Woman Wants A White Doctor, Not Just Doctors Who Can Speak English


Who was in the wrong here? The Indian doctors with brown teeth, or the woman wanting a white doctor?

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Couldn't she just pay and see a private doctor? i mean if you can't pay, than you have to see the doctor that they give you.

>Couldn't she just pay and see a private doctor?

"free" public healthcare raises the costs of private healthcare.

She explained in the video that she didn't have enough money, and she wants a doctor that can speak English and is white, even though everyone speaks English in that video.

I haven't had this problem with my insurance

Nothing wrong with wanting a doc who washes their hands.

I would think the opposite would happen. Public healthcare means everyone has a free healthcare choice hence demand for private doctors is low. If demand for Private doctors is low than their prices should be low too. How can low demand mean more prices?

Did the doctor study in India?

I'm pretty sure even if they did they have to pass the bar in Canada. I talked to an Indian about dentistry when I was on the bus and he had to take a bar.

i have not met a white GP in decade in this city

She is smart, nonwhite doctors get degrees in third world shitholes with skills that are woefully subpart. Secondly they literally only do it for the money, which guarantees uninspired work like all insect minded asians. At best they'll do the minimum, at worst they'll screw up and try to get out of it by any means necessary.

they also get into med schools with much worse grades even when they go to good western schools

>boomer freaks out that one day they wake up in their own country and now it's foreign to them
Should have done something about it 25 fucking years ago you stupid cunt.

Where do you live? My Asian GP was trash and I had to get a white GP. I had no idea I had to bring my health card with me but I was allowed a visit anyways.

Our governments import shitskin doctors because it lets them slash the funding of our medical schools and produce less doctors domestically.
It's an interesting situation because any other time lefties would be up in arms over an education budget being cut to ribbons, right?
But if you go and study to be a doc or a nurse, or something, part of that course will be telling you that bringing diverse (third world) medical personnel is good because they bring with them diverse (third world) ways of doing healthcare.

In Australia you can request to see specific doctors. People do it all the time. Nonwhite doctors mostly suck.

Our one solace is knowing that boomers will die surrounded by nonwhite nurses who will neglect and abuse them. I won't lift a finger, they deserve far worse than that for wasting away their inheritance and stealing our future.

>tfw Cucknada is worse than LA

At least we have spics here.


This! The NHS is full of British born (cough)people going to some nigga third world countries and training to be doctors then returning to uk ,fuck most of them couldn't became a veterinarian

This. Boomers are the worst generation to ever exist. I say this knowing the state of Millennials.

i wouldn't want a white doc for my wife so i am ok with this

I don't care about the bar, a Canadian dentist on average would be better trained and therefore better at performing their jobs than a dentist who studied in India. I'm all about maximizing my health. But in the real world you can't know or even demand to know how well someone can perform their jobs.

I just know there's an increased chance of having poo particles in my mouth.

Was the AHCA an attempt to rid the US of male white/jew doctors? Most marketplace plans don't cover white or jewish doctors, and seems to only focus on covering mostly Indian doctors

I'm sure it's just a coincidence... Right?

You have no idea how economics works. Socialism is inefficient and not productive. So there is scarcity. The taxes required to pay for such a scheme as universal healthcare are enormous, and literally drag down the entire economy, making everything more expensive.

There is higher, not lower demand. Public healthcare is often incredibly shit, and everyone knows it. Everyone able to do so wants to pay for proper healthcare.

One thing that is crazy is all the third world doctors start incorporating their ass gackwards traditional medicine into their practices.
There are literally feng shei cupping and acupuncture palours being run out of GP buildings

>things going on in Canada

i dont care

>using a fake flag

If you're an amerishartinmart, you'd probably have poo particles in your mouth every time you eat at McDonalds.

why is she not in jail for hate speech?

The western world still have shit like chiropractors. We're not rid of this shit any time soon.

Low and behold it's a fake blonde hair fatty with insecurities projecting them on others.

Chiropractors are not the superstitious bullshit like being given rhino horn tea and being bled out by cupping with a back full of needles.

>As a psychiatrist, I’ve seen this up close. I’ve frequently been the only black doctor (or one of very few) in clinics with large black populations. Quite often, patients ask to see a black doctor, but the sheer volume of people seeking help prevents me from accommodating most of their requests.

Remember, it's ok if you're black.

Possibly what's going on is Dr. Chang wants to help his cousin Feng get into your country but his cousin Feng makes dumplings for a living, which isn't a skill in demand enough that your country will allow him to immigrate.
So what Chang does is have his clinic sponsor Feng's entry into your country claiming that Feng is a practitioner of traditional medicine.
What's the proof of Feng being a practitioner of traditional medicine? He says he is and has some other people that will say he is.

Would you rather a jew doctor or a poo doctor?

