How does Sup Forums feel about trans fat bans?

how does Sup Forums feel about trans fat bans?

i don't care of trans people are fat what difference does that make retard

Fat in the American diet isn't a problem, sugar is the problem




why don't we ban fat people instead

he's white bros


This. Personally I would abolish all processed foods and rely on collective farms.


look at this edgelord with a vedic symbol.


I don't care about trans-fat, gluten, MSG, or anything else that makes food better.

>mfw I can't tell if it's a ban on unhealthy foods or a minority group of obese cross dressing faggots.

Feelings are for liberals. Fuck off.

How bout we don't pay for adult's health insurance, then dispatch anyone who can't run 3 miles?

I agree, fat trans people are worst

>how does Sup Forums feel about trans fat bans?

Well, banning something will suuuuurrrrrrrely fix the underlying problem.

I'm watching this one right now too. Dale is red pilled. Hank is borderline red pilled. Trans fats should not be illegal, but should be highly criticized and the public should be informed on how shitty it is.

Free market is free market.
I won't deny service to trannie landwhales if they're paying me, as long as they're not making a scene and scaring my other clients away.

eating's not the problem, overeating is

I think its great : we tolerate trannies, why should we tolerate fat trannies?

Ban fatties, ban trannies

i agree, trans fat shouldnt be banneed
is dale /our guy/

Yes. I'm suprised he wasn't more involved in this episode. He would definitely have an episode where he uses his exterminator role to infiltrate comet ping Pong pizza and expose the elites. He is also questioning the elites and fighting for the truth. He also probably hates blacks.