I hear a lot of people saying that a transgender person has a mental illness. Do you guys have proof regarding that ?

I hear a lot of people saying that a transgender person has a mental illness. Do you guys have proof regarding that ?

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Perfectly sane people mutilate themselves and then commit suicide.

When you use to look like this and then compulsively cut and drug yourself to look like OP's pic, that's mental illness.

have you ever tried screwing a bolt into a bolt?

or threading a nut through a nut?

Its not a mental illness, just a sexual fetish like scat

look at "her." Still need proofs?

>tfw you're old enough to remember when he was an American hero.

How far we've fallen......

Look at their suicide statistics

I'm talking about scientific proof. Research that has been done.

they believe they are in the opposite genders body because they saw a dress they thought was prettty then mutilate their genitals and kill themselves


Suicide rate, regardless of surgery, is 40%. That is over 2.5X as high as Schizophrenia.

It is a mental disorder and telling people it's not is like telling a Schizophrenic that it "really is their dead dead mother talking to them."

Stop abusing mental patients.

has it got a boyfriend yet? did anybody fuck its inverted dickhole thing?

If a person genuinely believes they are something other than what they are in reality and are prepared to mutilate their own genitals to satisfy these delusions I think it's safe to assume they are not of a fit mental state.

>steroid champs
Not my hero


It's called schizophrenia.

You only think it's okay because it's "progressive".

For example: When they think they're a space alien, you think that's bizarre.

They're both flavors of the same illness, trans is based on a combination of fear and hate of self.

Which doesn't magically disappear after you transition.


The clinical, perverted kind. I don't mean perverted in a sex sense, I mean as in a twisted mind.

Being self-absorbed to an unhealthy level leads to auto-eroticism. The auto-erotic looks to satisfy their sexuality in themselves instead of others.

The next tier from regular auto-erotic is homosexuality, where you seek to have childless "sex" by masturbating with a body you can identify with. Basically, fags are eternal children having sex with themselves instead of pairing up with a mate and entering the next step of life: parenthood. (OH GOD, SCARY. I'LL HAVE TO BE RESPONSIBLE AND LIVE FOR OTHERS INSTEAD OF JUST MYSELF!)

Back to the point, the SHIT TIER of self-absorption is trans-sexuality. In men, it's the case where the narcissistic mother that had affected the trans-boys mind to the point where he is trying to crawl back up his mother's pussy and become her. He has become inside-out mentally and identifies himself with the woman he desires.

At this point, he is usually addicted to alcohol and drugs, and is a total mess. Acting out, self-centered attention whoring, failures at real world challenges, delusional and likely dangerous.

They will never be real women, because real women have the God given ability to create life, these anti-men are the ultimate perversions of creation.

Addict and narcissist behaviors go hand in hand. The transsexual is the superlative form of this cancer.

The proof is in the pudding. Thinking you're a boy when born as a girl, is a mental illness. Similarly, being born a human and thinking you're an attack helicopter is mental illness.

are they pushing the trans agenda in france? the gender-identity pseudoscience is starting to show up around here

Oh I don't think it's okay at all. I'm just trying to understand the problem better.

Well, if a person who's clearly a man thinks he's suddenly a woman and demands to be mutilated and drugged to actually make it so, that would count as classic mental illness.

Successful reproduction is an objective goal for all organisms. Cutting your dick off prevents you from reproducing, thus it is an objectively abnormal act.

Once I get into university next year I'll know. For now all I've seen is that the vast majority of people in France want to accept it.

Go read a trans thread and get back to us.

Last thread I read in that shithole was one where the trannies were lamenting the retirement of a specific doctor becuase their mutilated penis (their words, not mine) needed more surgery.

I started to shitpost but then I realized that it's for the best that they stay there and not leave under any circumstance because fuck that and forever left.

go on. have a look.

They mutilate their dicks, fuck their bodies up with enzymes not meant for them and dress up and try to act like trollops then demand everyone humours their delusions.

What more proof do you need, Gaston?

"Society tolerates it as acceptable" is more apt phrasing, apologies.

The issue angers me, because they all end up killing or mutilating themselves, and people seem to ignore that.

They're basically just telling schizos that it's okay to feed into their delusions.


A man and a woman have a baby. This is nature.

Anything that deviates from that, is unnatural and therefore sick.

Their amazing suicide rates are all the proofs you need.

We can only hope they keep climbing.

I agree, and it's very reminiscent of pedophilia being progressively accepted with the small but growing LGBTP movement (oh god)

What is your definition of an illness and what kind of proof do you accept as an indicator of an illness? Not conversation can be had unless you answer these questions. Delete this thread and put the answer to both these questions in the OP. Thank you.

Gender dysphoria.

that's pretty sad, IMO it's about money and there is a lot of money to be made of millions of kids taking hormones/doing surgeries

No operation can change the chromosomes

Believing that one can change their biology just by mutilation of their genitalia

There are many differences between the sexes, men have larger hearts, have a different skeletal structure

Imagine a crime scene, detectives gather DNA evidence and the suspect is a man

But the perpetrator has had a sex change, do you honestly believe they're going to be looking for a woman based only on the DNA evidence?

