Would you date a single mother if she looked like this?

Would you date a single mother if she looked like this?

I'd pump and dump sure, maybe date for a few months

Single moms are an auto-no.


looks 31 tbqh

Lol no


>I want to sit on my ass all day while you are raising another man's son and are paying for both of us

I would hit her... with my fucking maglite 6D

>chad fucked me and left
>now I need someone to pay for me to stay at home and hangout with his kid
lmao women literally have no shame

I wouldn't want anything to do with her.

>Single mum (and all the baggage that means)
>Advertises for new men by showing titty
>Prioritises offspring made by absent father over you

Yeah, seems like a great idea!

>50's mindset
>has child out of wedlock

yeah they are desperate and as long as I get to fuck them I don't really care, just gotta take them to dinner sometimes and be cool with the kid

I am masturbating to that picture and the fact she is a single Mum and probs having a hard life


Wouldn't fuck nor date even if she didn't have kids

You mean average as all hell?

Pregnancy is no joke on your body

>kid is white
I'd consider it. It's not like I've lived a stellar life myself. Although the "look at my tits" image doesn't speak well of her.
>my son
>I want
What about what she's willing to put into a relationship? She looks juvenile, like a self centered young woman with poor judgment who would be alot of hastle and work. Those pretty tits aren't going to last very long, and I'd want her to be a good partner for a long time.

>high maintenance
>admits she'll sit on her ass until he goes to school (read: until he's 18)
>tit showing on tinder
>single mom
I don't know how many more red flags you need

>Stuck in the 50's mindset
>Has baby out of wedlock

>"1950s mindset"

>posts her tit on instattentiongram

I don't think so.

only time when its ok to raise someone elses man kids is if you are blood related.
>your brother or sisters husband died, so you come couple of times a week to give the child a good male role model
other ways its just degenerate.

me too, fap buddy

Woman look at betas as nothing but their pet dogs, the family (((courts))) have created entitle monsters.

I wonder if the rest of the profile reads
>I want you out of the house by 5 am don't come back until 10 pm with dinner and your pay check

The only way I would date a single mother is if the father of the child died in the service of our country. That's the only situation in which my empathy would override my logic and permit me to engage in such an action.

>1950s mindset
>Single mother

So she's going to live the rest of her life in shame and resign herself to the margins of society? Or does she mean she wants to sit on her arse looking after her bastard spawn whilst some cuck fulfills her ever materiel need? It seems to be a huge red flag when women yearn for the past. Often they want all the good shit with none of the responsibility.

if by 'date', you mean 'pump and dump mercilessly', then why yes of course i would

She's not pretty for 21. That's what hormonal changes of pregnancy does to women. It causes subtle differences in facial structure to make women less attractive so they won't appeal to the men they aren't pair bonded to.

I like this user

It's Tinder you virgin retard.

That's my fetish


Workplace death would be acceptable as well. Obviously, robbing liquor stores is not "work".

The ONLY circumstance in which it is acceptable to date a single mother is if she's a widow, preferably someone whose husband was killed in the line of duty (soldier, firefighter, cop, etc) and/or was friend.

Any other circumstance, don't touch her with a ten foot pole.

Just make sure to wrap it up and don't let her convince you to hit it raw because she's on birth control.

this thread

There is a study done that one out of 5 guys in the 50.was raising a cuck kid and many didn't even cared that's what she meant here


This. I want to be loved user. Im not coming second place to a child.

Quick question since this is the thread for it.
I got this Cute young 21 year old single mom that's into me that i met while working at the grocery store.
Should i date???

I think tinder takes pic straight off your instagram now a days.

>my son
I'm out.

>single mom

>working at the grocery store

>Should i date???

If you want to spend half of your shitty wage on her and her kid

>She's 21
>already had a kid
>now desperately trying to find a provider
>I've had multiple girlfriends
>never been with a girl that wasn't self-centered and vapid
>still a virgin
>mfw I'm turning 20 next week

usually single mothers are a sign of bad decision making

I personally wouldnt bother but who know if maybe shes a good person deep down.

>single mom
Fucking run.

Just pump and dump, dude.

You don't want to be a cuck, do you?


Fuck sorry for being married to my wife whom I met in person and referring to all the e-whore apps with disdain son.

Carry on with your hoping to get swiped by a roastie or whatever it is you young cucks do for attention on the Prostitute Superhighway.

my mom looks younger and i'm 23

No. Way too young. She's still sucking on her mom's teet for petesake!

I've dated single moms before.

I'd date girl in OP pic too.

One milfy I dated, I own seen twice a week and usually when she had a babysitter sorted, so limited interaction with the kid... Seen him a couple times and he was a cool kid but not father shit.. Was good man.

Also... Single moms are usually good fucks compared to your young childless teens.

Thats what i was thinking. Don't ever want to raise a child that isn't my own blood. Plus im still young and going to college n shit.

There is one in a million chance that the mother would love you as much as the baby.
Not worth it.

