Why won't Millennials and Gen Z move?

Why won't Millennials and Gen Z move?

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Because you're a fag

>generation doesnt exercise
>generation also has major mental health issues that require medicating

really makes me think

Why move when it seems like the world is in the palm of your hand

>almost every child receives a shitty upbringing that doesn't prepare them for adulthood or independence combined with a (((common core))) education system that deliberately sabotages anyone with an ounce of aspiration or talent
>surprised when they don't want to do anything

There is literally nothing wrong with being lazy

They need to be forced to be active, like literally all human beinga. Manual labour is important, and if that is not possible, exercise must be mandated.

Move where exactly? Gen Z is the mostly highly educated generation and jobs requiring degrees tend to concentrate on city within fuckton of miles.

Also housing prices are rampant so moving is rather risky if you cant land a sure job.

Buying/Renting a house while providing for college isn't as easy as previous decades due to changes in the economy.

Too fucking lazy.

Link to article

Move their bodies, Onni.

Because gravity is increasing in strength.


Because it's tooooo hard!

Because of BEPA and all the xenoestrogen in the water supply that's turning the frogs gay.


Must be a american thing. Having your cities designed for autos doesnt help

The western world is on fire and honestly I would rather watch it burn than put it out. It's a MESS! And I didn't make it.

Manual labor causes all kinds of health issues.

Going outside is stupid and boring, talking to strangers is a waste of time in 99.99% of cases. In general, people make me uncomfortable as fuck.

ihunchback syndrome