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Can someone explain why this post was just deleted after being up for only 2 mins? I wrote (with the pic):
"Anyone remember this? My parents took me to see it and even back then I could see how high the B.S. level was."

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has moderator powers here?

btw, you really don't need the parentheses with this one

He has many more powers than you could imagine.

It's like squaring them, right?


>le holocaust didnt happen maymay

biggest work of fiction supporting the holohoax

Is his power shekel level like that of Soros?

>Written by a 25 year old German atheist

Should I even bother to continue reading this?

He's in contact with interdimensional creatures from space.

I didn't bother to look. Those imgur surprises can ruin your appetite.

He takes the confirmed fake "diary of anne frank" as proof. Also the whole wiesel bullshit.

Did anyone actually ever felt sorry for the jews while watching those kind of movies? Not even trying to be edgy here but, I actually enjoyed watching them because I enjoyed watching jews suffer.

Any explanation for the photoshopped Holocaust images? Or why the Soviets were dressing up as SS and massacring the Polish? Or why Hitler appealed for peace several times and it was refused each time? And yes, Anne Frank, how did she travel in time to get ahold of a pen from the future?

I couldn't feel sorry. Even at a very young age I saw through the victim curtain and could see little else but the politicizing, vilifying, blaming, and total ill-regard for what prompted the whole mess in the first place.
No one should suffer, but do any of us get to spend an eternity hunting down our abusers? Who even wants to do that kind of faggotry?

I know photos of corpses can be impressive for the simple mind, but nurses getting rid of corpses infected with typhus doesn't mean they were put to death in a gas chamber.
The whole gas chamber doesn't make any sense, they have no reason to exist since you can just let your prisoners starve until they die or shoot a few of the millions of bullets produced everyday by german industry.
I won't even talk about the parody of trial at nuremberg, which was just fucking ridiculous.

Also, baby being born in camps? Why would they even let that happen? A pregnant woman can't do shit, and they're supposed to be there for extermination. Why would germans let women have their babies when they could have just gassed the pregnant woman, who can't do any form of work in the last months of pregnancy.

The only reason I have to pretend it happened is because I could go to jail for denying, like it's the fucking inquisition.

>since you can just let your prisoners starve until they die

You mean like what Stalin did to 10 million lives by forcing a man-made famine?

> it's the fucking inquisition
This is what made me take a serious look at the holocaust.

>This is what made me take a serious look at the holocaust.
Yeah, same here. I never questioned this until all the "memory laws". Now I read a lot about this subject and it's highly probably it's just a post war construct to help zionist insterests. I mean, people are so hateful toward jews to the point of genocide, they should have a place where they're safe, right?

I don't know what the janitors are doing. They delete threads that shouldn't be deleted but yet there's a thread up with over 100 replies that's a picture of a woman getting fucked by two dicks.

People seem to think German logistics were running as smoothly as a well oiled machine when there was disruption among the command level, fuel supply was limited, etc, and yet we're supposed to expect Hitler to have used up more resources to set up a human gassing factory in several locations?

Premeditated rules for radicals. Accuse your enemy of something you're about to do yourself.

we had to watch it in history class. my christfag teacher tried to fast forward the part where you see boobies and ended up pausing it as an old granny teacher walked in.

Yeah this too, like a fucking industry of death. How fucking useless. I mean, not even considering the technical details, gas chambers don't make sense.
I heard that gas chambers were made so soldiers wouldn't feel the trauma of shooting thousands of people to death, but on the other side there were "einsatzgruppen" who were accused of doing exactly this.

there's a thread up about gluten-free diets.... I mean,

The reason for the poor conditions of the camps, and the massive number of deaths is the allies efforts in the war itself. The massive bombing campaign (against civilians), the drain on resources, and the allies refusal to end the war despite Hitler's appeal for peace and reason.