Alex Jones IS Bill Hicks

I believe this is 100% true. I just don't believe in the idea he's some sort of shill or disinformation agent. It's totally plausible Hicks decided to take action against a growing tyrannical government and turned into a fictional conservative character to get his message across to save the real America.

He denies this shit ALL THE TIME for NO REASON other than the fact that he's nervous people have found out. He mentions this conspiracy way too often if it was fake. Watch his interviews with Kevin Booth. They are strangely buddy-buddy with each other.

I sent Infowars an email years back about this and told them to show the letter to Alex. No fucking shit the next day on his show, he brought it up saying he got fan mail about the conspiracy and then claimed he needed to bring Kevin Booth back on the show. I can't find the link to the video to prove to you but on God it happened.


Other urls found in this thread:

Alex/Bill = both have four letters
Jones/Hicks = both have five letters

He's fucking with all of us

Sacred Cow Productions isn't a coincidence. It's the reason Hicks was able to get his Access show in Austin. Kevin Booth was there the entire time through the "end" of Bill Hicks' life and the time Jones seemingly appeared out of fucking nowhere.

Nobody hardly new about his condition...

Bill Hicks put chemicals in the water to turn the fricking frogs gay

Strange last words for a full of life comedian who's on his death bed


I never wanted to believe this. I love Bill Hicks :( I hope he rested in peace

reported for spamming

Forced / fake disinformation conspiracy. It's being spread to dilute and discredit the similarly categorized fact that Alex Jones is a controlled op agent


No he isn't. You wasted so much time believing it hahaha holy fuck


Goddammit I hate this one. Hormones from birth control and anti-depressants get in the water systems and mess up the hormone profiles of all organisms in aquatic ecosystems.

This isn't spamming fuck off. There's a legit paper trail of shit to imply this could be absolutely true.

I'll continue posting evidence threads if this one is flagged. Just because YOU lack the motivation to see the evidence doesn't mean it's fake.

There is only one way to know... someone go dig up the grave.

Here is Bill Hicks last performance, it was on 1993:

And here is Alex Jones' first performance, on 2003:

I would love to believe this, it seems a little unlikely that Bill Hicks would have faked his death to be the monster we all know and love.

I love Alex Jones as a character, not as a person. Which is the only think inside of me believing this theory. I am torn on whether or not this is true

If Hicks were Alex Jones, he would not have married the Jewish ex-wife. Hicks was into Italiian/dark-haired women, not dumpy Jewish princesses.

They don't look alike.

Height different.

Build different.

Eye color different.

Bone structure different.

Voices extremely different.

Alex Jones isn't quick-witted enough to be Hicks.

Anyone who has ever studied/researched Hicks and listened to Jones, you'd know how stupid this theory is.

Read his Sacred Cow Productions bio. Hicks and Booth were trying to "create" a Rush Limbaugh type character. Then they coincidently found Alex Jones? Gtfoh

>Alex Jones isn't quick-witted enough to be Hicks
Have you considered Hicks can be witty enough to be Jones

I've probably done more research on this because I watched as much Hicks comedy as possible before I stumbled upon Jones and the dude was eerily familiar even before I heard about this theory. Which, I did think was crackpot crazy when I first heard it. I started doing some independent research googling and finding obscure sites for information and I'm fucking convinced man. The type of women they would like has fucking nothing to do with it. Hicks and Jones both have a love and connection to Los Angeles. Both have connections to Dallas and Texas in general. Both DO have similar facial and bone structures even though you claim they don't. And they both have the same friends. Isn't that fucking suspicious? They both have the same comedian friends. Dude just dig deeper or forget about it, idgaf what any of you think if you're going to shoot this theory down. I'm convinced as fuck. And I'm convinced he's not a disinformation agent. He's the real deal and doing this to save the country. Hicks did a fuck load of pshydeleics, this is some shit someone who was tripping on shrooms and acid would think about in order to take down a power structure.

Please do not breed.

somone should look into alex link to bohemian grove
it is when he became alex

I watched this video:

Covers quite a few things about it that are convincing

Alex Jones and Kevin Booth, just good old friends aren't they?




>i'm Bill Hicks your host





You already posted that image, but with more words. No need to repost. We understand you excitement

It would have to have been well done.

