At what age are kids/teenagers allowed to want to be sexually active?

It isn't 18, so what age should the government set at which kids are allowed to want to have sex?

16 in the UK dude.

The correct answer is when they marry.

17 in Ireland

well, if kids can understand the consequences associated with their decisions regarding gender then I see no remaining argument that they are unable to understand the consequences of their actions in the legal system or sexually

You cant have both. Either a 7 year old understand the consequences of their decisions or they dont.

I am not advocating to lower the age of sexual consent, im simply pointing out the double standard that exists and that must be reconciled before we can have a meaningful discussion on the subject

I wanted to have sex at 14
I lost my virginity at 15, and in hindsight, it was far too early

I wish that I had waited till I was older and wiser

WRONG. Back in the day, people married a week after they met. It's not the same.




5 years old here in greece, 80% of males are pedos.

I started getting blowies at the age of 15

Probably wasn't good for my brain


There should be a dynamic age of consent depending on various factors, like the age difference between the two.

no shit shylock, boys and girls are different.

14 for girls, 18 for boys. no sex outside of marriage until 21. its the only way this could work without niggers fucking 12 years old white girls even more than they already do.

You wait until you get married, as it should be.

>if kids can understand the consequences associated with their decisions regarding gender

yeah, sure, that's what (((they))) are trying to make people believe
kids dont know shit. teenagers know even less.

children should be protected until they are mature enough in mind and body to make an informed decision

>I am not advocating to lower the age of sexual consent
but your reasoning will be used by the aforementioned (((them))) to promote paedophilia. be smarter.

I was gettign my cock sucked an goin down on girls when I was like 6yo

but this goes for boys too. I grew up with boys who started having sex early and they had just as many issues as girls.

16 here. Even then Im not willing to go down that low in any serious capacity. I attempted it once because she seemed mature enough when we first met but it become really obvious how immature she is after the third and fourth time hanging out with her. It also brought me a new understanding as to why I could never get laid when I was in highschool. They enjoy being dramatic, for the sake of being dramatic. That fucked with my head so much when I was younger.

As noted, this is a deeper issue regarding self-awareness, knowledge of consequences, and being treated as a responsible adult member of society. Right now there is NO good alternative method to determine how you can bestow these rights, which also includes things like voting or driving a car. I too think age is a clumsy filter, but I've never heard a better suggestion come forward.

I lost my virginity at 14, what was the problem? What would waiting have accomplished, in your case?

It's great nowadays with girls getting desperate and sexier due to the average men getting pussier and pathetically having princess syndrome.
I am not even good looking.

After they take and pass a test that determines whether they should be allowed to reproduce or not, similar to a driver's license.

t. mohammed al-bin-london


good taste

There are. Its usually +-2 after 16.
My grandparents married when my grandma was 13 and grandpa was 15 and they were married for 70 years. There is nothing wrong with getting married right away.

Just wait till they are 18

What exactly are you hoping you'd have gained by losing your virginity later in life? That your first time would have been better? Or you ideologically think it's better self-development to wait for a serious romantic relationship to lose it?

I don't understand what guys mean by saving they regret losing their virginity so early, I don't see any haunting downside apart from it being a bit of a shit session from lack of experience.

Contrastly losing it late can mean years of angst, social awkwardness and stigma, having it hanging over you, etc.


>I lost my virginity at 14, what was the problem? What would waiting have accomplished, in your case?

I would have chosen my sexual partners better and not gone through all the self-inflicted trauma that I went through as a teenager because of sex. I have nightmares about some of the things I did as a stupid kid. I went through a 3 year bout of celibacy in my early twenties after I realised that casual sex is disgusting and unsatisfying and I probably could have avoided being raped if I was smarter and/or protected

Its 18. Technically two 16 years olds would be guilty of raping each other but no one prosecutes it. They might have to do something though if the parents we retarded and forced it.

Mostly the law just wants to not interfere with the underage being raised by the parents. In theory.

read my post retard. girls dont have issues from 'having sex too early', they have issues from being fucked by their dads or niggers.

Who else stopped having sex due to drama and pregnancy scares, but exclusively jerks off to memories in your spankbank from fucking stupid hot sluts when you were younger?


Well, i see what you are saying and the argument could be used on either side of the fence, however, I believe that we can find a greater benefit from that argument than the left can.

In order to advance their argument, the left needs to abolish the "age or majority". All the right needs to do is point out the double standard that exists and people begin to see that two contradictory beliefs cannot be held at the same time.

You seem to think that the default response to this argument is to abolish the "age of majority" when the purpose of it is to bring assumptions about gender maturity in to check with other assumptions of maturity.