The moment you'll get in a fight, she'll threaten to leave with the kid.

Sauce for that study?

You don't have to.. Ffs.

You'd be surprised how many single moms don't expect from you when it comes to the kid.

(experience talking here)

Just fuck her for a few months and move on.

holy shit

Being a single mother is pretty much the textbook definition of having poor judgement.

I heard it somewhere to someone who probably pulled it out of its ass but I'll try to find something hol 'up

Male lions, upon asserting their dominance over a pride, will kill any cubs fathered by the defeated males who haven't yet been weaned by their mothers.

In doing so, the lionesses begin to ovulate, preparing them to be inseminated by their new masters.

She's single for a reason.

Date a single mother and she's nice initially. Then she will just keep demanding more and more and more. Like dumping her kid on you so she can go to NYC for a weekend. Or you have to pay to put the kid in private school or buy their clothing. Oh, user, I paid all of my bills and I'm short on my car payment. Oh, user, my landlord increased the rent, can you cover me? user! My roommate just ditched me! Can you cover her half?!

They will push and push to see how much of a pussy you are and if you put your foot down, they'll back off temporarily and start pushing again.

Stay the fuck away.

>stuck in 1950's mindset
>single mother breast feeding selfie

I don't think so.

depends on the child's father, If I ever marry her we're all going to be family.

>single mom 21
>mom in age of 21


>1950s mindset
>In the 1950s a single mother was a whore
>Her child was a bastard child
>No young self respecting man would marry her
>She would have to settle for some average 40 year old man

rooting her would be like throwing a sausage up the Hume Highway
0/10 would bang

theres one exception father died

top tier exception father died while defending his country

That's just a preggo thot.
Nothing 50s or traditional about her.
She just wants a man to pay for her and the kid.
You'd have to be the biggest cuck out to actually date this bitch. No doubt shed cheat on you.

see Widow - okay, but use caution
Divorcee - avoid
Had kid out of wedlock - avoid
Doesn't know who the father is - do the world a favor and brick her in the back of the head

Aussies have the best slang

>hello user
>I am a single mother
>My child ALWAYS comes first!
>But, I should ALWAYS come first to you!
>Basically, just take care of me and my baby, and I guess I'll let you fuck me when I'm horny

Women like these should not be viewed as more than an object to use for your pleasure. Also a daily reminder that brood parasitism is real and cucks comply with it.


Tfw I can't just ravage some Eminem's wanna be son and pump his ex full of mine while having her playing for the home team.

Fucking humans suck

Male chimpanzees, understanding that caring for infants prevents females from going into estrus, will rip the offspring of low status males literally to pieces despite being members of the same social dominance structure.

Yes please!

top top tier exception

father is (You)

Dude you think this is bad theres one in my POF right now while she's pregnant with another dudes kid. She "needs a man to take care of her", literally no shame.

>Just fuck her
Yeah, have a good time and then dissappear.

>1950's mindset
>Single mother non-widower
>Only staying at home until son goes to school

Wow so she's a single mother and a liar.

What's a Hume?

>wants to marry his mom
You'll always be second to your wife's children; women don't 'love' men in the same way that they love their kids. Women preeminently admire and respect men for the emotional stability and support they provide them, among other minor factors. That's why a wife that doesn't respect her husband is essentially a doomed marriage.

Yeah, I didn't mention it because it is the overwhelming minority of cases.

Not even if Trump himself gave me an interest free loan of a million dollars

>Would you date a single mother
No. I don't care what she looks like. I have two reasons:
>She's already proven to be a poor decision maker incapable of adequately gauging social situations and/or a slave to her own biological impulses.
>Microchimerism means that she has DNA from the father via the child infesting her body.
I have no need for such dross.

Nice way to get your titties in your profile picture desu

The story is that the 1940s had most every young man in America fighting the Germans and japs. The few that got to stay home knocked up all the women, so half of the teens by the mid-fifties were cuck kids. At least that's the rumor, not sure if it's true.

This, but don't be a cuck and raise somebody else's kid.

too much face going on with that one

Wow this post gave me the feels. I agree with you

Obviously. I'm saying that the kids you have with your wife, assuming she's a normal woman, will always be her #1.
Her love for you is not unconditional.

I feel sorry for single parents - male and female when one or the other turns out to be a kidult after a child (or worse, several) and just leaves, dead of night style, to shirk the responsibility.

In the case of blacks, this obviously means I have a lot of pity for laShonda but with the caveat that she should have known D'marcus was a deadbeat.


I could never date her if she was a liar. I always tell the truth, or bend it, but never outright lie, that's gipsy-speak.

Explains ghetto lobsters.

I wouldn't date a single mother regardless of what she looked like

Nope. I will not raise anthers man's problem.
I would rather stab that fucking kid.

>Would you date a single mother if she looked like this?

Nah. Next question?

It's not about looks, it's about the fact I'm not raising some whore's bastard child.

Is dating a single mother fine if you're gonna make white babies with her ?