>They look different
You're blind
>They sound different
Alex does a fake voice though.
>If you believe this stuff, you're.. a big dumb-dumb!
Compelling argument. You've changed my mind. I fear being looked down upon by a random and faceless person on the internet. Dear god, what do I do now? I take it back! I take it all back!

Could be faked. Show me a picture of both Alex Jones and Bill Hicks together and I'll believe you.

This is actually getting good. More please.



Yeah but they're facing forward at a different angle though

>2 people haven't met and been photographed together
>omg its true they're the same peoplezzz

sage this shit

And this would be a bad thing? I just don't see how a comedian gets away with pulling a fast one on the deep state without their knowledge, do you?

has that program taken into account that there are decades between those images were taken?

You're missing the point here but alright

They don't look the same it's obvious they are separate people

>camera angles change your facial features
here a (you) on me

yes, it can accurately predict age as well

Because what are they gonna say? This guy is posing as a fake character to expose the truth that we're hiding from you? They don't gain anything by exposing him

Bill Hicks was a fatty
Alex is stocky thicc
If Alex would make pussy and dick jokes....

>posts an obscure image accuracy tester
>implies this theory is debunked now

go test it yourself faggot

It does seem odd that they worked in the same circles and have so many similarities. The Limbaugh-esque character thing makes it even wierder.

What are they going to say? What do they have to say, we're talking about a machine that can kill Vince Foster and the like and label it as suicides, we're talking about the type of people that have the means to remotely drive David Hasting's Mercedes into a tree because he "embarassed" a sitting General. They could kill his newly assembled identity and it would be a drop in the bucket? Pay offs as always. That's all, I don't doubt it I'm just saying how does he get away with it when they could kill him in surgery just as easily as Joan Rivers because oh my god she mad a tranny joke that might have been too close to the truth.

*Meant Michael Hastings

There is readily available video of both of then at the waco siege, obviously not the same person. Idk how this is still going after all these years when that one clip alone should dispel this fiction once and for .

This is almost as retarded as the paul is dead crap conspiracy tards have been spreading over the internets.

I'm not the one who needs convinced lol show me a photo of these two together and I'll believe you

It does seem odd that they worked in the same circles and have so many similarities. The Limbaugh-esque character thing makes it even wierder.

Post it then

>Being this butthurt to discover that your favorite media personality is really a big fat phony

Seriously, I prefer to let (((Alex Jones))) tell us what he really is. Straight from the (((horses))) mouth.

Nigga, Bill Hicks would be 60 if he were still alive. Does Alex look 60 to you?

OP, I see that you have no real idea of who Bill actually was.

If he was alive, he would probably be against both trump and hillary.

Jones would never say that it's just a ride. Jones lives his life in constant stiffness.

Bill Hicks is dead and you are an idiot. Good day, faggot!

Image sources:

Higher chance due to me using a much older picture of Bill Hicks.

>Alex = Bill
this is the only reason we have Alex fighting for America, exposing the inner power structure and basically electing Trump
>Alex != Bill
Alex is playing all of us by not sufficiently disproving the theory, giving himself more exposure but also teaching us a thing or two about conspiracies.



>still implying obscure image accuracy site debunks this theory

>he's wearing a RON PAUL 2008 shirt.
>being this retarded

That. But mostly I was debunking him saying the program takes age into account. Which it does not

All that Male Vitality and tanning is working wonders, ain't it?

The 3 key and the 8 key are very close to each other. My mistake

Okay so there arent any shocking similarities BUT

Here is a point, Bill started to get woke and therefor throttled by deep state

He was a comedian becoming more politically aware which is obvious from this video you posted


That Alex Jones pic and the other schoolboy pic they have of him both have this uncanny valley feel to them like the age progressed pics of missing kids that they make (pic related)

That wordpress page has both pics


How soon after the waco siege is the first vid?
Pretty damning desu.

It's all good. That 's still 15 years apart tho.

Here is both pics

They put Bill Hicks in a tin can. #FreeJonesFreeAmerica



Holy shit!



