What are some weird rhetorical traits present only in liberals?

"It's almost as if [.....]"

"Because [.....], right!?"
Anyone got anymore of these?

>So, what you're saying is [...]

Holy shit, how did i forget this one. These people cannot help being smug.

spoiler alert: x happens

>"Dude, not all X are like that!"
>"When you support X position, it offends Y group of people. How do you feel about being bigoted like that?"
>"Nah man I am all about love and peace. Why can't we all just get along, dude?"
>"Nationalism is stupid. You can't choose where you are born in!"
>"Borders and deities are imaginary."
>"Do you support [insert a lightweight default opinion here]? Then you also support [insert a distinctly leftist ideology here] because basically, it's really only about [insert a lightweight default opinion here]"
>"I am more educated on this subject than you are, my sources have more authority than yours!"
>"Can't you just be little more open-minded?"
>"Science is settled!"
>"World really is not that black and white, human beings are intricate and complicated."
>"Environment, handful of past traumatic experiences and social class explains 90% of individual person's behavior."
>"Woman has a right to X, you can't tell they don't!"
>"Man is expected to do X for women because men are men!"
>"When men exhibit characteristic flaws, it's toxic masculinity. When women exhibit character flaws, they are actually positive features you are too misogynistic to recognize as positive."
>"Let everyone do what they want as long as they don't harm anyone else, dude!"
>"I use facebook to make intentionally poorly designed image macros that ironically joke about me wanting to commit suicide or hating capitalism because it get's me hipster chick pussy or some good leftist boy brownie points"

idk I say 'its almost as if....' all the time. applicable in many instances of racial awareness

Nice list esti.

you're w-welcome desu.. !

>>"Nationalism is stupid. You can't choose where you are born in!"
how to respond pls

they aren't liberal
not progressive either

its a bad habit friend, its subversion of speech patters to make us verbally simplistic. you should constantly look for new ways to say things. people tend to shut down their brains when they hear cliches, even if they're true.

>Educate yourself!
A phrase used by the liberal to dismiss an oppenents argument when they're losing the upper hand. It implies that their opponent lacks education when in reality it means that their opponent is simply not indoctrinated to the liberal world view.

Nationalism is human nature.
They're literally arguing against centuries of human instinct

>"...hill to die on"

Their entire concept of comedy has to do with complaining about awkwardness.


Putting a period after each word. He. Is. Not. A. Legitimate. President.

I noticed they pretend to not understand something they don't like even though it's obvious, so that when you explain it to them they can mock you for it.

Nationalism, in proper practice, serves as a device for cultural cohesion and establishing a united populace where the citizens respect eachother. This reduces crime, mental illness, societal detachment, and many other ills.

A lack of nationalism gives an incentive for individuals to simply look out for themselves and their immediate relations, which leads to the situation in the USA, arguably the least nationalistic country in the world, where fucking everyone hates at least 10% of their country. The US is divided into cultural sub-nations occupying the same land, leading to racial and political violence and generalized hatred and malice all throughout while the disconnected people leech or destroy society whilst contributing nothing. Without a nation or culture, there is no unity or cooperation.

true and completely unconvincing

She asked comey to CALL it a matter not an investigation she did NOT say tell her shes not under investigation

This is true, but a nation is far more than the soil on which it rests. I could take the white population of Australia and recreate this nation in Africa. A nation stems from both the ethnicity and culture of the majority of its citizens. Civic nationalists believe that the ethnicity of a nations population is interchangeable, it's not. If I replaced the entire population of America with Chinese, would America still exist?

Find Matthew Raphael Johnson's lecture on nationalism (an hour long). He talks about how it is a construct, but that doesn't mean anything, because every person has a stock-taking moment at which they decide to emphasize and pursue certain characteristics, like when they choose a career. That doesn't make their career fake.

>You can't choose it

"Which is why you should take more pride in it since you were lucky enough to be born there."

I don't know if this is a liberal thing exclusively but one of the most annoying things that I can hear is when someone makes a sort of exclamation like "Wow these eggs are pretty good." And the other person agrees by just saying "Right!?" with that uptone inflection.
Jesus Christ that shouldn't make me so angry but it does. It's just the most pathetic non-contribution that you could possibly make to a conversation.

>If I replaced the entire population of America with cultural Chinese, would America still exist?

