Tfw my """diagnosis""" is finally ADHD at 23

>tfw my """diagnosis""" is finally ADHD at 23

After rolling the dice with mental health services, shitty advice and antidepressants that just fucked me up more for the past 12 years since middle school its good to finally have something (through legal means) that lets me get through a full day of work

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Good you, OP!

It's nice to see these drugs being used as they were intended for such as ADHD.

Diagnosed after college. Now I'm trying to work through it without using medication. On it for 10 years, want to see how I'd do with out medica...


thats what the nazis used on the easter front so they could keep fighting despite the cold and starvation.

Of course you feel good. You're on speed.

get out of here roastie

I wish i had excess i could sell, could probably get $15 a pop. Sell 3 and pay for the other 97

Also literally not politics, you spastic cunt.

this isn't a politics board

it's politically incorrect

Reddit posts like this is why this site went to shit.

look up dr kharrazian or some shit m8.
functional medicine. or at the very least naturopathy.
not saying stop your prescriptions...

>Falling for the ADHD meme

It's more feeling good that I'm following through on shit rather than the Drug itself. I'm definitely more active but no euphoric feelings. Kinda feels like stronger modafinil but without racing thoughts and anxiety

Amphetamine is pretty politicised, doesnt NZ have an "ice epidemic" as well?

I wish i fell for it earlier, then i probably wouldnt of dropped out of high school and uni.

What'd you tell your doctor, I've been thinking about it as well .

>Falling for the highschool/University meme

Lift some weights and get a fucking clue, school will get you nowhere

Fine! You probably hate grilled cheese sandwiches!

ADHD is real. Don't let these fucks lie to you. This shows the difference in activity in the pre-frontal cortices of a normal individual and an individual with ADHD. Our brains are literally different.

My brain doesn't work unless something's a crisis. Hence everything has always been last minute, etc. Adderall makes me able to take care of non-crisis things.

Still in school? If so, they use grades and assignment completion as evaluation criteria.

Also a fuckton of evaluation forms.

Lol two years later when you need a higher dose to get the same effect and you begin to slide into psychosis because you got nintendo brain

don't take drugs, it will fuck you up in the long run

How does that hippy cock taste?

The mental health practice is Quackery and experimentation. Avoid it at all costs.


I'd liek to do that with my hydromorphone.

>Memory went to shit, feel like shit and can't concentrate
>Really depressed
>Go to doctor get antidepressants
>Start taking them daily which make me nauseous
>Started working 4 days ago
>Feel way better and my memory came back
>Came to terms that I am bisexual
>Lifes good

I do and I hate females and reddit also

you do realize that this image implies that the only "difference in activity" is a stark decrease in overall activity?

Had a chat with a psychologist about my symptoms, history etc. got refered to a psychiatrist, similar sort of talked, he then had me fill out a questionnaire similar to how those political compasses are layed out. Discussed options then got a script

Good grilled cheese will make you a believer.

The bitches and Reddit just can't be helped. They're gone, way gone.

>There are people that think these types of diseases are "real"

ADHD, Depression, these are not diseases, they are the cure

I think ADHD can be "cured" through diet, exercise, and good habits. I think there's something wrong on its face with fixing a person's personality through the use of amphetamines or any other chemicals. I don't have any objective evidence to prove this, but I've met some great people whose lives turned to wrecks through the use of amphetamines.

Can you really imagine someone in earlier centuries having ADHD? Isn't it an odd coincidence that it happens now when we have all these things in the way of us developing patience, delayed gratification, foresight, persistence? I mean, think about it.

>absolutely no moral lessons in society, so people are growing up without the values of patience or persistence or grit or quietness
>porn, games, entertainment, etc at your fingertips to distract you. In earlier days, people would go days or weeks without the kind of entertainment that people now need every other hour
>we have a large/expansive standardized school system that neglects the importance of exercise
>in earlier times kids would be doing physical work for a much larger part of the day than now
>no more meditation, no more prayer is being taught so people don't know how to sit still and be quiet

People can't just fucking suffer anymore. If you take someone with ADHD and you improve his diet and give him exercise, and then you teach him how to meditate and pray, and then you teach him how to sit down for hours and DEAL with feelings of disappointment/boredom/angst/etc... Do you honestly think you won't see an improvement?

