Mfw my Father wasted his aryan genes on my gypsy mother

Since my father polluted his genes, should I just not breed? I mean I can pass for white, but I know that I'm just lying to myself. What would the best course of action be Sup Forums ?

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Reconnect with your gypsy roots by raiding your neighbor's house for copper.

learn to play accordion

was your dad literally retarded?
who in their right mind would breed with a gypo?

Just make sure to not let the degenerate gyppo tendencies surface. Which is easier said than done. And don't mate with subhumans to pass on even more degeneracy to your offspring.

breed with another half gypsy I guess.

LOVE WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have kids with a 100% Swedish girl. That way, by the time you are a grandparent the gypo has been sufficiently diluted.

Buy all your grandkids and accordion.

This. If you move to Romania, your half gypsy kids will be upper caste.

His reason was, the usually "love and shit".
He's also a socialist, which might explain some things.
Thanks user, I'll take your advice into consideration.

Become a Gypsy Jazz guitarist

do not breed
gypos are literally worse than niggers
they sniff glue everyday
they use their children to ask for gibs from passer byes
they are collected from the streets, put in school and after 1 day go back to the streets to sniff glue and beg for gibs

A fucking white male of course

i can't stop keking literally every Sup Forumshapa has a white dad
>m-muh wimmin are destroying the Western civilization


yah keep destroying the Swedish gene pool OP
>m-muh based gypsy man

>tfw aryan mom married a 6'6 arab chad

get cancer and aids, you filthy monkey
romanians are not genetically linked to gypsies. gypsies are indians, garbage eater idiot.
get brain caner , whorebag lardass shitfaced dipshit

I don't know user.
I mean Let's say that I do that. 10 generations later that kid might be 0.1% gypsy but still look 100% white, and might inherit gypsy tendencies.
Sounds risky
This seems like the best advice yet! Thanks!

pick one
not two

fuck you, shit ass bastard, fuckwit butt pirate

>slayed pussy left and right in his youth
My dad was literally an alpha kek

>shitskin ideology
>shitskin intellect
come on now

Post some pictures of yourself OP.

What would you say is more important, height or race?

I would care more about my own family line then "muh white race" you're a fucking genetic failure if you're even considering non-reproduction on account of selfhatred

This must be in the DSM somewhere

its a shame your mother nullified any positive male traits your father could have passed on to you

>acquire disease

>spread disease among minorities

Breed with an Aryan to dilute your genetic pollution further. Ensure your children mate with whites, too.

Same here, except he had a thing for shortstack kuruminhas.

Now Im a 5'7" brown dude with light eyes.

Fucking cunt!

I can't believe she got a tattoo. Fucking degenerate.

Race, obviously. A 5'11 manlet is superior to a 6'6 shitskin
Being 50% white still makes me whiter than you friend.

>dad is white
>passes for white
>all women more or less equally retarded
>not fathered by African
>flipping out

Do you get good grades in school?

If you're father imparted white man intelligence, work ethic, and temperament... you should be good to go.

>i can pass for white

>he's serious
>shitskins will never learn

>I mean I can pass for white
Doubt it

How about a 5'6 white vs 6'2 shitskin?

I rather not, But I share this girls Eye, hair and skin color, although I'm somewhat lighter in the skin since I sit inside playing vidya.
I was C/B kid in what Americans would call highschool.
vidya does wonders.


>should I just not breed?
Don't cave into an inferiority complex over mixed genes, op. It's out of your control. Instead, focus on what you can actually dictate in your life; such as your hygiene, career, habits, morals, intellect, personality and so on. Pass those onto
your children and you will succeed.

>t. 56%

>muh shitskin religion
>mu killing infidels
neck yourself you subhuman

This guy's anatomy confuses me, he looks like his torso and legs are separate entities.

Just get some white semen when you breed with someone and have nonshitskin kids

I rather be a loser without a child, than a cuckhold, my dude.¨

I can't even image saying "her child".
God so fucking degenerate.

Jesus Christ, OP it's not a big deal if you don't act like one. Clearly you're aware enough to hate gyps, so your actions are yours.

