Everyday evil inside Nazi Germany: Extraordinary pictures show the reality of life under Hitler...

>Everyday evil inside Nazi Germany: Extraordinary pictures show the reality of life under Hitler, from wholesome activities to routine Jewish persecution
>Adolf Hitler wanted to create a 1,000 year Reich and planned to use his specially-reared Master Race
>After coming to power in 1933, Hitler began his attempt of seizing control of every aspect of German life
>Within a few years, every German child was expected to join the Hitler Youth or the League of German Girls
>Children were routinely drilled and taught military skills while girls were told to focus on becoming mothers


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>From 1935, all young men, aged between 18 and 25 had to complete six months training with the Reich's Labour Service - which was essentially a form of military training. Those involved were employed on major public infrastructure projects where they received pocket money - but no pay. Works completed by the labour service included the new autobahns

>The Hitler Youth was established in 1925 and its membership was 108,000 by the end of 1932. However, the passing of the Hitler Youth Act in 1936 made it incredibly difficult for children to avoid joining the organisation, with parents suffering at work. Unsurprisingly, by 1939, membership was 8 million where the children were indoctrinated into Nazi party

>German children were indoctrinated on a daily basis and forced to raise their arms and chant 'Heil Hitler'. Teachers were forced to join the Nazi Party or face suspicion that they were opposed to the regime

>These children are being evacuated from Berlin in 1940 over fears they would be killed in bombing raids by the RAF. The Nazis initially evacuated children from Berlin and Hamburg, but as the war continued, other areas were also evacuated. In some cases mothers with young children were also evacuated so they would remain safe from the intensive bombing

>Members of the League of German Girls, pictured, received political indoctrination but did not receive any academic training as the regime saw their primary purpose as becoming mothers to create Hitler's idea of a 'master race'

>These young children are buying a frozen ice cream from a street vendor in Berlin in 1934

>These members of the SA - the original internal police force of the Nazi Party - until they were brutally replaced by Heinrich Himmler's SS - along with a boy in the Hitler Youth are holding a demonstration outside a church in Berlin on July 23, 1933, a week after he abolished all opposition political parties having earlier scrapped Trades Unions

>These Hitler Youth boys wearing gas masks in 1933 are being indoctrinated into the Nazi Party. The Hitler Youth's main focus was dramatically expanding the size of the army, teaching youngsters how to shoot, march, and read a map - all skills which are needed by soldiers - however, by late 1944 and early 1945 Hitler Youth was involved in the defence of Berlin

>These children are part of the Lebensborn Program - where parents deemed to be racially pure - were selected to create the 'master race' of blond hair, blue eyed children to form the backbone of the thousand year Reich. The scheme was developed by Heinrich Himmler and saw 8,000 children born in Germany and a further 12,000 in Norway in special maternity units

>Members of the Hitler Youth wore military-style uniforms. Hitler told the Nuremberg Rally in 1935: 'In our eyes the German boy of the future must be slender and supple, swift as greyhounds, tough as leather and hard as Krupp steel. We must bring up a new type of human being, men and girls who are disciplined and healthy to the core. We have undertaken to give the German people an education that begins already in youth and will never come to an end... Nobody will be able to say that he has a time in which he is left entirely alone to himself'

>In October 1940, this photograph of a school in the Silesia region of Poland, shows a teacher wearing a Nazi uniform. The school curriculum changed dramatically after Hitler came to power, focusing on racial biology and population policy

>These two SS men are at the christening of a baby in 1936, three years before the start of the Second World War. The SS were Hitler's personal bodyguard and were under the command of Heinrich Himmler. The SS replaced the SA as the party's police

>Reich Bishop Ludwig Muller, pictured in Berlin Cathedral in September 1934, was an early supporter of the Nazi Party. He attempted to combine elements of Christianity with Nazi philosophy, including the claim that Jesus was an Aryan

>The Hitler Youth spent a great deal of time camping as it was seen as a great preparation for military life, as well as giving the boys many of the skills required for soldiering and developing a fanatical loyalty to the regime and Adolf Hitler

>This newly married couple are inspecting their rings at an unspecified location in 1944. Eventually, all newlyweds received a copy of Hitler's book Mein Kampf as well as all soldiers heading to the front - which made the Fuhrer incredibly wealthy


>Children with mental handicaps such as Down's Syndrome were forcibly sterilised by the Nazis to prevent them from having children of their own such was the leadership's obsession with racial and physical purity

>Pieter Schelte Heerema, pictured on his wedding day in December 1942, was a senior officer in the SS and was involved in sending unemployed Dutch men to Nazi occupied areas in Eastern Europe. He became a member of the Dutch resistance after 1943 but was jailed briefly at the end of the war for his role

>These two SA men are attaching a sign to the front of this Jewish-owned store in Berlin on April 1, 1933 - less than three months after Hitler came to power - urging people to boycott the shop because of the religion of its owners


>This is some early anti-Semitic propaganda with a sign titled 'The Jews are our Misfortune'. The purpose of the propaganda was to degrade and dehumanise Jewish people to allow them to be scapegoated and blamed for all of German's problems