>If I replaced the entire population of America with racial Chinese, would America still exist?

You are not some singular random event. You are the product of choices made by your nation and ancestors. Your parents chose to have children with one another, chose how to raise you. Your nation shaped your childhood environment.

You were not some lost soul that pulled the lever on a cosmic slot machine to receive your life. You are the product of the choices of many.

>that didn't happen
>you're lying
in response to widely evidenced phenomena and without any reason to think the person is being deliberately dishonest. After Obamacare first passed a stock response to complaints by comedians wasto just assert that complainants were liars. This is an Alinskyite disruption and is intended to end debate by either tricking the other guy into getting mad or walking away. It is incredibly short-sighted because it assumes they do not matter and it strongly cuts people off from ever supporting you. But to a leftist, these are people that "just have to die" after the revolution.

Often followed by "It's not my job to educate you."

You're a fool to believe that genetics do not play a role in culture.

Culture is heavily intertwined with genetics, very similar to most Nature versus nurture arguments.

>The best response to that is to respond with a equal if not greater intensely oblivious and helpful attitude with eloquent words so they fail to make you look stupid.

Calling women "my dude".

Culture and race can not be seperated. Do you think that America would be the same place if it was settled by Chinese or Japanese? Do you think the England would still be the England you know today if it was populated by Somalis instead of Anglos? A nation is not the land but the ethnicity of its people. Always has been.


Uptalking, especially male uptalking, and over-use of the passive voice.
Wierd variant used by many young male hosts on NPR: overcompensating for a high-pitched voice by trying to growl quietly in the back of the throat, so that you're just unintelligible.
Dropping the volume dramatically on the last clause of a sentence so that your listener totally misses the punchline or point.

Then why are most young Hispanics and mixed race people culturally indistinguishable from whites in the US?

Why are the two extremes of American culture not two different races, but two cultures of whites? The most anti-American people in the country happen to be purebred whites indoctrinated in marxist universities.

So the solution to native American problems is for a couple million whites to move onto the reservations and adopt native American customs and culture.

>"I use facebook to make intentionally poorly designed image macros that ironically joke about me wanting to commit suicide or hating capitalism because it get's me hipster chick pussy or some good leftist boy brownie points"

My sides have been destroyed. This is so fucking true

>culturally indistinguishable

By what metric?

Liberals also tend to be passive agressive to appear reasonable. They will not outright provoke direct conflict.

culturally indistinguishable LOL based on what

They're not. The soft sedition of highly educated, superficially assimilated nonwhites, who nevertheless hate the Constitution is an existential crisis.

Disagree teebeeaych.

Ask them why they are so bigoted against Jews since nationalism saved the Jewish identity from perishing. Were it not for Zionism, Jews would've suffered from pogroms post-WWII and from racemixing, thus ending them as a people.

>I mean, [...]

To be fair a lot of people use this one

Totally different cultures senpai. Same origins in that they're both based on western civilization but one is derived from Spanish/Mediterranean culture the other is Anglo/Northern European. Very distinct cultures

One thing that drives me insane is how they state their demands with "must" and "should," which is shorthand for demanding that reality conform to their rules.

"We must continue to pursue an open society."

"Women don't have as strong a presence in the military as men. It shouldn't be that way!"

Just something I've noticed.

I forgot to change my flag back from shitposting earlier. Please excuse me.

Their women are ugly for the most part.

Mate, African American culture is completely distinct from white American culture. Those liberal Americans still partake of white culture, you're conflating culture with politics. In fact I would go as far as to say that having diverse political opinions is a uniquely white trait. The Hispanics you mention are probably from Spanish stock.

They have this smug manner that suggests they have never had a good sock in the face. They illustrate why it is good for growing young men to experience pain.

>As as White person, we must...

2 weeks later:
>Wishing my Jewish brethern a happy....


Fucking A+ answer user

This is impossible to overstate. They really are not a cultural part of this country and never will be (with significant but few exceptions like Sherriff Clarke). Almost all of their problems come directly from African lifeways, visibly present in populations cut off from Africa for generations, and who had their normal means of tradition transmission violently severed.