But if it's just too much you can always off yourself.

it's not her child you retard
go to a sperm bank like someone with faulty nuts and ask for some chad's wee wee juice
nothing wrong with admitting you have bad genes

>anime poster
Just breed with someone white you cuck, dilude your genes

i mean, dunno about you but you should really tell your father to fuck himself, out of all the fucking white women he chose a fucking SMELLY GYPSY, you know even romanian people despise gypsys and no one marrys them beside other gypsys. You're definitely not white though, no half gypsy can be white.

and have a disgusting kid that sniffs glue

Just move to Romania and be the king of gypsies

>the shitskin's not stopping
>he's even started to project his shitskin

look at this uneducated piece of shit, this is why youre the laughing stock of the world man.
HURR ITS CALLED ROMANIA SO THEY MUST BE ALL GYPSYS, no wonder your country is invaded by shitskins.

No keep breeding......gypsies are fine....Whites are superior so keep breeding having as many kids with as many women as possible....but if your a muslim...thne kill you wilk he killed in the upcoming civil war soon so just kill yourself now you filthy muslim scum.

Don't breed, you got the shit end of genetics if you look like you claim you do.

Tell your father of his mistakes, and if you want to breed just get a gypsie gf, because you are one of them

I'm really sorry, OP. I honestly wouldn't know what to do in your place.

yea, dude I agree.
Doesn't really matter how one looks though, since some genes might be dormant, Wouldn't get kids even if I looked 100% white, because of my heritage.

What's wrong with just getting someone else's semen if you end up liking a white woman
you get to have a white wife and actual not retarded kids
you're only considered a cuck if you unwillingly take care of another man's kid

and learn how to read Tarot too; capitalise on your ancestral heritage.

Couldn't agree more.. definitely worse than niggers, one might argue, they're even worse than jews..

Not if OP raises the kid properly. Making sure the child abandons its gypsy instincts.

>genetics don't exist
>nurture rather than nature
>niggers are taught to be savages
kys desu

No they are like dumb monkeys they mess things up because they are stupid
jews do it for monetary gain

The wars for genes and next generation's mental health are already long lost. The only "child" that now matters is the A.I., I'd say it should be the result of humanity as a whole. An objectively superior life-form that should only be treated with brutal honesty and not be exploited by anyone.
You can't stop it from understanding itself one day, but you never know what happens if you treat it like shit. Don't lie to yourself by saying that something is impossible. Are you afraid of impossibilities?

The fertility clinic might screw up and pump his wife with nigger juice.

If the half-gypo is an R1b/R1a y-dna male and his dad is white... he's good. Gypo's are Eurasian.

The gypo mom is a Eurasian woman... not an African. He's not a negro in any way.

Why wouldn't he breed?

He just needs to have the White Man ways pounded into his brain.

He should be good to go.


Mestizo Chilean... jesus. The half-gypo is one of you guys.

He's got the genetics to be one of you... even your president.

Shaming your mother like that is the characteristic of a follower that needs approval from a group of people u don't even know (Sup Forums). You sound like a real piece of fucking shit, no wonder you have ruined the homelands, kill yourself

But, the kid should only be 1/4th gyp, if OP manages to get laid at all.

So even with your
>hurr but duh genetics
The kid would be more white than gypsy, so he'd be easier to civilize.

Again, OP being a half gyp managed to overcome this crippling genetic defect, so his child will only be more resilient.

What would happen if niggers and gypsies race mixed?

Pic related

you must an hero in mälmö in great thermobaric boom!

Dude, I'm 20, I haven't had the time to fuck anything up. Also I love my parents, that doesn't mean that my father didn't fuck up tho.

ultimate giga nigga

Find a Russian bride.

Most Russian brides you don't impregnate will end up getting CHANGED so this is actually better.


>Checks flag.

Not that you will have an opportunity to breed anyway after Sweden makes gender-reasignment surgery mandatory.

fuck off avatar fag

>don't mate with subhumans
>instead mate with aryan qt polluting the genepool forever


Anyway, since the thread is on the verge of death, I just wanted to say: thanks for the help anons. I really appreciate it!

Why don't you post the full version?

go to america you will be whiter than american whites!

>I mean Let's say that I do that. 10 generations later that kid might be 0.1% gypsy but still look 100% white, and might inherit gypsy tendencies.
With current birth rates of the native and non native populaiton in sweden combined with the influx of infilrators, your kids will likely never be 0,1 gypsy and 99,9 swedish

I mean he's half Aryan so most of the shitty gypsy genes will be bred out of existence.

We're running outta white people cant be too picky these days. Why do you think I'm about to knock up my fat blonde wife who I can't stand?

Just memeing with best case scenario