>This Jewish shop was vandalised in Berlin in the aftermath of Kristallnacht - the night of the broken glass - in November 1938. The Nazi party's own police force, the SA was responsible for the outbreak of violence on November 9 and 10. As well as targeting Jewish stores and offices, the SA burned more than 260 synagogues across Germany and Austria

>Before the outbreak of the Second World War, many Jewish people tried to leave Germany as the brutal repression they faced increased dramatically since the Nazis came to power in 1933. The Nazi party used propaganda to dehumanise Jewish people. This group of Jewish people are queuing up outside a travel agent in January 1939 in the hope of moving to Palestine

>This Jewish woman in Poland in 1940 is looking at the items on sale from a street vendor. More than 400,000 Jewish people were packed into a three square mile area of Warsaw in the largest Jewish ghetto in Europe - where 300,000 are believed to have either been shot or gassed, while a further 90,000 died of hunger based illness or disease

I was reading about this recently and what they never tell you about it is that the jews internationally were doing an anti Nazi boycott first.

I didn't want to feel these feels

literally antifa


kek protestant logic

Moar qts

>the jews internationally were doing an anti Nazi boycott first

Damn how dare they..

Literally nothing wrong with any of this.

Where'd you get that pic? Some facebook meme page I assume


Fine tits you have there Else, keep them growing for the Vaterland.



Evil nazis trying to blow up a kitten with a grenade.


Compare this to the youth we have today

It's so beautiful... I want to go back.


This picture is so fucking awesome I wish I was there.

Wow, fucking evil Nazis. Smh. That ice cream should be vegan and should be being served by a transsexual nigger queer to children. Now that's what I call good morals.

The filename shows it was saved from Sup Forums, newfag.


>In a different timeline the Aryan race are timelords and masters of this puny earth

Have you seen the Tag Der Deutschen Kunst videos on jewtube?

Are you really suggesting a negro should be a servant? I can't believe you Drumpfers.

Also I don't see why people take issue with sterilizing these people. Why the fuck would you want to introduce more of these people into your nation, not to mention the suffering they would be put through

Today youth is much less gay.

>while girls were told to focus on becoming mothers

They literally got paid for giving birth (lebensborn)... and even honored with medals
If there hadn't been a war (or if Germany had won) the white population would have fucking exploded.

Kill yourself Ahmed you disgusting subhuman.


Well that's depressing isn't it

Ok I gotta know some backstory on this


Yeah, I don't really see anything wrong with it either. Treat the living ones well, as it's not their fault, but don't allow them to reproduce.

IIRC Hitler wanted 1 million babies PER YEAR

I can tell there are so many beta handholdless virgins in this thread.

It's called a Christmas party.

The most based idea

That's some pagan stuff

Making Yuletide memories with good friends.



Oh gee what an evil man not even a single one of these children are on drugs or have cut off their genitals. Thankfully we got rid of this monster and his backward ways.

2 scoops?

Hitler was on the Nice list confirmed.

Hitler got the dragon dildo he asked santa

I miss you, uncle Adolf.

how are you enjoying being the playground of blacks and browns in a consumerist hellhole?

are you a good wigger like the rest?

So cute, Hitler is BAE




Did you even read the content of the link you posted? You people are dumb.

I hate all niggers and you're still a blatant fawning virgin. Owned.

:( where did these waifus go. where are their offspring? Germany is truly cucked.

From that, to today. Jeeeeez

Niggers are humans too

Google translated.

Remains of the martyred and burnt Nazi captive Red Army soldier Viktor Antonovich Yatsenevich (1924 - 1943) in a coffin before the funeral. After the attack of Soviet troops, the Germans were knocked out of the village of Semidvoriki and our soldiers found the mutilated body of Yatsenevich hanging on the telephone cable in the dugout behind the beam. It was established that the German monsters had exposed the captive Red Army communist to brutal tortures: pricked his hands, legs, body, tore off his hand. Stab your stomach, cut out your genitals and cut off your legs. All these atrocities Hitler's bandits conducted at the stake. Despite the tortures, the fighter remained faithful to the military oath and fulfilled his duty to the Motherland, the Nazi bandits did not obtain any information. Viktor Antonovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously.

Alright lads, what do we do about this?
I know it's impossible to completely re create a wholesome society like the 3rd reich, but I choose to hold hope in my heart that it can happen. Degeneracy has gone too far, what is our strategy?

If it could be accomplished, the absolution of Hitler would completely shock the world and would bring about change the quickest, but associations with National Socialism continuously hamstring pro-white movements and keep them from growing. Do we stay away from the subject of Hitler and work from scratch? I feel becoming redpilled on WWII is something that people have to do privately, and Sup Forums is greatly helping with that.

Google translated.

Residents of Rostov-on-Don in the courtyard of the city prison identify relatives killed by German occupiers. From the report of the NKVD for the Rostov region No. 7/17 of March 16, 1943: "Wild tyranny and atrocities of the occupants of the first days were replaced by organized physical destruction of the entire Jewish population, communists, Soviet activists and Soviet patriots. In one city prison on February 14, 1943 - on the day of liberation of Rostov - units of the Red Army, 1154 corpses of citizens of the city were found, shot and tortured by the Nazis. Of the total number of corpses 370 were found in the pit, 303 - in different places in the yard and 346 - among the ruins of the blown up building. Among the victims - 55 minors, 122 women ". In total during the occupation, the Hitlerites destroyed 40,000 inhabitants in Rostov-on-Don, and 53,000 more drove them to forced labor in Germany.