The same

Yeah, but look at the white strip below the lobe on Alex. One could argue surgical scar.

he might not be CIA. he might have started out playing a character OP, but he might really believe the stuff he says now......because basically it is all true.

there's no doubt he's not who he says he is though. all anyone needs to do is look at this fucking video of him below from 1994. he's not a fucking 20 year old man there. period. "alex jones" would be 20 in that clip and that is very, very plainly not a 20 year old man, end of story.

not only that, he doesn't even carry himself of speak like a 20 year old man. he always carries himself, speaks and looks like someone who would be the age that bill hicks WOULD have been :(

Of course Hicks was "woke", no denying that but unfortunately he's dead and gone. I'm a fan of both, I do see Jones as a masterful art piece himself, the perfect piece of disinfo/discrediting, lots of useful and true information delivered in a completely outrageous manner. Him on pierce morgan and his appearance on rogan were both masterful performances. I grew up on infowars growing up in Texas, but i just think its funny that this silly theory is given so much attention as opposed to Jones's connections to STRATFOR. He's good and bad for the movement but as an entry point I to this world he's great, just dont get caught up in the character. And R.I.P. Hicks.

bill hicks would be 56 if he were alive today and yes, that's exactly what alex jones looks like. he sure as SHIT doesn't look like a 42 year old man, which he supposedly is


that's cia you plebian

the thing is people don't realize what the group of people jones was playing to in the 90s was like. it was a militia movement. it was a group of people literally waiting to overthrow the government and put in a small-government, pro-gun, libertarian state. this is what alex jones was about originally. this is what his roots are.

these people were literally like a gang and were very weary of outsiders

bill hicks was an anti-gun comedian. big time. he NEVER would have been accepted, at that time, by right-wingers or people in the 90s militia movement (who at the time were spurred on by incidents like ruby ridge and waco).

shortly before his death, bill hicks got very interested in WACO and was working with kevin booth on the subject.

and later, in his stand up act

now it is possible that he wanted to change gears and become a part of this movement. it's possible he got really genuinely swept up in it, but knew he would never be accepted or be able to be any sort of figurehead of the movement with a history of saying the things he had said about rednecks, guns and drugs and all of the other stuff he talked about.

it's possible that he decided to take on a new persona in order to infiltrate this group of people, either with genuine intentions or nefarious ones.

it's possible that he was contacted by CIA (which is i think what a lot of people think)

it's possible it's a crusade he decided he deeply believed in

it's possible that he just wanted to make fun and poke fun at those people, but then eventually decided he believed in all of that stuff.

the only thing i don't count as a real possibility is that "alex jones" (a name that, BTW, is suspiciously common and "american") is really who he says he is.

sorry. it's the age thing in the end. that guy is not the age he says he is (42, if i remember right)

I feel as though Bill planned being Alex for a long time. So much that he grew and beard so people became unfamiliar with the shape of his chin. Then shaved it off when he faked his death. He put on a fake voice and say "What no, I'm not Bill Hicks" or go on tangents. To change, to be this new person we know and love

replying to myself here but one more thing. even as it was, one of the biggest voices of "the militia movement" at that time, william cooper (who was shortly after this video killed in a shootout with the US marshalls), did not trust him. he thought he was a phony, a plant, an "agent provocateur".

i'll say in alex's defense about Y2K (which cooper talks about in this broadcast), it was 17 years ago and he has apologized for his coverage of it, saying that he succumbed to corporate pressure and felt like he compromised his integrity in the coverage of the even. yeah. ok. i don't think anyone is going to hold that against him, but it's worth mentioning that people in that movement, though most probably overall accepted him, were pretty skeptical of him, even as a blond haired, blue eyed, pro-gun christian. so if he was brown-eyed, anti-american, drug loving, gun hating, redneck hating bill hicks, he REALLY never would have been accepted.

>mfw this theory has more credibility then 90% of the shit Alex "Buy my retarded shit" Jones talks about

fuck you loser. nearly everything AJ talks about is true and spot on. he might be CIA, he might be bill hicks, he might not be who he says he is, doesn't really matter as far as listeners are concerned because his news and analysis is essentially spot on and people who deny that are pieces of shit who deny the truth :(

Schlomo Jewnes is a shill, just listen to his debate with Dr Duke, he wants to get people away from the real cause of all these things and into nonsense to keep them distracted.

I think the genius is that, so many people say "DO NOT TRUST ALEX JONES" and he's been going for years. He doesn't give up, and I have to give respect to that type of person. He doesn't give up and the reason why is that he has the truth to tell

Controlled opposition.He's full of shit.