Sorry to hear things didn't work out so well for you. Do you think that the atmosphere of sex awareness was beneficial or not for you?

What I mean is, do you think if knowledge of sex and "healthy relationships" were more common or taught in school or something, you would have had better experiences?

>Amerishits cant have sex legally until 18
>Some people want it to be 21
Jesus fucking christ, yeah great idea lets make a law no one will listen too and inflate prisons for no reason. Why do Yanks hate the idea of being a teenager so much? they cant even drink at 18.
16 Is the right answer.
But put a cap on it, so for example 16 year olds are allowed to have sex but only with people under 21.And then at 18 they can fuck who ever they want.

calm down mohamed

>What exactly are you hoping you'd have gained by losing your virginity later in life?

I'm not under the illusion that you should only ever allow yourself one romantic partner - having more than one relationship in your life is valuable. I'm talking about just another 3, maybe 4 years. It's not that much later. just a few more years to make a more informed decision

age of consent 16 (31): Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio,[a] Oklahoma, Pennsylvania,[b] Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia
age of consent 17 (8): Colorado, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, Texas,[c] Wyoming
age of consent 18 (12): Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, North Dakota, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas,[c] Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin

>allowed to want

Retard detected.

never been molested or blacked

my first love was a very kind and gentle person, a good choice for a lover

but coming out of that classroom relationship and being 16 and sexually active was not good for me

In most states there is not a single age in which a person may consent, but rather consent varies depending upon the minimum age of the younger party, the minimum age of the older party, and/or the differences in age. Some states have a single age of consent.[30] 30 U.S. states have age gap laws which make sexual activity legal if the ages of both participants are close to one another,[10] and these laws are often referred to as "Romeo and Juliet laws".[5] Other states have measures which reduce penalties if the two parties are close in age, and others provide an affirmative defense if the two parties are close in age.[10] Even though state laws regarding the general age of consent and age gap laws differ, it is common for people in the United States to assume that sexual activity with someone under 18 is statutory rape.[5]

Das stimmt

if you are a male no shit retard, you should have spent your time studying

if you are female you shouldnt have been fucking random teenage boys, you should have been fucking your husband.

my point is that white people are fucking retarded and AoC laws are proof. in new york 14 year olds can get married and have sex with their husbands because jews arent fucking morons like you people are.

OK, here are some common misconceptions I am seeing:

1) Have to be 18 to fuck in the US
see 2) No consideration for age gap

I'm only the poster for the first post you linked. I am not sure what you are arguing, desu, and didn;t mention anything related to left/right politics.

What argument exactly is the "left" advancing? I didn't say we should abolish the age of majority, just that age is arbitrary but there isn't an alternative system that's better.

We have a very strong Christian fundamentalist population here, with Puritan ideas of work ethics and leading "pure" lives. Most people I know think the drinking age being 21 is ridiculous.

What if you pick a partner and they become a complete asshole? You're stuck in that shitty position?

the atmosphere was confusing

i had a friend who was crucified throughout school for being slutty, while the same people who were taking the piss were just as promiscuous if not more so

I had teachers who preached the value in virginity and having respect for your body, while everything outside of school was telling me I shouldn't be prudish

I wish that I had some authority that protected me from my own confused desires. it should be enforced.

age of consent is anti freedom, anti family and anti white and should not exist.

>white people are this stupid
sorry mommy government cant hold your hand through everything dear. where were your real mommy and daddy during all this?


>should the government set

>you should have been fucking your husband

but that's what I wanted. but what teenage boy is going to propose to his 15 year old girlfriend in this day and age?

I wish I lived in a society where I was married at the same time as I began to have sexual urges

but I live in the UK at the arse-end of the life of the empire and noone gives a fuck

Not with their own age, that's for sure


You had kind of a tough situation, where you were in the border grounds between two ideologies. You wouldn't have known to have needed to work out your own solid thoughts on the topic. I was lucky in that everyone where I lived was fairly sex-positive. I don't recall anyone being teased for having sex or not, and no one had bad experiences then or later that I'm aware of.

The authority thing is tough, because in the end, for every subject the best authority is yourself, once you've reached a level of competent responsibility. An authority might have helped safeguard you, but also those same rules might have stifled someone else and made them resentful of authority for life. Painting with broad brush, etc.

I'm also going to go out on a limb here and suggest that you had an unusual experience with rape, and that's had a significant impact on your thoughts re: this subject.


you need to start reading or stop posting. im fucking serious. i said teenage boys need to NOT worry about sex and marriage. teenaged girls DO.


i seriously fucking hate goyim.

