WHY THE FUCK ARE THERE ONLY TWO ANARCHIST FLAGS ON Sup Forums? why don't they just use a "circle A" on a black flag to have a general anarchist flag?

I assume so people can make a distinction between left-anarchists and right-anarchists as they are two extremely different ideals with very different values.

ancaps aren't even real, it's like dividing with 0

anflags are the new worst posters on Sup Forums. 80% of the posts I see from them are worse than leaf tier.

right But lets say agorists who are left anarchists But are economically right?

The better question is why are there any? Anarchism is a meme ideology who's adherents are perpetual adolescents.

Because ancap is already retarded enough, so fuck off

How id say they're the closest hope to an actual anarchist society and I'm a synthesist anarchist..

Please do some research on actual anarchism and you will quickly realize that anfifags and ancoms violate many anarchist principles

What is "muh real anarchism" really?

From the standard "no rulers" definition I've come to accept ancap is not anarchism because property owners rule their property, and ancom tries to be real anarchism but fails when some hierarchy is needed to calculate and disribute goods. Can any model be purely anarchistic?

because your little social darwinist ayn rand dream of anarchy does not work in reality idiot.

Ancapism, agorism, individualism etc...dont have hierarchy's but a system of direction and class hierarchy would dissolve due to Improvements in Lifestyle and the economy. Honestly, i think all anarchist schools of thought should unite because we all have the same Goal of ending the state and after that, we go our separate ways Practising our Individual Philosophy's .

> doesn't understand any schools of anarchist thought.
anarchism is voluntary Nobody is forcing you to participate.

yeah, I don't know about uniting with AnComs, They want to steal my shit. the'yre better off working with leninists who want to use the state to acheive communism. I'd rather work with right-wing statists who understand my values.

Once we achieve our goal of a stateless nation They can go be ancoms somewhere else.

Im sorry, It's not gonna work when our definitions of the state differ so much. They're okay with a coercive monopoly for the purposes of distributing resources, and I'm okay with private property, and therefore hierarchy. Our concepts of statelessness are at odds. For me the state ends when there is no socialism, and for them it ends when theres no capitalism.

why do you say Private Property = Hierarchy? How I see it is If we Unite we can all be happy eventually Killing off class hierarchy Through the free market. honestly, i don't really consider ancoms anarchists and more Just kids listening to screamo but Nevertheless.

This is my spek so you can get a general sense of where i stand.

Private property implies that I may have, and you cannot have what is mine. This implies hierarchy because I have absolute power over my property, and you have no power on my property. There is inequal acess to the resources that I own. In this way I agree with AnComs when they say that inequality = hierarchy. also to the "no rulers" definition of anarchy, propertarians like myself wish to rule over their property. I don't think we're really anarchists, I don't know how anyone could be a "true" anarchist when all of our schools of thought require coercion, violence, or hierarchy/rulers. whats your idea of true anarchism?
I'm in far right corner but you probably knew that.

I am unironically an Anarch-primitivist

There's nothing wrong with that. Fuck all these future-cucks.

So why haven't you killed yourself for using technology yet?

what does that even mean? I only know memes about shitting seeds creating technology.

if we created a society in which we are freethinking and economically free then There would be no reason for an income to take or use my property because they could have they're own if they wanted it. I'm not saying socialism because money is nesecery Otherwise People can't decide the value of something, but I am saying that if the economy were reformed over time to have everyone Living in high living standards.

> the internet.

Yall niggers seen what Brazil did to that flag on pixel canvas?
Fucked that shit up.

> There would be no reason for an income to take or use my property
* a ancom sorry shitty Grammarly fucking shit up.