She doesn't even look like she's crying in the OP. Looks more like she's peeved.
>ugh this is so annoying
>when can I go back home and take selfies ughhh

How does this go against freedom of speech?

White privilege strikes again

>pol will defend this

No, you have the political understanding of a 12-year old if you think it has to do with oil, it boils down to fishing. Fishing is serious business. Reason why Iceland wasn't part of the EU before 2009 and why there very well may be a war of British aggression between them and the EU.

>implying people who want other people dead for not liking them isn't retarded and pathetic
people who lack morals don't grasp the concept of irony, or why laws should apply to them for that matter. neck yourself, hypocrite. but give me my medal first.


>How will they justify that he's still a threat?
Doctors will make the assessment. There is no way in hell that he ever gets out again. Maybe if he is 90 years old and in a wheelchair.

Remember when you thought Breivik was wrong to kill those lefties?

Listen to the Norwegian. Breivik got the maximum sentence according to their law and it'll be re-evaluated in 20 years and pretty much guaranteed to be renewed

I live in the same area she does.
She didn't just say "hey kill yourself fag"
She urged him for months to kill himself, telling him why he should and all that shit, she knew he had suicidal thoughts and shit.
She wanted him to die and didn't think anything would happen to her because of it

>Meanwhile there is not much you can do to prevent any incoming AR bullets to pierce your body
Get a bullet proof vest, retard.

He did not do anything wrong.

Didn't he use a mini 14?

Fuck off white knight faggot. She should be hung

that picture is somewhere between creepy and comical
my brain can't decide that makes it even worse

Just because you're a Brazilian doesn't mean you have to act like a fag.

Iceland won the last cod war against the UK, pretty sure they can do it again.

She didn't commit a crime at all other than MUH HATESPEECH u SJW

she CAN get up to 20 years
20 years would be realy tough, especially for a 20yo girl

I know, every picture of him is great in it's own weird way.... it's just a shame they only publish 1 or 2 every years, he really has a lot of good meme potential.

>Feel sorry for her
Because she's a young girl?
There's literally no reason to feel sorry for human garbage

She didn't even commit a crime you garbage

she told him to enter the car, did not call 911, told him to stay in the car and basically was responsible for his death so it's still murder

Wasn't the BF depressed? That cuts down his agency by a lot.

Because she shouldn't be serving any prison time for what her adult boyfriend chose to do on his own.

He killed more whites than all "norwegian" muslim put together. If he wanted to do something good, he should have shot the fucking EU parliament

He killed shitskins and leftists, monkey boy

She convinced an obviously mentally ill person to go through with his own suicidal thoughts
This wasn't simple online "kys faggot" shit, she was urging him constantly for months to kill himself, not just insults or jokes, actually trying to convince him to do it


they were all probably for open borders

How is brevik discussed irl among you Norwegians?

Those weren't children. They were commies in training.

they were leftist that vote for open borders..they would import shitksins

i don't understand where the empathy comes from that ''girl'' is a sociopath that just happens to have human form, she'd do all sorts of horrible shit to anyone and probably still does even today. she deserves total isolation from
any human contact. no access to ways of self harm.

he is the idiot no sane stable person would kill himself over someone else

Suicide isn't illegal in the U.S anymore.

Egging someone on to do it sure as fuck is.

Show me the legislation.

I don't believe in blaming someone else for your actions. If you're an adult and someone tells you to do something bad, you just don't do it, and if you choose to do it, it's your fault.

this thicc BASED WHITE GIRL totally showed an EPIC SNOWFLAKE his place because she dedicated hours of her time to persuade a CRINGEY SJW into his own death L:D:D: xXDD

press eke!

>This seems a little ridiculous. What if he legit gets rehabilitated? How will they justify that he's still a threat?

like you wouldn't have him over for dinner

This piece of trash deserve every last bit of what she'll get.
Fucking degenerate sociopaths. Read the story and if you don't see what she did wrong you are what's wrong with this society.

she granted him eternal peace, she shouldnt have been convicted in the first place

Hahaha I hope she opens letters everyday from people encouraging her to kill her self

>he doesn't have kek flag posters in his filtered list

this should be the only form of human contact she would be allowed to.

She can't kill herself since she's in prison

>implying convincing retards to off themselves wouldn't be a great benefit to the world at large

If you want to throw her in jail for this you're whats wrong with soceity.