I waited, and you know what? I lost it at 29 to a slutty single mom whom I drunkenly fucked without a condom. I waited years and stayed pure for "the one" and it didn't happen. So don't worry about it, I'd say you're just fine.

Your people are too stupid to decide anything correctly, you should all gas yourselves

The only reason it isn't 18 is because of bad parenting and (((popular culture)))


Could these be the insightful and accurate observations needed to save society?

No. More, tonight at 10.

21 is the only correct answer.

>what age should the government set
The government shouldnt be involved.
A girl is ready to get fucked and should be fucked as soon her father is ready to give it to her, usually around 2/3yo.

>usually around 2/3yo

pedo scumbag

lol white people deserve extinction

"Blessed are you O God, King of the Universe, Who has not made me a woman" -the people that are actually winning

It's not something you can easily put an age limit on, everyone matures at their own rate. The best you can do is prepare the youth as best they can for when they decide to finally take the plunge. It's probably also help to remove the stigma we have against sexual relationships. A guy who gets tons of pussy is more or less considered "successful" while a woman who has lots of sex is a slut, whore or whatever the fuck and is considered a failure.

The double standards don't help and only serve to confuse the youth who won't be able to make decisions that would be as informed as someone with lots of experience.

16 in South Carolina

Seems like a reasonable sort of law to have. Think of what might follow when fathers are out in bands murdering pedophiles (I'm totally alright with this, by the way) when there is no legal recourse for the wedding of his 12-year-old to some coercive, crazed psycho. This is a child we're talking about, after all. It seems reasonable to consider the likely result of allowing your version of the world. What then? Don't forget the consequences of the laws you pass or rescind.

you need to be ready in both mind AND body before you start taking on huge responsibilities like this. young people are idiots, but you can't just restrcite everyone untill they are old and dead. so you gotta compromise, and 18 is usually when people reach sexual peak. seems like a good trad off in my opinion.


Canada has it at 12 with rules about age range of partner. I think it's +2 years okay until the standard aoc of 16 (as long as adult isn't in position of authority).

You had one more year to go, man

>when fathers are out in bands murdering pedophiles
Your feminist fantasies are hilarious.
>when there is no legal recourse for the wedding of his 12-year-old to some coercive, crazed psycho.
Marriage is only possible with the father's permission. That's the problem with the current system, it should be the father who says when and to who a girl will be married but as it is now the State has taken that power.

80% of greek males?

Alright, I've seen some pretty attractive 16-year-olds, but lower than that? There's just no sensation in my balls when I look at a 12-year-old. Sorry.

>Think of what might follow when fathers are out in bands murdering pedophiles

you will do nothing like you did nothing when the normalized fags, like you did nothing when the normalized transfaggotry, like you did nothing when they started to turn 5 year old kids into trannies, like you did nothing when your counry became a 50% non white shithole. stop deluding yourself.

Not that guy, but
>my balls are the same as everyone's balls

The law partially serves to prevent de facto sex slaves. If the only restriction is parental consent, poor parents would sell their daughters to fucked up psychos in exchange for money or favors all the time.

I was getting stinky fingers when i was 12.

3 and a half

12 is the right age



12 is good

>Is against the normalization of faggotry
>Shitting on me for doing nothing
>Has also done nothing

you are property of your parents until you are self sufficient.

Biologically speaking? 12 is fine.

Compensating for their retardation? At least 15.

Why is it Germans always posting about age of consent and hebe fucking?

>implying you wouldnt
Are you gay? Normal men think little girls are hot.
No, females are property. She is owned by her father until he gives her to her husband.

oh dude, you are a fool, a FOOL. but it's cool, just be lucky you are where you are. imagine the things people would do to you if ever your secret slipped in a normal functioning society. shit, look at jared from subway. getting his ass wooped every day in prison. they gotta keep transferring him. look at the snowtown murders? oh man, enjoy your room and computer. it's all you have ;)

Germans have a better society than most Western nations, so they probably reach maturity and responsibility faster. In that light, the age of consent would stick out more than it would in a country where most teenagers are completely fucked in the head.


Whenever they get married

>Compensating for their retardation? At least 15.
Wrong. 12 is when they're their most curious and need guidance the most. As soon as they are able is when they should be put under proper husband guidance. That's when they soak up everything they learn and act on later in life.

Why do you think degenerates like Miley and friends are targeted at the 10-12 year old demographic? Because that's when they soak up most of their influence.

t. Ahmed

Makes Jesus angry

What a son of a whore

Hope you get cancer


Guidance from virile white patriarchs, fuck the matriarchy.