How many genders are there again?

How many genders are there again?


about 16

Does that thing still make man noses while it takes man shits?

Just one, the human gender.




About treefiddy

Two, and check these

One, women aren't human.

Two scoops of gender.


Currently there are 6 GORILLION genders

>NYC recognizes 31 genders
>facebook 71
>tumblr 112

see digit

Only 2 genders and anything else are just adults with mental illnesses and runaway imaginations.

its up to 800 now

44 from the last count. could have increased since.

There are approximately 10^16 different genders.

Clearly it's just ONE gender and we will try to fill our own holes forever in the future.

Rip humanity.

There will be zero genders soon.

Zero. There are two sexes.

maybe 3 if you count naturally occuring hermaphroditism, but that's really rare.

And i say that as a trap.

Just because you don't have sex doesn't mean there is no sex.

Poo gender.


this is the only answer
all others are false

Women are property

I love the fact that when a man transitions to a woman he tries to become this classically beautiful perfect type of woman the exact type the feminists hate.

Male and not male.

over 6 million

'Gender' is a colloquialism used to sidestep the word 'sex' on government documents

It's a sliding scale.

However many people identify as xD stupid question. Its been proven numbers are racist anyways, lol you nazis just cant keep up with new science.

tree fiddy

There's only biological sex.



Male, Female, & Degenerate American

what does this mean?


one,women are property

>that lady who was on that african american committee and was actually white
lmao transracial lmao thats insane lady
>that lady who says shes a man so creates a penis from the skin of her leg
so brave

How do people rationalise this? the same people who were laughing at the transracial lady probably are fine with transgender. How do they draw such a line in the sand and accept one but not the other? Is there no consistency? If anything race is a bit easier to transcend as it is more culture and the like instead of basic biology????

Why do people accept one that is clearly a step further but not the other? Why are people so crazy? Why are we injecting little kids with hormones and prepping them to cut off their penises so they can fight their biology for the rest of their lives and eventually commit suicide? Am i going crazy? Someone help me im losing it


is that the mutilated "wheaties box"? the new pic instead of waving a flag, would be waving a severed penis

Will we look back 50yrs from now on current treatment for people with gender dysphoria the same way we do with people 50yrs ago who practiced phrenology and did lobotomies?

Can you imagine the moment of realisation of all those doctors and nurses when they come to terms with just how many dicks they cut off and it turns out it was the wrong treatment for these people?

>no loli


2 scoops

one faggot

1.) Male
2.) Female
3.) Mental illness

In russian пoл (sounds like paul) means both gender and half (and floor as well, I've no idea why)
pol like pole (polus in russian) then again, there's not only north and south, but whole the spectre inbetween

Infinite spectrum


Literally this also fpbp

There are 3 genders

1. MALE (most important)
2. FEMALE (not as important and complains about their privileges)


Chose what one you want.......Anyone else saying more fits into number 3