>fake flag
Piss off ya fuckin redditor, this is how Sup Forums is supposed to be.

LA doctors, you cant be serious about 'better'.

It's still a fucking scam and it's a waste of tax dollars.

Private doctor is free if you have a job.

shitskin doctors for poors, good doctors for the wealthy.

she don goofed, she is getting deported

Lol cbc reframing again:
>Pics of sad brown people

The simple truth is western liberals are regressive and crap like this is allowed to exist because they think primitive nonscientific practices are legitmate and none of them protestors

she should have complained to medical association that the doctor made inappropriate sexual advances towards her son

but doctor feng takes medicaid which buys drugs on discount, and the good white doctor doesnt even bother with medicare.

No its not i know where you are coming from but when you need a slipped disk pit back in no one else is going to do it but a chiropractor.
The neck snapping chiropractors are the dangerous ones.

I want your seed.

Nothing wrong with this, if ever my bank calls me or any corp that wants my information if they don't sound white I tell them I want to talk to a white person and just blame Asian/Indian scammers if they have an issue with it... either they do it or we have nothing to talk about.

as for video, never had this as I'm privately insured and my GP, dentist, etc are White.



at least they know their demographic

>When staff tell her that no such doctor is available, the woman gets angry and at one point says "being white in this country I should just shoot myself."

i feel the same way.

Did you ever hear how Traditional Chinese Medicine started? Before the commies took power it wasn't really a thing. Every village had its shaman that had a bunch of silly practices that directly contradicted that of the shaman in the next village.

When the commies took power one of the promises was they'd give everyone western-tier doctors and healthcare would be great. But that shit is expensive as fuck, they couldn't deliver. So they had some dudes go from village to village and write down all the tricks of the shamans and they decided which ones would be "true" and which ones would be bullshit and made a canon list of practices and knowledge.

This canon they called Traditional Chinese Medicine and it was much, much cheaper to train a guy in Traditional Chinese Medicine than it was to train him in Medicine. So the commies said
>Well, at least we can give you a "doctor" of TCM, be happy with that.

The funny part is that periodically our politicians try to sell "alternative medicine" to us in the same way.
>Well, we don't have the budget to give you shit that actually works. But TCM is legit, goy, try it out: we can pay for that.

Other way around

It's more expensive if you have a job.

it is her body and health. she wants a white doctor that is her right. i turned down dental surgery when i was referred to some random black dude named "Vladimir"

I've seen two Indian doctors in my life, and they both were absolutely fucking horrible.
One told me I strained a muscle (without proper examination) when I had two herniated discs, and the other told me to do nothing when I had a tendon separated from my finger.
If I had listened to either, I would be seriously fucked right now. As-is, I suffered irreparable damage to my back due to not getting proper treatment for weeks.
Never again.


It's actually her son that needs a doctor.

This is the stick they hit people with,
No immigration no doctors, it's totally bullshit
The western world most of been in one hell of a state before all the immigrants came to save us

stop crying


You have never studied economics have you?

not only that, but if you ask ANY university professor that isnt a pathological lying leftist, ALL indians and asians cheat on just about everything they can. they are literally too stupid to even pass 101-tier classes without cheating.

They also subtly brainwash everyone into bad health by suggesting everyones a frail pos that needs doctors.
Ive not been to a doctor in years and have no reason to.
I find it hard to believe so many people need them


Sorry sweetie but those are only for richfags

In China you can actually make a living as a white person just by being white and respectable-looking.
Chinese people (rightfully) do not consider each other trustworthy but if they see white people involved in a business they will assume that business is upright.
So Chinese businesses will pay white people to pose as being involved with their business.

I believe there are laws in Canada which state you can request a Doctor of your preference based on language and "shared heritage."
They're meant for dirty ass immigrants but technically apply to English speaking whites too.
Although it's the CBC so it's gonna be a hit job even though its an old lady who's probably been fucked around by the Healthcare System so much that she lashed out.

Pic: Only good Paki ever.

Figures the guy who created the practice was practicing medicine without a license

Patients have the right to pick doctors because of things like women not wanting to be felt up by a poo.

she was in the wrong for being belligerent as fuck

everyone else should have shut the fuck up by not escalating the situation with the crazy lady

she should have left after being told there's no white doctor to accommodate her. of course she's not all there and people were getting triggered like this is some sane person that wants to go deus vult in the waiting room and not a closet racist that was emotional and desperate but wrong.

shout out to the sheboon that disregarded the medical attention the child needed and was more concerned about the mom's wrongthink being more harmful. that mic drop alone will get her 20 sassy black lady reaction gifs on minstrel twitter.

Ramblings of a retard. How does giving the government a monopoly on healthcare give more choice? This makes it harder for private healthcare to compete because unlike the government, they can't force you to pay for their services and have to work through a jungle of regulation just to function. This means less firms and less choice.

