My dad thinks the sandy hook "conspiracy theory" is completely crazy but won't do any investigation into it himself...

my dad thinks the sandy hook "conspiracy theory" is completely crazy but won't do any investigation into it himself. I don't know anything about this conspiracy but after pizzagate I'm not going to just dismiss it.

Care to throw redpills at me that I can share with my dad? What actually happened at Sandy Hook that day?

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bump out of interest. I don't know much of the evidence for or against sandy hook being real, sorry

That autistic kid shot those other kids.

The truth about Sandy Hook would have come out but sadly they blew up building 7 where all the evidence was. :///

there was a school shooting where children died
however since they were children there are no extensive public records of them to prove they are "real"
none paid taxes, none had jobs, they barely had birth certificates because they were fucking children
Basic decency will also keep anyone from showing bloody corpses to the public, as expected, so theres no way to prove it.

other than some democrats immediately trying to politicize it to advocate for gun control, which went nowhere, it was treated as part and parcel of living in a public school system.

also the scapegoat/shooter was also unhinged and completely unreliable, so theres no proof he did the shooting either.

basically summed up:
children died
or they didnt
because a crazy man murdered them
or it was all a ploy
it really doesnt actually matter

Your dad is a faggot

my cousin was shot in sandy hook

There is a ton of into on the internet.

> my dad thinks the sandy hook "conspiracy theory" is completely crazy

You should ask him if he thinks all those "refugees" are just poor persecuted migrants trying to survive too. You know, just to see what he say so we can gauge his common sense.

Listen to daddy, little boy.

There's video of an alleged father of one of the victims laughing the day after with media people until the he thinks camera starts filming. It's not eveidence but it's fucking sick and strange. Maybe the guy was just a big cock-holster for media types. Maybe something explains it or people react in strange ways. But it doesn't look like it. It looks suspicious, I'm sorry.

what is that image implying?

How DARE you be so reasonable?!


sandy hook happened take this thread down this is sick kids died that day


Fucking kill yourself faggot



He's not being reasonable. There is nothing "reasonable" about the officlal Sandy Hook story:

-medical examiner Wayne "Carver" making jokes and unable to describe the crime scene during press conference
-Gene Rosen's story of the bus driver leaving children at his house, where he proceeded to bring them stuffed animals, instead of taking them to the firehouse next door.
-Robbie Parker laughing and "getting into character" one day after his daughter was supposedly brutally murdered
-No images from the crime scene other than a broken window
-Bodies supposedly being left in the school all night
-No medical helicopters on the scene
-Parents moving immediately to the "acceptance" stage of grieving
-Indications that the school had been abandoned for years (no website activity, and photos of the hallways being used for storage)
-The school being quickly demolished afterwards

See the pants she's wearing? I see that brand in every fake happening. There always some fag loser wearing it in the photos


>All mass shootings under Obeme is a false-flag
>Staged mass shooting by Trump by using a "Bernie supporter" actor is totally real guise!


Go see a psychiatrist.

he believes what he wants to just like you OP

i love blackpills

Didn't they burn down the kids house or school or some shit? something got burned down.

It may have been fake, it may have been not, but here's some things that aren't fake:
Ruby Ridge
MK Ultra
Edgewood Arsenal human experiments

They have a history of conspiracy, a motive for it, a means of doing it, an opportunity, and absolutely no reason for them not to do it. The problem is that they could have done it and it's probable they did, even if they didn't the problem is our government is a probable suspect.

have him compare this footage of the Robbie Parker interview with what he remembers. Ask him, as a father, if his child had just been murdered, what would make him chuckle like a child? Why would Robbie need to "get in to character" to give his statement?

whoops, forgot link

are the Soto's part of some other family. This kid sounds like the gayest little fruit booter

There is one known photo of a body being removed at night

You are a damned fool.

