British lads on Sup Forums, i'm gonna miss you guys. But I would keep your heads down and stop coming here for a while.

How the fuck can one nation be so daft?

Canada shall follow soon, inshallah

Islamophobic rural and suburban retards btfo

Yeah its definitely the fear of the threat that's the problem and not the threat itself.

lol white people deserve extinction.

prove me wrong.

Top Kek, Millennial Woes is fucked now.

It seems that it's not the only thing coming,,
time for some good ol' RACE WAR

So much for eternal anglo

>8:30am in Bongastan London
>"Mr. Khan I have terrible news. It seems a radical Islamaphobe targeted and attacked some innocent Muslim civilians last night."
>"... How do we know for sure?"
>"Well the reports are all over but there seem to be one attacker who said nothing, some say three with knives, others say he shouted "God Save the Queen". Lots of conflicting info right now as it breaks."
>"Dear Allah... this is tragic..."
>"The good news is only a few were injured and there are no reported fatalities at this time as emergency workers do their thing."
>"How... how could this have happened? Right here... right in our own back yard?"
>"Rest easy, the the media has done some photo ops with professionals on the scene. EMTs, Cabbies, all Islamaphobes naturally, to put citizens at ease."
>"What? What is that supposed to do?"
>"Like I said, put citizens at ease. These sort of "retaliation strikes" are just part and parcel of living in a globalized city. We have to keep a stiff upper lip and all that in these trying times."
>"It's a dangerous ideology! I-you... you're an Islamaphobe right?"
>"Wow wow wow... that was a RADICAL Islamaphobe. he wasn't a REAL Islamaphobe. I'm a moderate every day British born and raised Islamaphobe. I don't know how many times I have to tell you that I condemn these attacks. It's an ideology of peace!"
>"But it says right in the chat forums you wish death and destruction on all Muslims! It's pure evil!"
>"You're just misinterpreting the posts. If you knew ANYTHING about the ideology you would see this it's a diverse, proud, and old belief that's culturally enriching and peaceful."
>"This is crazy... I can't believe it... We've got to do something abut these people."
>"Careful Mr. Mayor, that's starting to sound a lot like hate speech against a protected minority class and I'd hate to hate to report it to the police."

>Muslims slaughter dozens of your countrymen over the span of a few weeks
>one white guy retaliates and doesn't kill anyone
When will Sup Forums learn to stop voting for (((conservatives)))?

She's behind schedule
If she doesn't deliver, she might end up having a heart attack
So the bullshit fake news crisis actor crap has gone into overdrive
and we're supposed to believe it
Tell (((them))) their agenda is a fail
Tell them to start packing their carpet bags
Another displacement happening soon
Palestine will get its land back
although not in the good condition it was in when it was stolen


This is victim blaming


They're twisting every happening out there to fit their narrative and to realize their criminal goals, has been happening since WW1.

reminder there are reports that the van was moving at like 3 mph and people looked like they were trying to get in front of it

What could possibly go wrong.

>multiple muslim attacks
>response: import more muslims
>anti muslim attack
>response: stamp out all islamophobia
U.K can't be that cucked

what will considerd as Islamaphobic behavior?

They want war

>lets just single handedly make whites fight back by taking away their freedoms and their comfortable internet rights

>*pokes lion with stick*
"Cmon...do something.."

I'm really getting tired of this shit

>making it illegal to criticise a religion
>not even the state religion, one particular imported minority religion

Real nice lady you elected there Brits

wasnt expecting brits to get fucked the hardest

>blasphemy laws

>one stupid comment on twitter can mean a prison sentence
>deliberately open ended laws on 'offensive' communications

>too much tolerance for extremism

Fuck me.

Why the fuck is this stupid cunt still Prime Minister? She single-handedly fucked her party with that little ego-trip election of her's and yet she refuses to step down

Female leaders, not even once

Is UK even real at this point?

The Brits are slow to anger but when we get angry we go fucking mental. Most people can see right through this bullshit. We're being prodded and eventually we're going to snap. Not sure how long it will take, but it will happen.

The majority of the British public are "Islamophobic". It takes quite a lot to make a decent bloke with four kids mow down Muslims in a van, but today it happened. The fightback is beginning already. Everyone I know is murmuring about Muslims.

Don't confuse the British with the Europeans. The Europeans will lie down and take it until it kills them, but we won't.

Give it five years.

>too much tolerance for extremism

Yeah so when are you getting rid of the muzzies?

Fucking ridiculous. ZERO ferocity in dealing with these muzzie cunts and so damn quick to crack the whip on their own people. Sick to fucking death of politicians.

europe is dead

Glad she's got her priorities straight
it killed like one guy after all

Thatcher would have sorted this shit out quicker than any male Prime Minister we've ever had.

1984 was a sneak peak into the future they were building at the time. Now it's here.

The Tory party has a minority government and a deal with the DUP giving them a majority of just 2 and Brexit negotiations have just started. Just one more little fuck up now could put the Tory party out of government.

>Jail a man for teaching his dog to sieg heil as a joke
>now this

Europe is a joke fucking kill yourselves in shame.

The reports are that he was dying anyway without being run over.

i seriously thought after brexit the brits could be the shining, if smug, example to all of us

really really really like this image

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

Every day I lose more and more faith in this country.

This user. has it correctly. If they stop people from complaining about the third-worldisation of their country, they bottle the sentiment and increase the pressure. Godspeed, Britons!