People get emotional when they are sick and not being taken seriously.
Some GP staff are souless autists.

you're an idiot.

Pretty sure because less people would be coming to them, they'd be making less money so they'd have to raise their prices so that they don't go broke.

This is some Tower of Babel shit. Anyone who didn't see this thing coming is fucking moronic.

>Hitesh Bhardwaj recorded the incident while waiting for his own appointment at Rapid Access to Medical Specialists in Mississauga, Ont. He shared his video with CBC News.

See the thing about migrants +60 years ago is that they took Anglo names and embraced the culture. Now nobody can understand each other which is annoying as fuck when you need basic services like getting antibiotics at a walk-in and get misdiagnosed by someone with brown teeth.

Now this woman gets publicly shamed by the federally funded (((news))).

>being white in this country, I should just shoot myself
This is what they want

Often chiropractors will have 'chronic pain' patients that they see every week until there is a settlement for whatever caused the pain. It happens often and is something lawyers use to get you a larger payoff, accounting for potential future costs of going to the chiro. There are definitely a lot of medical scams out there. On the other hand...

I went to a chiro after I tweaked my back moving a 40' roll of carpet by myself (I'm a self employed contractor). Couldn't step on my left foot for like 4 weeks prior to going so I figured I'd try out going to a chiro (worst case scenario I'd be scammed out of $200 I figured). 2 visits later and I had no pain at all. Guess I somehow tweaked my pelvis out of place so my hip wasn't rotating in the socket causing intense pain all the way down my leg. If I'd gone to a general practitioner I'd have been prescribed drugs and told to get rest

these guys were pretty aesthetics


She's not old, she's like 30 something.

The chiros are scams is coming from joe rogan lol.
All those vids of the weird ones doing the painful sadist snapping moves and that model dying of a ruptured artery is what caused it.

>even though everyone speaks English in that video.
I'm not watching the video. Do they speak English, or do they speak that bobble-english that comes out of Pajeets.

Pajeet holding the camera speaks "English", while everyone else speaks English.

I went to a walk in clinic and this is the first thing the receptionist says, it's not racist to be comfortable with a preferred doctor.

We all know fucking poojeet doctors have just started working there and don't know shit. They even use a fucking diagnostic program that has all the symptoms and medications associated.

Ez pz job.

I would do the same. Indians wouldn't accept a doctor that speaks broken Hindi. The double standard is strong.

Half the curry doctors I have seen had poorer English than the ones working in their call centres.

If you sat them in front of Rosetta Stone they'd never pass the bit where it makes you speak words into a mic'.

Not an argument

>surrounded by nonwhite nurses who will neglect and abuse them.
they already do this. Non-white nurses are brutal, especially in places where old people can't report it.

>The chiros are scams is coming from joe rogan lol.
I hear this from a lot of people though. I kinda feel bad for people who do it as their profession because nobody takes them seriously.

The old car accident phantom back/neck pain scams aren't necessarily the chiropractors fault. This is what I always think of when people talk about chiro's. I wish there was an unbiased study on how many chiro patients are 'faking'/also looking at how effective chiro visits are vs a placebo. Every time I've tried to look it up I see studies sponsored by pharma companies

I personally prefer Korean or Poo in the Loo doctors who were educated in the US.

Never a black doctor.

2:45 "My kid is part nonwhite"

And she really thinks she has any room to fucking speak?

Imagining that she was for the civil rights act makes me smile :)

how do you deport canadians from canada? idiot

Settling for a black doctor is like deliberately asking for the sickness/disease to get worse.

Most chiros in Australia are legit and really professional.
I think there is just some injuries that require a hands on remedy like popped discs and broken muscles. Pro Bodybuilders use them and they are pretty cluey about this stuff.

poo unironically.
jew will just put you on as many pills as possible

what she's experiencing is the "they'll only wake up when the boot stomps on their face" moment. She should already know that toronto isn't a white city anymore.

well tbqh rural chinks believe in all that shit, so the commies just gave it to them.
placebos sometimes do work, so theres that

Typically I would feel the same but I saw 3 specialist all of whom were white & they couldnt figure out what was wrong nor treat me correctly to fix the issue. The 4th specialist was a skinny poo with long white hair and a white trimmed beard, I thought "fuck this is a waste of time". The fuckin poo Dr figured out what was wrong with the first 2 tests & saved my life.

typical coal-burner single mum.

Someone please acknowledge how incredibly retarded it is that she's wondering where all the white people in society went when she is literally part of why there are less white people now.

please c̶l̶a̶p̶ acknowledge.

I see all these racist comments flying by and I don't see any logical ones. It's like the movie "Idiocracy" is coming true.

>Never a black doctor.

I've never even seen a black doctor before. Do they even exist?

Thank you, based Norwegian archiver.