I mean, fuck, two years ago I wouldn't be able to study for an hour. Now I study for 2-4 hours while working 5-6 hours and also getting exercise in. These were painstaking gains that required a ton of introspection, reading, lifestyle changes, and suffering. Thinking there's a shortcut is like thinking you should take steroids to gain muscles... there's got to be a downside.

I was diagnosed at like 8. They put me on Ritalin if you can fucking believe it, what is now a street drug. That crap ruined my life, now I have ticks and shit where I need to twitch my arms, sometimes eyes, it goes through phases. My nervous system got wrecked, and I haven't taken prescriptions since. I don't care if I get cancer, I will never take a pharmaceutical drug again. Marijuana is all you need for everything, and it helps with my ticks

Think I will listen to smart people on the subject and not some faggot on the anus of the internet

ausbro I have an ADHD/ADD intake next week
any tips on how to get through it?
I am afraid they won't take it seriously. I don't have any old school reports or relatives for the intake interview.

Not currently in school, had to stop going to college this semester until I can get my car situation sorted out. Planning on going back as soon as possible.

I was seeing a psychiatrist for ptsd and general anxiety disorder, next time I'm there I'll see if I can weave it in. Still need to get transportation for that sorted out though,

ADHD is also strongly correlated with DRD4-7R polymorphisms and DAT abnormalities. I've gotten test results and I have the relevant mutations. Some of us just don't fit very well into modern society. If we can somehow improve that fit to some degree, that's better than being treated as complete trash by the economy.

is there a fine line between being lazy and procrastinating and actually needing some drugs to help me be functional ?

I barely do any work and always leave everything last minute. I dont know if I just have to sort myself out more or I need something like OP

I was diagnosed with ADD at the age of 14 but I don't really believe any of that crap. Still they had me take rilatin, sertralin and dexamphetamine.

Rilatin and sertralin will fuck you up in the long run. Even got temporary ED from those fucking pills.

Glad I'm going through life now without pills

I feel like it moreso has to do with how rigid modern society is. Beforehand you could get work without 152 seperate OH&S statments and 32 qualifications. Even then its less about the job itself and more about making sure that you arrive on time.
Bureaucracy and specilization of tasks i feel is the main reason it is increasingly apparent

It has genetic markers. It's not a meme.

>I have to suffer so everyone else should too
I hate this attitude. Stimulants can actually make it much easier to apply these kind of lifestyle changes. Obviously that kind of thing helps, but so do stims and they don't really have any significant downsides at therapeutic dosages, as you wish they did.

That's great, try it with dopamine receptor mutations. Anyway most people lived lives that were nasty, brutish, and short in the middle ages. The average life expectancy was below 40. People who couldn't focus probably just got beaten for it a lot and eventually became soldiers or laborers or something that didn't require focusing very much. Every decent-paying job now requires focusing for long periods of time. Adapt, migrate, or die. Some of us chose to adapt. There is nowhere left to migrate anymore.

> Anyway most people lived lives that were nasty, brutish, and short in the middle ages. The average life expectancy was below 40.
you dont know shit about history.


Also i have done all sorts of bullshit to try to improve through means other than medication, but i kept going further down the spiral

congrats OP, that's the good stuff, I was prescribed that prior to being switched to mixed amphetamine salts and it's far superior, much less physically stimulating and with less nervousness. Pure dexedrine is an actual straight-up enhancement without that bullshit "medicated" feeling.

> I barely do any work and always leave everything last minute.

If you actually do all your work last minute, and finish it properly, there is nothing wrong, it is just your way to do it.

t. I do the same and I got a phd. I waste all the time on the net and rush when close to the deadline

The high child mortality makes the average life expectancy drop

Modern society has always been rigid, there have always been a ton of obligations and requirements, the problem now is that nobody has learned to suffer through their feelings of angst or impatience or despondency and so nobody has learned to TRAIN themselves to concentrate.

You can train yourself to focus, and you can start by sitting down and staring at what you want to focus on. Do that for 2 hours every day, even if you don't fucking read the shit, just stare at it for 2 hours every day. Exercise so you don't have angst. Be patient and pray to God (or meditate) daily. Go on walks without any device. Quiet your mind. Eventually you'll get better.