HAHAHAHAHAHA poor brit fags.
You guys are now the goats, the shit skins are the goat fuckers. Now shut the fuck up and be a goat. Or go to jail. Now open wide and start parying to Mohamed, Mohamed.

Everything is fine. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this country. We are all happy and most importantly tolerant.

brit fags let us be honest - the politicians have sold the ethnic brits down the river - they have been compromised since Heath, whose liking for little boys was exploited by the commie scum who infiltrated in gov't - is there any way to save you???

The ravens will starve.

What do they care? It's a strategic move, you'll be outnumbered 10 to 1 anyways.

Didn't she align herself with DUP? Northern Ireland's Democratic Unionist Party: It is socially conservative, opposing abortion and same-sex marriage; it is fiercely patriotic, campaigning to keep Northern Ireland in the United Kingdom; it is Euroskeptic, being the only big party in Northern Ireland to back Brexit; and — worst of all — it is propping up the Tories.

Wow, for a second I was worried that Britain might be drowned in a sea of multiculturalism; but now that you've posted this edgy poem, I feel much better about 1/4th of British births being non-white. Thanks, friend. Can't wait to get those normies!

quiet jamal, your house is far too fragile to be throwing stones like that.

No, we're completely fucked.

islamophobia is banned, meaning you aren't allowed to be afraid of islam?

Push through the pain. Take what is yours.

holy fuck what is happening?

>a truck attack at a Christmas market that killed more than a dozen people was supposed to wake the German people up
>Germans continue on like nothing happened, refugee influx continues uninterrupted, AfD is losing support and Merkel will be re-elected to another fucking term

I hate Germany so fucking much. Every single one of these European elections is one disappointment after another

this is like a god end quite literally

>yet another false flag
You voted for this bongs. Enjoy your police state.

Good. Britain deserves to die for what it did to us in WW2. You doomed Europa. Now sleep in the bed you made.

Fuck Jews. Fuck Christians. Fuck Muslims. I can talk shit about any fake religious cult (all of them) I feel like. Deal with it, sandnegroes.

Also, I love how all of sudden her tone is much more aggressive now that we are fight back against Muslims.

>Too much tolerance for extremism.

I agree, too much tolerance for muslim extremism.

Globalists really really want us to think about Jews and Muslims more than about native people.
>picture related is why we need conflict with Muslims

Someone in GB should sue the government for allowing having free thoughts in the first place.

Technically we didn't. May's government doesn't even have an outright majority.

There must be a breaking point there must be!

forgot picture

>When you start to worry, but then you realize you don't give a fuck about uk anyway

>this happening right as SCOTUS unanimously reaffirming that hate speech is free speech in the USA
holy shit Europe

you all need to get rid of this cunt, and that midget muslim mayor

Miss your monarchy yet? And by monarchy, I mean when they had the power to expel the undesirable races and religions.

uk government are hating their own people

>did to us

It you didn't fucking intervene Hitler would have won.

I'm beginning to think that there won't be. There's a new attack every fucking day now and people seem to care less and less. It's looking like all of Western Europe will accept the soft genocide that the US accepted ~50 years ago. In 100 years, there will not be a single homeland for whites left

Remember boys!!

>Feminism is good
>Islam is Peace


I, for one, welcome our new muslim overlords

>UK has too much tolerance for extremism
>by which they mean "Islamophobia" not terrorism
This is the biggest blackpill I've taken in a while. What the actual fuck is wrong with these people?

>Theresa May fucked herself over with elections
>UK is getting pounded in Brexit negotiations.
>The only reason people voted leave was to stop the refugees
>UK is now cracking down on "Islamophobia".


This. Fuck Britain. They sit and whine on Sup Forums about how their country is falling apart instead of doing something. They deserve every raped daughter, every murdered son, every beheaded priest, every bloodied street. Fuck them all.

50+ truck of peace incidents worldwide, no elite bashes an eyelid.

1 White van man and suddenly it's a problem.

If hell is real, it was made for jews.

Because it's so much better here? The crackdown will happen here as well, just wait and see after the elections.

the answer is yes

fantastic pasta imo desu senpai

It's OK, I'm behind seven flags.




Have u got a license for tht parcel m8?

Soon the headlines will read that 20 people struct in a traffic accident. The Muslim driver was uninjured and was able to make a statement afterward of "Allah Akbar, Death to those who insult Islam." 5 of the victims are expected to recover and will be charged with hate crimes for standing in the way of the motorists vehicle as he drove onto the sidewalk.

sorry I meant to say God Send - election got real conervatives DUP -I mean the real deal- a place in the gov't. and weakened the SNP

Aaaaand there it is boys and girls. The UK govt groveling and tossing their own countrymen overboard for their muzzie invaders. Fucking unbelievable. The extra security for those piece of shit muzzies mowing down people wasn't for you, white native brits, it was protection for your invading forces, taking over your country, while your country capitulates to them. I'm glad my grandparents are passed away, they wouldn't believe what the UK and Europe has come to, it's that fucking crazy.

My favorite character of all time

Is she going to remove /brit/ from Sup Forums?


THIS. The UK was the old empire. Used and abused. Martial law is going to put the old dog down. THIS IS YOUR FUTURE AMERICA

Numbers won't matter. Whites are superior fighters and, if they need to, can deploy chemical/biological weapons.
They only need the will to fight.

>instead of doing something

Did you miss the part when some bloke drove a van through the muzz?

White Supremacist Islamophobe
|COMING THROUGH ||l “”|””\__,_
|______________|||__|__|__|]boop! beep!

My will to live is being crushed.

I have no doubt,our unelected pm has aspergers.