What should I do if I see a black guy flirting with a white female?

What should I do if I see a black guy flirting with a white female?

suck his dick and thank him for it.

you should stop being an insecure faggot and get yourself a nice, healthy and stable white girlfriend.

start to get your own life in order you nitwit

Be safe in the knowledge that the white girl will always be less than 5/10 and taking whatever she can get.

Offer him your boipussi as well. We need more masculine genes in our gene pool.

I'm not insecure I'm just concerned about white genocide.

Call him and your girlfriend a cab and then walk home to clean up once he's done

flirt with an asian girl

>I'm just concerned about white genocide.
well... then you should start with things you can change on your own: with your life.

eat healthy, cut out sugar and white flour, work out and read books

white genocide is white failure you idiot

If shes into it, move on and let her make her own mistakes.

If shes being harassed, break his neck.

I don't believe in race mixing


That nigger deserved.

Leave them be. These things have a way of working themselves out.

Cant find a non roastie white girls though

Friendly reminder that during the trial of Emmett Till’s killers, (in typical kike fashion) LIFE magazine published an article lauding his father Louis Till as a war hero who died while fighting evil Nazis in France.

In reality, his father was hanged a decade earlier by the US Army for raping and murdering women in Italy. The only reason Louis Till was even in the army was because a judge gave him the option of enlisting instead of going to prison for repeatedly violating a restraining order issued because he had choked Emmett’s mother to unconsciousness when she found out he’d been unfaithful.

The (((official))) narrative of Emmett Till is that he was a good boy who dindu nuffins just on he way to church an aspiring rapper who loved to dance. Chicago politicians hid his prior records because they wanted to use him as a martyr for their civil rights movement. But you can be certain he diddu sumthin that day to get that woman to chase him out of her store (a store that catered to blacks) with a pistol.

Stop looking for westerners you dumb nigger.
Ethnic Dutch will literally be extinct within a century because of negrification. Abandon hope for women in this country, if you haven't already.
Go on a week trip to Poland or Czech or something and find yourself waifu material.

I never realized just how dumb negros are until I had to work with one.

Too cool to physically exert himself. Minimal effort. Would sit around at the end of work day doing nothing to steal company time.

Slouching in breakroom chair with legs spread out, making everyone step over his legs. Always will his hat on backwards listening to his nog music w/ headphones.

Played the victim when told every day he needs to go punch out since he's done.

I've never looked at a negro the same after dealing with that cretin.

But those arent white. Also im on vacation in the netherlands, im not dutch


>half German bastards
>not white

>so many flocking to Germania contributing to the economy, might as well be citizens
>not white

The delusion that is emitting from your post screams "American", fuck out of my country.

Are you loser??

Im actually norwegian.

Can we even be sure the Emmett Till narrative is real? After the "hands up, don't shoot" Michael Brown thing was shown to be total bullshit, I'm seriously having doubts that this guy was killed for merely saying hello to a white woman

Where you find this information, this case seemed way too ridiculous.

He was grabbing her, telling her he's been with white women before, and she even went out to her car to get a gun.

Go on and flirt to the white female. Win her as your own prize.

Lol Norwegians with their chinky eyes, you lot look less white than Poles or Czechs :DDDD

Shoot the nigger in the head and slowly whip the whore to death with a belt of bicycle chain. If you don't, your society will turn into kike garbage within one century.

I think you are mistaking us with fingolians