Think about it, forget how you feel, science will determine your sěx not your feelings

All men are women before the chromosomes change, by default everyone is a woman it's just that some women are men

There is no changing of the sexes

>Hi, we're here to babysit your kids

its in he DSM you retard




pic related

an old tranny

Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken

It is a psychiatric disorder: gender identity disorder.

doing this to a kid should be considered child abuse

What qualifies as a mental illness is itself subject to DSM approval, which in turn is based on politics. Hence why homosexuality is no longer a mental illness. Mental illnesses tend to be comorbid with one another- having one makes one more likely to have another relative to baseline rates, Both homosexuality and transgenderism tend to be comorbid with other mental illnesses.

TL;DR: It isn't, because the body that defines mental illnesses is in the pockets of progressives. Worrying on whether or not they are mentally ill really doesn't matter for this reason.

>Sod off
>We were here first, bucko

ITT: no proof

Gender dysphoria is in the DSM though

First time I encounter a real mexican specialist.

id say not all trannies are transgendered and so are ill.

i know plenty of people of all kinds, a lot are crazy sometimes.

I stopped caring about gay shit after they tagged trans onto it.

Completely different concepts.

The latter doesn't even know who they are.

>Do you guys have proof regarding that ?
A man wants to cut off his penis and dress like a woman.

Correct. For now. Note that libfags say gender dysphoria is not a necessary precondition for transgenderism: not all trannys claim to have it, so the two aren't perfectly equivalent.

This is mostly semantics of course. I'd bet money that gender dysphoria will be taken off in time due to political pressure.

OP, I hear EVERY SINGLE TRANS PERSON say they were BORN THAT WAY. Always, and they will always have hundreds of links to 'scientific studies' backing up the *fact* they were born that way. I have never ever seen a trans person ADMIT they were preasured by society to become gay/trans because they were a beta/omega male who could not get laid with women even though that is almost always the case.

Kind of interesting how *proof* can be anything you want it to be

Well yes, how else are trannies going to get the government to cover their surgery.

Look at them, thats the proof right there.

>Do you guys have proof regarding that ?
Even if it's not mental illness it's still clearly going against what nature intended. They'd still be defective people.

debatable. He won in the mid 1970s, and although roids were around, they weren't prevalent in American sports yet. If he were and East German it'd be another story altogether.

>wanting to cut off your leg because you think you don't need it.
>doctors say no, you're mentally ill, you need help.
>wanting to cut off your tits or dick because you wanna be a goy/gal.
>doctors say yes, will do, you're not mentally ill

You know damn well if you brought that argument they'd just start normalizing those basket cases too.

Why would they block their nipples out, instead of embracing their new male privilege.

because there are only 2 sexes, there are only genders and no ammount of hormones will turn you from one genetically assigned sex into the other. none. humans are mammals, so sex denotes either male or female (intersex aka hermaphrodite is a genetic defect, it is not a "3rd sex", 1 sex will always be more dominant). the word gender denotes exactly the same thing, it has simply been twisted by idiots to fit their idiotic delusions. your gender is not fluid, that is simply impossible. you are simply delusional if you claim it does. if you have XX chromosomes you are a female, if you have XY chromosomes you are a male. simple as that. you will then no doubt hear spergs cry "but what about intersex people!". well, intersex people can have XX, XY or both chromosomes, the difference is they are sterile and therefore unable to reproduce.

trans people are different as it is a mental disorder (with usually body dysmorphia). buck angel, born a girl, now a man. with a vagina. no, she is a girl who has taken a fuckload of male hormones in order to

morph her body into that of a male. blair white, a boy who took a lot of female hormones to morph their male body into that of a female. hormones are magical, but they do not turn you from 1 sex into another. they simply morph you into a more male/female version of yourself. the underlying genetics stay the same. assuming buck angel tubes produced eggs you could fuck her and get her pregnant. you could fuck blair white in the ass all day long and he'd never get pregnant. so there are only 2 sexes/genders, you can not TRANSition from one to another, you can only change your outward appearance. thus to claim you are now a man or a women after hormone treatment is delusional. simples.

mm titties slurpslurpslurpslurp

It's called Delusional Disorder, it's still in the DSM, and every single tranny meets every one of these criteria, check it:
>The patient expresses an idea or belief with unusual persistence or force.
>That idea appears to have an undue influence on the patient's life, and the way of life is often altered to an inexplicable extent.
>Despite his/her profound conviction, there is often a quality of secretiveness or suspicion when the patient is questioned about it.
>The individual tends to be humorless and oversensitive, especially about the belief.
>There is a quality of centrality: no matter how unlikely it is that these strange things are happening to him/her, the patient accepts them relatively unquestioningly.
>An attempt to contradict the belief is likely to arouse an inappropriately strong emotional reaction, often with irritability and hostility.
>The belief is, at the least, unlikely, and out of keeping with the patient's social, cultural and religious background.
>The patient is emotionally over-invested in the idea and it overwhelms other elements of their psyche.
>The delusion, if acted out, often leads to behaviors which are abnormal and/or out of character, although perhaps understandable in the light of the delusional beliefs.
>Individuals who know the patient observe that the belief and behavior are uncharacteristic and alien.

