
italy will vote for 5 stelle instead of lega nord. Italy is cucked

"we are a demographic dead nation, we need immigrants to help our population grow"
t. Beppe grillo discorso capodanno 2017
Our population is unemployed (40%) and poor, we will give free money to the unemployed (immigrants) from workers taxes
t. 5 stelle/beppe grillo

Lega nord: stop immigration, italexit, no islam, incentives to make more babies

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m5s have a lot of valid and intelligent members,too bad that in that party they are literally wasted.
the diraction of that party is not clear at all and mysterious.
i'll probably vote for salvini,but he said he will give EU anotherr chance.....

I am afraid that the countries of southern Europe will wake up much later than those in the north, despite being the countries that are most exposed to immigration. We are the door of Africa and you receive thousands of niggers almost daily by the Mediterranean, we should reveal against this or our countries will be unrecognizable, forever.

>italy will vote

Beppe is not wrong, we are a dying nation and we need as many immigrants as we can, it's better than to be a minority in your country than die to starvation because you're too poor.

Italy needs a strong right wing non cucked party.
Look Salvini "muh we help em in their countries"
look CasaPound "muh we're fascists, but nice guys we push culture sport muh civil protection"

those are cucked .
Italy needs an evil being who speaks the truth ,so that can push moderate people to vote for Salvini and moderate right.
the mass vote moderate,but follows the extremists. the italian right clearly do not have any.

There is the need to say " they won't come ,we won't give any shit to them in their country ,if they do not stop we sink them."
and the same for Eu
"muh we have to rethink EU,muh is an economical suicide to leave muh bla bla"
The way to speak about EU is " We won't fall for jewry tricks and deception any longer."


How am I a cuck?

look at your post and think about it.

I have friends from Nigeria, Algeria, Morocco, Kenya, Ghana, Cameroon, Eritrea, Senegal and not a single one of them is a criminal, they're all good people, honest to god workers, and they work harder than you and people still act racist to them because they will believe any propaganda (((Salvini))) has to give them to feed on his populist ego.

i'm not racist,i simply belive in different ideals than yours,what are you, 12 years old?

>better than to be a minority in your country than die to starvation because you're too poor.
And turn into Chicago where you have to leave or get shot by the new "Italians"? No thank you.

>illegal immigrants
>not criminals
Nice joke.

put benis in bagina so you dont need niggers

>I have friends from Nigeria, Algeria, Morocco, Kenya, Ghana, Cameroon, Eritrea, Senegal
Perfect. Now learn the lingo and go help them make Nigeria, Algeria, Morocco, Kenya, Ghana, Cameroon, Eritrea, Senegal better places.

he is right. italy is basically a retirement home.


pulation grown is a meme of capitalism,wich is based on growth

Italy can't change in any way no matter who they vote for.

After WW2 during the cold war Italy was designed to be locked down.

It was a border nation to communists in Yugoslavia and US was scared a communist revolution could take place.

This is why you have military bases in urban cities in Rome etc.

You have a gorillion senators and House members making it impossible to reform.

Italy is controlled by US / EU

Also Italy is very divided with regions.

I still dont understand how people haven't forced the government to stop the boats from africa that come every day

since 2011 EU is in full control of the government

that's BS, 5stelle are the against Ius Soli, for fucks sake!

Beppe Grillo look like a typical retiree that lives abroad and makes extra money by singing in shady karaoke bars in rural areas.

How did this guy get relevant?

>5 stelle

They're fucked

vivo in Francia e ti posso dire che è meglio avere una vita più modesta e avere un futuro per la propria stirpe piuttosto che vederla scomparire e mescolarsi con dei subumani solo per "aumentare il PIL"

>I still dont understand how people haven't forced the government to stop the boats from africa that come every day
Because we can still walk in our cities. We don't have no-go zones or sharia districts like you nordcucks

Supposedly all these countries need warm bodies because depopulation, but it always has to be muzzies or Sub-Saharan africans... many Americans would love to go to other nations to experience their culture, but you refuse white folks who are educated, even though they might not speak the language. Wonder why that might be...