I would love to see one of you edgy nigger-hating Sup Forums-dwellers kill a little black child with your bare hands.

You wouldn't, cause you are weak internet faggots, every one of you.


Ten-year-old Kazimiera Mika, whose older sister was killed while harvesting potatoes in a field near Jana Ostroroga Street in Warsaw during a German air raid is comforted by American photographer Julien Bryan, Poland, 13 September 1939.

In 2003 Sam Bryan donated both his father's still and motion picture footage of wartime Europe to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Julien's account of the tragic incident is recounted in detail on the Memorial Museum's website and, rather than attempt to do it justice in a few paragraphs, I encourage you all to read the full account at the following link:

bit dot ly/2biTqEf

Photographer: Julien Byran (1899-1974)
Image courtesy of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

You implying Germans aren't white you Slavic scum subhuman?


im just sick of living in a country with a shattered and dissolved people. like sleeping in a carcass.
we could have been great, and im not talking about an empire. i just mean our people could have been great. we could have had dignity, and purpose. we could have felt like a huge family. now we are broken and destined for ruin.

Looks like he just got bombshelled and faggot commies made the rest of that shit up.

CLAIM 6: "Hitler's invasion of Poland (Polenfeldzug) was justified because Poland was being genocidal toward ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) in its territories."

WRONG! The event alleged in TGSNT as "the Danzig massacre" is a hoax; what Dennis Wise is most likely referring to is rather an event known as "Bloody Sunday" which took place in Bromberg (today the city of Bydgoszcz) and firstly happened three days AFTER the German invasion of Poland and secondly many of the involved Volksdeutsche were in reality part of a poorly trained Pro-Nazi paramilitary force called the Selbstschutz who attacked the organized Polish Army during the German invasion and got the shit wrecked out of them as a result. When the Wehrmacht came across this, they reported their deaths back to Nazi leadership in Germany who used it for propaganda purposes ("muh innnocent defenseless German civilians hacked to death by Polish barbarians") to justify their invasion of Poland that had already begun via false flag (Gleiwitz incident[10]) and subsequent reprisals against the Polish populace once the nation was erased from the world map for the next 6 years and turned into a new entity known as the Generalgouvernement. Also, Poland never owned Danzig during the pre-war time. It was a free city under administration by the League of Nations. The war started because Hitler wanted the Danzig corridor. When Poland refused to just hand the area over as had been the case with Czechia ceding the Sudetenland and getting entirely annexed in the progress while the world remained silent, Hitler invaded.

CLAIM 7: "Hitler offered a 16 point peace plan to Britain after the fall of France which the warmongering British refused."

The world had learned Hitler's "peace offers" werent worth the paper they were written on after what happened with his Munich Agreement[11]. In any case the peace plan was shitty because it effectively gave Germany control over all areas it had conquered.


What's that they are burning?

The 3rd Reich was a paradise.

>promoting whites
>wanting to kill blacks

stop throwing yourself in to the equation, its pathetic.

>holohoax weaker than ever
>Keep pushing it & pushing it & pushing it like nothing is changing
What prevents them from learning?

knowing it

btw, you are nazi larping shitskin or maybe even nigger

You and me both mate. You sum it up perfectly. England makes me sad.

How depressing.

If you think that's made up then do you think the story of how the red army when liberating Belarus discovered half buried half dead children whose blood/plasma was used for transfusions? It's true.


We have only one task, to stand firm and carry on the racial struggle without mercy. I will now say again something which I have already today said to the men elsewhere: we will never let that excellent weapon, the dread and terrible reputation which preceded us in the battles for Kharkow fade, but will constantly add new meaning to it. They can call us what they like in the world, the main thing is that we are the eternally loyal, obedient, steadfast and unconquerable fighting men of the Germanic people and of theFuehrer, the SS of the Germanic Reich. (Heinrich Himmler from Kharkow speech in April of 1943)

These clashes are the only evolutionary possibility which will enable us one day, now that Fate has given us the Fuehrer Adolf Hitler, to create the Germanic Reich. Heinrich Himmler

General Erich Hoepner of the Panzer Group 4 stated:

The war against Russia is an important chapter in the German nation's struggle for existence. It is the old battle of the Germanic against the Slavic people, of the defense of European culture against Muscovite-Asiatic inundation and of the repulse of Jewish Bolshevism. The objective of this battle must be the demolition of present-day Russia and must therefore be conducted with unprecedented severity. Every military action must be guided in planning and execution by an iron resolution to exterminate the enemy remorselessly and totally. In particular, no adherents of the contemporary Russian Bolshevik system are to be spared.

shitskin larping as a nazi kek


Larping is for commies like yourself. I'm Danish.

I don't have the age but I have seen an image floating around kikebook in rainbow saying
>Celebrate neurodiversity