Should there be a Bulgarian genocide?

Should there be a Bulgarian genocide?

>wont stfu about easily acquired empire in the middle of nowhere
>wont stfu about having 3 seas or some shit
>sandniggers believe they are slavs (pathetic)
>claim to have invented Cyrillic alphabet when it is common knowledge that it was a unplanned product of Cyrill and Method's expedition
>traditionally steal Greek history because theirs is shit
>Tatar mongoloid retards

Other urls found in this thread:

>potato niggers complaining about the balkan niggers.
Just leave us be, our lives are shit enough already

The "slavs aren't white" threads don't seem to work, so you go further in division by singling out a single slav ethnicity, don't you?

So, what are you, macedon? Turk? Greek? Nobody outside our region knows that much about our history.

You're a macedon, aren't you? Only they call us tatars. Because only they had to invent something to distinguish themselves from us, since literally everything makes it obvious macedonians are just bulgarians.

How's life in Ireland, бpaтe? Better than imaginary land back home? Did you hear VMRO met Zaev with posters "Welcome home" today?

I dont call that "country" macedonia goyim dont over think it

Out of all the balkanfaggots I have never seen Bulgarians go wewuz like the rest of them tend to do

They always seem to be pretty chill/depressed, and only seem to get mad when you bring up the balkanwars


Turk then? Can't imagine a greek being so mad at us. We normally get along swimmingly. Just the other day, my greek repairman on my villa in greece said he bought a new pump for 100 euros, I transferred it, found out it was the old pump. So I went and stole the remnants of his harvest of last years olive oil. Cool guy, lies a lot.

Anyway, how does a Turk even survive in Ireland? Aren't you people fucked with even the slightest bit of cold?

bulgaria had a tough life

>I have never seen Bulgarians go wewuz like the rest of them tend to do

We do that a lot, but only after a couple of rakias or whatever else alcoholic you can get. Then we start incessantly shitting on ourselves. It's a national sport, that.

irish need to be genocided first

Again mate dont overthink it. I wouldnt call you a sandnigger if I was from that shithole. I just stumbled across a retarded thread of bulgarians much like now.

Keep on topic user

Nah, you're bullshitting and everyone knows it. Nobody knows we go on about tri moreta, nobody knows shit about cyril and methodius, nobody knows fucking shit about our heritage and why you can sorta dick around with us being tatars.

Nobody but locals from the balkans. Even then, not really croats and serbs so much.

You're one of us. Next time you try one of these, make your knowledge more vague.

I dont do vague, it's why I have an opinion while being an outsider.


Lost cause, bratko

Still havent answered my initial question

Please take the slavs back, we don't want them.

Are they generally shit in Ireland?

We mostly export human garbage. I used to subscribe to the "better life west" meme myself, which was forced on me by my parents. I remember to this day planes back from the UK. Full of gyppos, uneducated fucks and all sorts of shit. Always made me feel good about what types of people I was avoiding, until I realized it was only on the planes from the UK, so it was people who had also left.

Yeah, nah.

Something like half of Romanian/Bulgarians get a free go directly to jail card when they enter the UK. We send some of these back because of the EU's weird humanism laws.

Yeh, because you import shittons of gypsies. I used to work in the EU institutions, about 3 years ago the UK was the staunchest defender of gypsies and was shitting on us for shitting on them. They took the cue and came over to the island.

Your problem, not ours.

The problem is when the UK says gypsies we mean the Irish so when continental gypsies come over they get to enjoy 3 prison meals a day because street begging is illegal.

>The problem is when the UK says gypsies

Yeh, no, half your mayors showed up one time to shit on us for bulldozing illegal gypsy homes.

You defended our gypsies, you imposed sanctions on us for beating the shit out of them.

That they came is your problem.


Lol at OPs epic fail thread. Better luck next time senpai

We don't mind taking one for the team and keeping our cells warm.

Might as well add I have some co-workers from Bulgaria (Chicago) and they are awesome dudes. Easy going and reliable in a bar fight.

I'm keeping it alive until the totally not macedonian gets the point

Not Macedonian btw
I like this thread

Please dont call them macedonians, its pretty obvious they are slavs and not ancient Greeks. Btw I have no beef with bulgarians, as long as they hurry up and anex Fyrom. Albanians are trying. why arent you? Its a shithole that someone will annex sooner or later, beter bulgarians than albanians

>Please dont call them macedonians

I know, I know, it just saves me time from typing special snowlflake bulgarians.

I say let the albanians have it, all the macedons secretly have bulgarian citizenship and family in Blagoevgrad. Let em all move there. Give a couple of years for western propaganda to fade and when the "macedons" remember they're actually just bulgarians we can go together to wipe out the muds in their territory and take it back.

Did you know that, statistically, Chicago is around the 4th biggest Bulgarian town in the world?

You don't want Albanian neighbours

We gotta genocide them sooner or later or there's gonna be no Balkans, you know.


this guy knows whats up.

The fuck? That many diaspora dudes?

it's fun seeing fags that know nothing about the balkans talk shit about us, especially when it's a potato nigger.
no, i'm wrong, it's especially funny when ahmed from 1st world germany calls us balkanshits.