Expat here, believe me you'd rarther be dirt poor than live the."multicultural dream"

Salvini is controlled opposition.
Make a retard hold the right views, and his views will be considered retarded by the majority.

Everybody would vote for a "serious" (and more moderate) politicians with such beliefs.
Except most of the cucked youth, indoctrinated by years of commie school professors.

Also, most of the elders vote according to the Pope's words, and the pope is pro-immigration and anti-nationalism.
And that's why Italy can't do shit

There are people who are more in need of living in a stable rich country, you can remain in the USA

Same question as I asked in another thread.

Is there a big difference between north Italians and south Italians? Like culturally, or even racially speaking. I mean if I can translate correctly your far right party is called "league of the north", right?

I visited Italy a few years ago. Really enjoyed it. Rome, Florence, Venice, Milan, all great cities. But I also stopped at Naples. And honestly it looked like a third world country.

we can help them in their country,we can't hold all africa here.
also we have a lot of our own probel to solve.

Shall Rebel. Not reveal.

League of the North is regionalist

Every region has its own culture it's not a north/south thing

so for wich journal/site/study are you working?
or are you just a redditor that came here randomly?

Also fuck salvini and hos meme party.
They were burning the italian flag some years ago

>your far right party is called "league of the north",
It is not the only far right party. We have Fratelli D'Italia, CasaPound and minor fascist parties too.
Lega Nord was a secessionist party, but now they realized they could take one or two votes from the South too (no idea why anyone in the South would vote for them since most of the Southern right winger would fit better in one of the offspring of the MSI).

I suggest you to hang yourself by the balls and to cut your throath

North and South are very different in culture and race, northerners are German/Celtic people and southerners are closer to Greek/Arab.
The south was united for centuries under Spain rule in one big Kingdom, the North was independent cities and republics or under French/Austrian rule, and also much richer than the south.
When Italy was united the south became more poor because it didn't have infrastructure and had higher corruption and lower IQ. That's how the mafia was born, to defend the people from the tyrannical government who didn't care about some people far off, to serve as a second government.

>They were burning the italian flag some years ago
"Il tricolore non mi rappresenta, non la sento come la mia bandiera".
E ha la faccia di bronzo di dire che lui lotta per l'Italia e gli Italiani. Probabilmente gli elettori della Lega hanno memoria corta.
Still they have to top Bossi's “Il tricolore lo uso per pulirmi il culo”.

What happened to the P2 Masonic lodge?

Okay last question, do you guys not eat meat? Like when we went to restaurants we'd have pasta and shit, but is the tradition of having a nice slice of thick meat for every meal foreign to Italian culture?

>The south was poor meme

Because Italy is the country where what it makes you a politician is how much you scream and shout.

>That's how the mafia was born
You are ignorant beyond belief.

The leader died


>do you guys not eat meat?
I eat meat every day.

> but is the tradition of having a nice slice of thick meat for every meal foreign to Italian culture?
Maybe you ended up in a vegan restaurant.

Depends where you go, we eat everything, we eat horse meat and rabbits
T. Ciruzzo o'carmine

But P2 reunited the entire Italian elite: politicians, royals, generals, intelligence officers, bankers,...

I really hope italy can fix its problems I visited it before and I loved it


I dunno I just went to restaurants and it was always pizza and pasta.
Good to know

also the curch

Jesus fucking Christ, I know your EXACT type from Germanistan. You are the living, breathing embodiment of my loss of hope into Italy.

>T. Ciruzzo o'carmine
I would be called Efisio if we go by region stereotypes.
Still doesn't change you are ignorant
>Il primo documento storico (senza però dimenticare i bandi che nel '500 venivano emessi dal Vicere di Sicilia contro le associazioni criminali organizzate) in cui viene nominata una cosca di stampo mafioso è del 1837, nel quale il procuratore generale di Trapani, Pietro Calà Ulloa, riferisce ai suoi superiori a Napoli dell'attività di strane sette o fratellanze dedite ad imprese criminose e che corrompevano anche impiegati pubblici:

Did you go to restaurants for tourists?

>HURR our population must grow exponentially until the end of times to sustain an unsustainable system

Fuck the EU. Build the wall.