>they don't really have any significant downsides at therapeutic dosages
All of my experience with people on stims disagrees with this. They burn out fast.

Dead by 45 even if you reach 20. And high child mortality can be caused by all kinds of violence and mistreatment. You are full of shit and you know it.

Yes goyim, think not about the studies that show a shrinking of brain mass in males that take medication for adhd. You are simply dysfunctional-- the drugs will help!

>Dead by 45 even if you reach 20
>And high child mortality can be caused by all kinds of violence and mistreatment.

Read a book, or literally any scholarly article written on the average lifespan of people in the middle ages

I find weed helps at low amounts, but its a fine line between been more efficiant and overdoing it and being cooked normally

>Came to terms that I am bisexual

You can now use a fake disease as an excuse for acting like a retard . Well done manchild

Just answer shit honestly, prone to distracton, not finishing shit etc. I think it more has to do with how lenient the doctor is with meds

Ok sweet, how's the rest of life going now that you have pills?

The common people in earlier centuries weren't churning out calculus everyday while making difficult design and problem solving decisions for hours on end. Structural engineering only started around 1820.

I can do an entire hard days work of manual labor without issue. That is what relaxes me. That doesn't matter today. The problems of being smart, yet being slow eventually caught up with me my sophomore year of college, stemming from an issue identified in kindergarten. My teacher recommended that I be held back, but that wasn't acceptable.



ADHD is made up and everyone who "suffers" from it is believing made up bullshit.


Damn you guys get a bottle of 100 tablets?

Care to explain your reasoning?

>Legal speed is the answer
As someone who was actually diagnosed in the 90's with ADD, not your bullshit hyper-activity addition - fuck yourself, have fun rotting your brain out more than it "already" is.

ADHD is actually thought to be an advantage in hunter/gatherers, and I would guess it would also be a benefit for any fast paced or variable sort of occupation that was more common "back then"

Attention deficit is abundant now because it's being realized as an obstacle in modern society, it's not like it didn't exist before.

It can't be cured with just diet and exercise, training. I've tried all of that, and most people with ADHD have. It's most effective to do this in conjunction with medication, because otherwise no matter what you plan as a routine you're not likely to stick with it.

Believe me I'm not comfortable being on meds especially because of the abundance of people who can't handle them, become addicted or reliant.

>The problems of being smart, yet being slow eventually caught up with me my sophomore year of college, stemming from an issue identified in kindergarten

So what have you done in terms of improving how quickly you learn things?

Have you exercise every day or every other day in order to maximize your cognition?

Did you try meditating (sitting quietly for 20 minutes and not purposely thinking about anything) every day?

Did you use "spaced repetition" to learn difficult items, so that you practice material right before you forget it so that you make better "chunks" of information? Did you study in the morning and at night?

Did you study 3 hours a day and quit vidya and anime and etc?

Did you give up drinking?

Did you use flashcards and the Feynman Technique (explaining the material as a way to learn the material)?

Did you practice and learn by TESTING yourself and getting feedback?

Yeah, if you did all of these, then go ahead and have your addies. But don't bullshit me. You didn't do this shit. And you didn't do it because of ADHD, you did it because you can't bear suffering for a couple of hours a day, and you can't be patient, and you don't have grit, and you don't pray to God.

it burns you out, thats how it *works*

Got diagnosed with Bi-Polar schizophrenic disorder when i was 20 cause i was a stupid annoying little shit who didnt know anything back then.

They told me i had to take medication for life or i would be severly fucked up. Literally forced me to eat the meds. They worsened everything desu.

Got rid of it after a few years. Was quite hard cause they make you addicted. That shit has a lot of sideeffects and fucks people up more than it helps.

I Managed to fix myself by sports, eating right and stopping to be a faggot. Also facing reality and unpleasant truths + not lying to myself helped a lot. Being able to "temporarily" eat shit and not get all emotional and into tears was also a big milestone in fixing me.

Havent eaten that psycho pills in a decade now.

I think this whole psychatry "science" is largely made up and a quick fix if you dont want to put the effort to set people "straight" and correct their problems from the core.

Tl;dr: dont eat these psycho pills, they fuck you even more.