"Stop trying to denaturalize humans. We are prone to create a sense of belonging and pride towards our environment. "loving your mom is stupid, you can't decide who gives you birth!". That's how fucking stupid you sound. Since we had tribes we always loved our own and fought for own. Then it became our city, our kingdom, our principality. Now it's our nation and possibly in the next years it will be our race. So stop trying to be different by spouting alienating bullshit and find a fucking job"

They also make proclamations that are automatically assumed to be self evident. The best one is "Diversity is our strength!". Nobody seems to question how or why it is a strength or if it is even a strength at all. I actually asked a liberal woman how it wad a strength and she couldn't answer, she seem confused why I would even question the statement.

fyi i just deletd a postbecause i replied in the completley wrong thread

>It's 2017 and
>period. After. Every. Word
>[insert profession or gender] here
>"these people need to be educated" or any variant thereof
>"that's not okay"
>"As a [insert status]
>incessant use of "haha"
>serious question
>"you are not alone"
>[insert oppressed group here] is so brave

"know what I mean"


Diversity is only a strength if all acting parties have the exact same endgame (a military force has many different types of units, but the same ultimate goal). This is portrayed in heroic movies or books, where a diverse cast works together for the ultimate good. Essentially it's civic nationalism.

However we know that civic nationalism is a fucking pipe dream and absolutely futile if patriotism and national history are washed away by schools.

The reason for this is the U.S is one of the only nations outside of Ancient Rome that could pull of having multiple cultures living alongside each other. And that is because you could become a Roman citizen and you can become an American citizen, therefore things such as Italian-American Irish-American Japanese-American etc can legit exist and all indentify as American. In the U.S more so because the aside from the lame native americans that were pushed aside (they were all warring tribes anyway) there is no actual United Statesian idenity. In Europe however Germany is ethnically German, France Fench etc... they can try all they want (and they shouldn't be, the U.S should be the only place this really happens) but non-ethnic Germans will never be German.

Europe should stay European, why the fuck theyre trying to be like the U.S is beyond me, STOP with the immigration you assholes, we're the only ones who know how to pull that off. EU is also trying their hand at immigration with fucking Wahhabist Sunni Muslims, that ideaology sees the world in binary as either fellow Wahhabi or Warfare.

Going back to the U.S thing, this is why its so fucking stupid for liberals to protest and hate on the flag and patriotism. There is nothing more unifying to a nation such as the U.S of different peoples than their love of country and true patriotism. Old Glory is a massive unifier and the liberals who villify it are absolute retards.

Side note: the most anti-American people are Ghetto Blacks, and Ultra-Left whites, they really really really hate the country.

Source: Experience

Another big thing they like to do is intentionally misuse the idea of "rights." They'll claim that anything and everything is their right, and if you take that away then you're an evil statist who's trying to oppress them.
>Muh right to education
>Muh right to FREE education
>Muh right to affordable healthcare
>Muh right to sexual autonomy
>Muh right to do whatever I claim is muh right
Ask them where exactly any of those things is guaranteed as a "right" and they'll either go off on some emotional tangent or claim that the "right to... the pursuit of happiness" is basically a catch-all for whatever they feel is appropriate at the time.

ACKCHYUALLY, you misspelled that. Gotcha bucko. Not so smart now huh?

Those choices resulted in that product- a child born in that environment with that ancestry; but how did the choices determine that product will be "you"?

"I can't even"

Any (((man))) who says I can't even should be gassed.

>U.S is one of the only nations outside of Ancient Rome that could pull of having multiple cultures living alongside each other.
Checked but still kek. Exceptional idiots. Every big country is like that.


>we're the only ones who know how to pull that off
Obviously not.
The difference between Rome and America is that the Romans enforced social cohesion between the different cultures through an authoritarian government.
America's government has to spend >90% of its time and effort towards just staying in power through the democracy.

Nature and Nurture. Nationalism IS a very strong force of Nurture that bands individuals together.

>"Do you support [insert a lightweight default opinion here]? Then you also support [insert a distinctly leftist ideology here] because basically, it's really only about [insert a lightweight default opinion here]"

Haahahah this one is hilarious. heard it a lot

I'm not sure I understand the question. Are you asking if the end result, namely me, is exactly what was landed for from the start?

No. What everybody else does is self-segregate and maintain semi-autonomy. Then when anything happens their only fallback position is genicidal rioting. Examples: India, Lebanon.