Spotted the commie northerner
>Muh we need to take in refugees they're poor people, I have nigger friends (totally not tokens)
>Haha look at the state of the south, haha look at thos subhumans

Disgraziato! Cornuto! Frocio! Amazati!

What's the matter, goy? You don't like the death of your people and getting replaced by Subsaharan Africans? We're all the same. (Except for us Jews of course. xD)

But they didn't did it for the good of the italian people

Doesn't disprove anything I said.

The mafia was started to fight the foreign Spanish rulers that oppressed the Italian people in the Kingdom of Naples.

he is probably bolognese,or he is just a city faggot.

Mafia was there before the unification of Italy. Its birth has nothing to do with it.

>know this Italian guy at work
>balding divorced manlet
>addicted to antidepressants
>cringiest guy I've ever known
>several failed suicide attempts
>believes Mussolini and fascism are cool but Hitler and Germans spoiled it
>believes Germans intentionally lure niggers into his country
>believes Germans wrecked the Italian economy
>Italians are gud bois who dindu nuffin, we wuz SPQR
>is the laziest fag in the entire company

The Italian Right are the true niggers

it still doesn't mean we have any obligation to bend over and take them in, especially if they come illegally, sweetie

Black people have no choice because they are born in poverty and bad countries that were ruined by western powers to get richer.

People from the South Italy are just lazy.

>that were ruined by western powers
Was Africa before colonialism as developed as Europe?

in wich centro sociale do you go?

That other guy is right, you're a frocio, and a moron. The idea that you can help people from poor and undeveloped nations is naive. They won't assimilate, and they will eventually disrupt your way of life. If they don't adapt within a few generations, they will outbreed you and create a nation similar to their homelands. The best way is to help them where they are.

jew detected!

Most migrants adapt within just one generation. Proofs of that is our birthrate, which is as low as those of Japan and Poland, countries with nigh zero immigration. Get over your cringy racist phase, burger boy. Don't be an Italian.

They will become European in due time

Hi Shlomo

when wil you do nazis thing again,crucco?

i'll vote LEGA NORD

viva Salvini....Immigrants GTFO

>Most migrants adapt within just one generation.
Is that why terror attacks in Britain and France were all carried by *second* generation migrants?

No they won't, they didn't in France
They're niggers subhumans

but they aren't and never will be european,do you know that?

He is a populist S.B. puppet

Very soon, and racist spaghetti will be the new Jews.

just like they're doing in Sweden?

You didn't treat them right.
They are a minority in your country and an overwhelming majority in French prisons.

He's probably a nigger or a commie so...

The attacks in Britain can be blamed solely on Theresa May.

Italy is for the Nords!

bait poster or just retard?

The issue is not them adapting, the issue is them being here in the first place.

It's not up to you to determine what is and isn't European. You want a fractured, impoverished Europe. You're her worst enemy. Subhumans of your category won't have a say in anything.

Bait poster

kek,the fourth reich of tolerance and love,exept for the evil -phobic,-ist,am i right?
kek,go visit the banlieue of paris and tell me.

>not enough jobs as it is
>lets bring in more useless shitskins

So it's up to you to say what is European ?
Hint: if everybody can be European then it has no meaning

So when will you retake all those millions of Italian immigrants that squat and demand gibs in Germany? You're worse gibsniggers than Muslims. Every German will confirm this.

Native whites around the world have been brainwashed to have children much later in life, if at all because so many 80s and younger babies are virginal manchildren

No jobs because we are poor and dying of old age due to the demographic crisis.

With all the migrants we will have a second Risorgimento

well, lefties have always been for slave labor, so...

war will be fight upon this hypocrisy,you have no right to say how i should live.
kick them if you don't want them,are you a pussy?only you are lamenting about this.

This. Casapound is the only hope for Italy at the moment. Don't waste your votes, you disgusting shitalians. If you don't, I'll start buying into the "Nords were the true Romans" meme

>muh fourth reich was waa why is Germany allowed to exist

Europeans will no longer fall for this shit. Nobody can get in the way of a unified Europe. Not the Americans or Russians, and certainly not you balding manlets.