Look again. There are speciic regions that are darker.
7% of us are cursed with this damned brain for a reason. I suspect we handle crisis situations better. Blacks don't get diagnosed as much as whites, and there's no correlation with IQ (high IQs and women are underdiagnosed). It's not a time preference issue. All we do when procrastinating is feel guilty about not doing what we're supposed to be doing. It's not like we're just white people with black brains.
I guess that being used to really exerting ourselves when it counts and blowing everything else off helps us save energy and effort on everything else? I dunno. It makes modern life and school a pain in the ass.
I could see ADHD being useful if you're a pastoralist. Predators, animals going astray, rounding animals up for the night, but long periods where you basically have to babysit the animals without doing anything.
I wonder if Central Asians or Turks or Arabs or the Sioux Indians have high rates of it.

Will they give the meds to someone over 30?

Depends on the person. I prefer the left handed isomer mix. I want to try evekeo, honestly. So fucked up that it's prescription only.

>pop evolutionary psych
Literally the most fucking Jewish thing ever. Have you ever been hunting nigger? You can't sit down for 3 hours and look at some fucking runes on a piece of wood, why the nigger do you think you'd be able to sit in a bush in the snow for 6 hours to catch a hare for your one meal a day? When's the last time you even skipped a meal a day faggot?

And oh yeah, "attention deficit is abundant now because it's being realized as an obstacle in modern society", you fucking nigger where the hell was it for the past 400 years? It's a product of the Jewish 1980s, literally the WORST PART of modern society, how about the other 380 years huh?

Its probably going to rot away via natural causes, why not risk it so that i can make efficient use of the prime of my life?

Have fun with the tolarance and addiction, dumbass

t. someone who doesn't understand ADHD
Watch this please.

Please go back to Ieddit

Can you prove people 400 years ago didn't have ADHD considering there are differences in brain structure that most likely result from genetic factors?

I was diagnosed with borderline assburgers years before ADHD due to high intelligence, being behind socially in school and the high number of overlapping symptoms

>lazy fuck who couldn't be bothered to better himself

> sitting for 6 hours to catch a hare


If it works for you, I works for you. Me, I had some bad reactions to stimulant medication- medical cannabis worked somewhat better, if I use it sparingly.

it's real but people who didn't used to watch tv for hours on end when they were young don't have it. also adderall is stupid and nobody should take it

>adderall is stupid and nobody should take it

how so?

>be stuck in a world where no real jobs exist and the rent is too expensive to move out

>mom gets mad at me constantly for it even though they ruined the economy

>get called mentally ill and you need to be pumped with brain poisons for it

ITT normalfags mad they spend all their time on holistic bullshit and still can't compete with an Vyvanse prescription.

I have a rough time paying attention, and have suffered for it, but likely do not NEED the medication. But I use it to stay ahead of the game, no drawbacks, no shame.

because it's meth and it's neurotoxic and causes psychosis

Töcksfors LARPer detected

isnt there a study that says that up to therapeutic (40mg iirc) doses any damage on the brain is reversible in a span of a month?

this so much, people are fucking retarded an will take goymeds anyways, dont try to save them, rapture soon hopefully

It's not meth, retard.

its a lack of being able to apply focus at will, if the right incentives/pressures are in place people with adhd will tunnel vision in on the problem

People conflate ADHD and ASD all the time. They're not the same, but both can cause social interaction issues and both demonstrate perseveration. Perseveration happens in ADHD because when we find something interesting enough we get fucking hooked to something that stimulates us sufficiently.
t. someone who doesn't understand ADHD
Watch the video.
Adderall is amphetamine, not methamphetamine. Amphetamine is not neurotoxic, and does not cause psychosis at therapeutic doses.
Desoxyn is methamphetamine, and never prescribed in large enough doses to be neurotoxic.

>therapeutic dose of meth
>"""temporary""" brain damage is ok
>adhd is a real disease

Shabbos status achieved

no. also those studies are paid for by the pharmaceutic industry

it's basically the same you retard. stfu

Ah yes, the Easter front, when the r-selected socialist rabbit empire constantly zerg rushed the Germans. With automatic Easter eggs throwers.

sure, just like everyone's metabolism is the same so no prob taking those pills eh?
lol good luck

> Goymeds

You realize the elites take stimulants? Hillary Clinton was on Modafinil.