Liberal communication is basically textbook sociopathy

Gaslighting constantly

This. The veneer of civility is maintained in a "multicultural" society by rule of law and temporary plenty. When the pie starts to shrink, and it will, society will begin to fracture along completely predictable lines. Poor peaopl can be poor and pull tegether as has been seen in the past. Have two distinct poor ethnic groups together in a country and you get genocide.

This is pretty much what Orwell said in Politics and the English Language. They need to twist every little term to both mean something on its own but also bolster the radical worldview. As a result, their most innocent phrases are like textbook illustrations of logical fallacies.

>which leads to the situation in the USA, arguably the least nationalistic country in the world,

I mean the "you" that's deeper than your body and personality and all that.
The part that's actually experiencing all of it, subjectively. Your consciousness I guess, or soul.

>always begin opening paragraph with "So, ...."
>frequent and improper use of "literally"
>constant comparisons to pop culture - Star wars, Harry Potter, etc.
>substituting "skin color" when they are talking about race
>"you don't understand what it's like to be xxxxx"

Do latinos and blacks not self-segregate in USA? Will they stick with whites when government runs out of gibs to gib? i wonder.

Relevant to this is the guy Tucker Carlson talks to right after he does a follow-up interview with Prof Brett Weinstein. I think it's Scot Ross, of the group One Wisconsin. You would think it was an interview with a Scientologist about the wife-beating accusations against Lafayette Hubbard. Notably, he keeps using the word "government" (and "big government"), the way an owner uses the word "sit" in talking to a dog, and he's using it to describe government action in defense of God-given Constitutional rights, which is the proper role of government and therefore not an example of "big government." He also illustrates the leftist provocation tactic of flatly denying an undeniable thing.

>substituting "skin color" when they are talking about race
They also substitute "race" when they are talking about religion or nationality

you're a fucking white male!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No one but Julian Castro would think of poor Mestizos who don't speak English as an example of assimilation, and blacks are for all purposes but geography not Americans (see my comment above). That doesn't mean anything. Above a certain IQ threshold the model applies. And it is laughably disingenuous to compare Lebanon or India to the most fractured community in the USA. The segregation abroad is total and normal. Blacks or Mestizos rioting are generally just doing undocumented shopping, not hunting down and killing every outgroup person they can find.

This is how it works to gaslight the listener. I woukd admire it if it wasn't so sinister, to the point where even the demagogue is convinced of the truth in his words. They will say something that is completely nonsensical but they will say it with the force of idelogical conviction, and when enough people repeat the same thing then it becomes a form of truth because people will fear they are wrong simply because they're in the minority. It's textbook propaganda. "If you repeat a lie often enough and with enough conviction people will start to believe it".

>undocumented shopping

I thought of this watching the Scot Ross interview. His technique is so total and brazen that there is no possibility of discussion with an intelligent person who is informed and paying attention. However, most people don't really listen to anything, they nod their head and want to be thought of as polite, so it probably works most of the time.

we need a one world gov't, that way if you don't like living in a country for X reason, there's NOWHERE TO ESCAPE.

Uhh, like L E T E R A L L E H? Like, uh, like R E A L L E H? That's wrong, per se, uhh, honestleh

MURICA FUCK YEA "patriotism" is a far cry from real nationalism

Gavin McInnes pointed that out in a recent riot somewhere, the people's faces weren't angry, there weren't any slogans, they were just loading up on stuff they wanted but could not afford. If you look at the 92 LA riots, there were some beatings and killings, but by far most if it was just like the Sublime song.


even in most integrated areas segregation was still the norm

"African countries are utter failures because "

Lately: b-b-b-b-but but but ....

They just can't help overdoing it. Try-hard faggots.

They wouldn't have been different cultures for very long otherwise

Word. Word. Word. Word. Word.

I remember when I used to spend time on Reddit (in before "GO BACK!") and holy shit I noticed these in every single thread. So fucking smug and uncreative. It's like they say it and think they auto-win the debate.

I really feel like...

This is not about beeing smug.

They have to literally translate your perception with their ideological narrative.

>shitty analogy that takes out all the nuance from the presented position

Thought this one seems to be an universal characteristic of mart sharters.

They just can't stop with their shitty analogies like the 75 IQ subhuman that they are.