I used to consider myself a conservative up to my late twenties, I used feel my hair stand up on end when I heard the extremist rhetoric of some on the far-left, but that was ere I knew Sup Forums

I can't even begin to express my contempt for either of you; you far outstrip your left wing counterparts in lack of charity, worship of ignorance, in every mean and ignominious impulse that the human heart can conceive. Marquis Evrémonde was moderate by comparison. May God have mercy on all of your souls.


Thank you for this.

Just ask him to commit an hour to watching this documentary.

What is most damning is that the MSM completely ignores so many of the odd things about the event... if there was a real news media today, they would at least look into this stuff and explain why it appears very 'off'

>insert gif of man laughing then sad

She's so beautiful. She's turning my flag into a false flag the more I look at her.

Parents caught practicing their lines, laughing before going on camera, people walking around in circles, police acting like nothing was wrong, unknown shooter, lack of photos or CCTV footage, inconsistent witness stories, supposed victims showing up alive in other places (like the red dress girl with Obama), bulldozing the school afterwards, lack of FBI data on the crime leads me to believe that Sandy Hook was a hoax.

I died in sandy hook, have some respect faggot

The lack of helicopters and the fact that there was not a single wounded survivor, which would be the first mass shooting in history in which the shooter cleanly killed every victim.

You can't burst their bubble all at once. If he's committed to the vanilla story, chip away at something else. It's too traumatic for normies to realize they're living in an illusion. I tried to explain to some doctor friends that the hospital's cyber security was not good enough to stop any decent hackers, that medical history is bought and sold. Two very intelligent and hard working men ridiculed me for suggesting their security was less than what a credit card company has. People just can't fathom how fucked up it all really is.

Also, call it pedogate. Pizzagate sounds too tinfoily.

>tips fedora

Holy shit...

Thanks, I'll check this out.

rather than sandy hook itself / ask him why you will get 10 years in prison for INVESTIGATING AT ALL with a gag order on the topic not joking look it up.

So, if this is some big govt conspiracy, why would they use the same "crisis actors" repeatedly?

Recycle intelligence agents to reduce the amount of people knowledgeable of the act. Reduce having to vet/background check new people all the time. Developing loyalties.

they don't. Those people are associated with Homeland Security, CIA, FBI.

average person isn't going to go searching around for icarlee23. They watch the news blurb about the shooting and send out the hearts and prayers

I think you're missing the point. If they use the same "actors" repeatedly, then people can see that. Why not plastic surgery? Different haircut? Different makeup? They don't even dye their hair!

You can get fillers or fat injections that will just disappear with time. But, the photos always show people who look similar.

If there were photos that showed the same person with a different name that were without a doubt the same person, the whole thing would come crashing down. But, it's just people who look similar.

>Basic decency will also keep anyone from showing bloody corpses to the public, as expected, so theres no way to prove it.

yea a lot of the carlee soto sightings are questionable.

im still convinced this is david wheeler. I imagine he just kept bothering the police until they finally let him fulfill his dream of being special operations seal team 6 special agent

These are two well done documentaries by independent journalists and media correspondents. There is no speculation, merely facts. Sit down with him or have him in his free time watch both or one of these.

Also here is a link to a book by American Free Press that is authored by several professors, journalists and media correspondents. The book is available for purchase in paperback, but this link can have it downloaded to your iBooks or computer free of charge.

Looks like completely different ears. I kind of wonder if this crisis actor stuff comes from people with face blindness.

I'll have to check the data base. His helmet looks really tiny though

mole on right cheek

Clearly a different place.

This sandy hook conspiracy could be true, but the crisis actor stuff is bullshit. The people acted really weird, smiling, laughing, changing their behavior when they noticed cameras, but that could just as well be stress.

look up bomard's body language and you will have your answer

Let me look up some chinese medicine sites to cure my cancer, too. I love pseudoscience.

>it really doesnt actually matter


I just find the lack of any evidence bothersome. I mean for Columbine we had countless images and videos, you mean to tell me with how much technology has infiltrates our lives since then we have absolutely nothing?