Genuinely thinking that you have a female brain but are in a male body, or the opposite is a mental illness and it's called gender dysphoria.
It's just a fact.

I blocked em out, because I don't want to be banned for posting nudity.

Transgender resource centers are mostly mental health centers full of counseling rooms even with observation mirrors.

>Do you guys have proof regarding that ?

There is no such thing as "transgender."

A psychotic faggot who is pretending to be a woman is still a man.

They are male and think they are female. No further proof required.

Proof Op

>Do you guys have proof
>post proof in op-pic

They want to mutilate their penises in order to make a futile attempt at switching their gender

Scientific proof intact. Gender Identity Disorder is real. Throughout history there have only ever been two genders in the human species, and this is validated by consistent biological differences.
The ability to "identify as (x)" is purely a psychological phenomena, and has no basis in scientific or biological grounds. There is no hard-evidence to suggest that transgenders are infact the sex they claim to be, while the amount of evidence against their "desired sex" assumptions is staggering.

>for all of human history there are 2 genders
>within the past 10 years there is a massive push to make people think there are more than 2 genders

fuck off Kike, stop spamming us with slide threads
SAGE @ options please

Shill tell me, why do we try to cure the Anorexic patients? They identify with their disease, based on your trans theory we should really leave the Anorexics alone and embrace the fatties inside them, start making bathrooms with vomit stalls and allow the MSM to glamorize them. Isn't this the same mental disease, explain this to me!!

If Bruce wants to dress up like a woman and confuse the fuck out of his kids, God bless him. He should be able to do that

But all the fucking bathroom shit and the PC bullshit about taking him a her needs to quit.

You born a guy? Well you should use the mens bathroom and be called "him" or "he"

Don't you get it, goy? They suicide so much because people don't see them as the gender they are, and that is bullying. If people were forced to recognize them as the gender they are, it would go down. We just need to create a global safe space for them.

I dunno the only thing wrong with me is pretty severe anxiety and depression

>dude thinks he's napoleon
clearly a mental illness
>girl thinks she's cleopatra
into the clinic she goes
>woman thinks she's a fox
her brain is messed up
>guy thinks he's a girl
well, he's probably right about that


if your man and get turned into (((woman))) you still have y chromosome in every cell of your body. No matter what you do your a man at the genetic and cellular level. NIGGER


literally everyone knows this, retard. you just don't care.

You are asking an anonymous image forum to provide you knowledge? You're fucked already. Why not blowing your brains out?

I actually think its stupidity
Lack of vision


i don't care what you confession is, you have to do a bit of gymnastics to sincerely say otherwise.

If a mentally ill person had a delusion that they had a CIA spy chip in their head we wouldnt put one there to make it true. But for some reason when someone is deluded enough to think they are actually the opposite sex we decide to chop their penis off. Its a fucking obvious mental illness

this. Trangenders are like schizophrenics that get surgery instead of a pillbox


I keep hearing the argument from post-op transgendered freaks how no amount of psychotherapy or pharmacology has been proven to help, only the transition helps...

>talked to one of them
>"user, 6 physicians were overseeing my transition"

Imagine having to pay the salaries for 6 goddamn physicians via taxes for this bullshit.

that's because it literally is the only thing that works

Or so people think and are told to think.

Do you have any proof that people with any mental illness what so ever, has a mental illness?

Transgender (male to female) people are physically born male, while their brain are female. It's not meant to be like this, it isn't evolutionary rewarding behavior. Neither can they live 100% full lives like a heterosexual person.

no I literally looked for every possible option there was and none of them looked at all promising except for hrt. Believe me if I could have fixed it with a pill or therapy I would have.

> I hear a lot of people saying that a transgender person has a mental illness. Do you guys have proof regarding that ?

The proof is self-inherent using gender studies logic.

Claim 1: Gender is a social construct, therefore trannies can simply change their social designation.
Claim 2: Trannies allege to be born with a different gender social construct'.

3: Identity social constructs are by definition not something hereditable.

Since those are mutually self-exclusive definitions, the only rational conclusion is mental illness.

So if you took a tissue sample from a tranny, the brains would have two X chromosomes?


Transtrenders everywhere

I would assume that you would see that their brain looked like the brain of a woman. Maybe not more so than that of a man.

>think you're born in the "wrong" body
>this isn't a sign of mental illness

You fucking figure it out.

Cases like this

I'm really surprised nobody's brought this up yet this thread

What defines gender is chromosomes, in other words biology. There's no opinion or politics involved.
If you think you're woman in a mans body then something is wrong with your brain.
We call that mental illness or brain damage.

Pretty much this. We can observe people who think they are animals or inanimate objects and easily identify that as mental illness. Yet when we have a man who believes he is a woman, we cannot? It makes no sense.