Do they have a point?

do they have a point?

No. It was claimed by the British as an act of terror. Besides, chances are it's gonna be one of them anyway.

It was a truck of peace.

White people are a peaceful, civilized race who do not engage in terrorism, because terrorism is a crime - and crime is for brown people.

No killing Muslims is an act of God.
Deus vult!

It's done that way for islamic terrorists too, they're just on the receiving end this time and are unhappy about it.

If she is not willing to call muslim terrorist a terrorist when muslim does a terrorist attack, why should we explicitly call white guy a terrorist when he does a terrorist attack?

Retarded. The BBC called it terrorism over and over.

They described the attacks by Muslims in the exact same way.

>Muslim kills some natives = terrorism
>Native kills some Muslims = self defense.
Not a hard concept to understand.



Estonian has a point.

The hypocrisy of these people is unreal.

No, it was an inside job by the deep government to destroy the right wing nationalism. They use the same tactic here in the US to divide white and black people.

Self-driving homicide vehicles are part and parcel I'm afraid.

Oh well.

dude the UK has been shat on for the last 5 years with this Islamic terrorist shit, it was only a matter of time before someone reacted. I'm glad he did, it tells me maybe you guys aren't completely fucked after all.

Branvan 3000 pot is halal burn in hell moslem fockers

He's not terrorist, he's man defending his homeland from occupants.
Everyone will agree that French Resistance were not terrorists. Same thing here.

Because the van was white. The driver wasn't or else they'd have never shut up about it.

These people are dumb asses. Last time I looked there was not some book demanding whites to kill Muslims. On the other hand Muslims read a book that demands them to kill the non believers.


Killing terrorists isn't terrorism.

Seriously, this is hilariously

Not when they failed to acknowledge when this was happening for previous terrorist attacks

Seriously fuck Muslim people, let's just genocide all Muslims atleast we can "coexist" with jooz. I'm sick of these people


Hashtag that shit back at them, even if you don't mean it. It's funny cause they have no way to argue back against it.

>Saying this in the age of self driving cars.

Wow it's almost as if that guy turned out to be a muzzie.

Now now let's not jump to conclusions. It could just be a DUI

I wonder what she had to say about prior truck "accidents"?