This thread just re-enforces my current plan to buy a farm and house in Bulgaria, somewhere near Viliko Tarnovo or in the Rhodope Mountains, maybe Montana area at a stretch. Work at Mc Jobs here earning money, go "Home" to Bulgaria, fix up house and farm.
Find Wife. Farm, make furniture and be otherwise self-suficcient as I watch all the shit people leave to live on welfare in the west. Make friends in community. Raise family. Party. Grow peaches. Die an old fulfilled man as the rest of Europe dies slowly and pathetically as its women's turn to fuck up the world in their own special way.

Don't get me wrong, love Ireland but with the exception of 3 months in the summertime, the weather is psychologically butchering me and fuck farming in this shit without oodles of money for greenhouses and polytunnels.

Why do all that in Bulgaria of all places?

Ideal climate, topography, it is not completely fucked up, I like a lot of eastern europeans, seems culturally compatible with me and I can actually afford to live there.

For some reason Chicago became a prime spot to go to the US when we were freed from the Ottomans.

You don't notice them because, believe it or not, we integrate like noone else. I know second generation Bulgarians in Chicago who have NOTHING Bulgarian in them.

Veliko Turnovo was reported as 20% British recently. They're all happy as shit because they get mad farming advice from the grandmas, they get help and all. And the locals love them because it reinvigorates villages we left behind.

Also to further convince you, I have wild raspberries, strawberries, two cherry trees, a walnut and plums growing in my yard that I had left behind for 3 years. Just fucking because.

Stay away from Montana. Yes, a full meal with dessert and three beers costs about 1 quid there, but you DO NOT want to go to Montana.

Rhodopes are harder, but they are the most beautiful and magical place in the world. Go there once before you decide, because you're going to be at the mercy of nature a lot (roads clsoed for weeks due to snow, no airport nearby). Keep in mind, there's a lot of pros with the cons - like how Rhodope people are the most wonderful ever, women are the best, etc.

Turnovo is a safe and good choice.

We're perfect for an escape from the west, mild but good weather, all 4 seasons, ground is more fertile than fucking anywhere else in the world, more diversity in nature than, again, literally anywhere. We're cheaper than anywhere else (including Greece, by the way), our language is not impossible and even then, the amount of diaspora in Turnovo is enough to make it half-english speaking. Many more reasons.

>ideal climate
try greece or Italy , best soil for building a farm that will keep you self sufficient
inb4 Greeks are poor pay denbts etc
You said self sufficient why care about country's economy?

Obvious bias is showing, lad
Bulgaria is no paradise

First time I noticed Serbiaball having the remove kebab eyepatch

The land is, the people aren't.

Anyway, we got invaded by Celts a long, long time ago and I've always suspected they left behind a lot more genes than we think. I've always had a great understanding with the Irish and the Scottish. They love me too.

Those Celts migrated/were displaced in Anatolia mostly

>Best soil

Good luck farming much besides sorta tropical fruit, olives and almonds.

I have a place with several acres in Greece and while I love me some olive oil from my own trees, options are quite limited.

Yeh, see, you say that but there's a lot of empirical evidence suggests more than a few stayed and mixed.

Correlation does not always mean causation
Ehhhh, not really, agriculture is one of our biggest producers here, it helps that Greece is biodiverse, what you can grow can easily be grown in Thessaly or Epirus for example
Plus we've naturally got a good pH scale on our soil and many nutriets from multiple different factors

>They're all happy as shit because they get mad farming advice from the grandmas, they get help and all. And the locals love them because it reinvigorates villages we left behind.
>Rhodopes are harder, but they are the most beautiful and magical place in the world.

I grew up on a hobby farm, in western Canada. We used to go without power and get snowed in frequently. Did family things and found entertainment with neighbors, socialised in sports, work, school and community projects, but mostly just kept to ourselves. This is my fetish.

You bulgarians are fine, but very annoying. I've met a lot of bulgarians in my lfe and not one of them failed to mention AY YOO YOU WUZ BULGARIANS N SHIEET. It gets quite annoying over time.

I like cold winters with snow and hot summers with thundershowers. One of those is missing from most areas of Greece and Italy that are affordable.

Doesnt that imply to Macedonia as well?


I'm sure Bulgaria is a very nice place but historically it has been the first country to fall in a conflict between Europe and the Near East.

You could have a very good life, but what of your children, are they going to get TURK'D later down the line in 90 years?


It's the border to the hordes, and they are protecting it well you drunk fuck

I will raise strong sons and daughters who will do well in the face of a known enemy. It is the suicide society inviting false-friends into the home that I fear has more of a chance in destroying my progeny.

We're not done yet. If we haven't reversed the rot in 20 years I'd be inclined to follow you to Eastern Europe.

But not yet.

No. We believe that Alexander was our ancestor but we don't go around shoving our beief in people's faces. We only get mad when someone says he wasn't macedonian but mostly ignore those people.

how are my little Balkan gypsies doing today?

half of them are ok the other half is mongoloid and dumb af

Bulgarians are my 2nd less favorite Balkan country. They have an interesting history, both ancient and recent, their girls are pretty and their government isn't complete shit.
The only problem I have with Bulgarians is that every bulgar I've talked to won't shut up about "muh bulgarian empire" "muh bulgarian heritage" "muh bulgarian history so fucking proud". They literally think they're Gods chosen people and don't you ever dare to point out they're slightly wrong about something because they go batshit crazy.

My less favorite balkan country is Albania.
I hate fucking albanians, they're like bulgarians but x20 worse and swear a lot more.

Exactly this
They can't decide whether they're thracians or slavs or mongoloids or whatever that helps them feel important