The #MoreThanARefugee campaign is a globalist and deep-state propaganda project...

The #MoreThanARefugee campaign is a globalist and deep-state propaganda project. Wake up and connect the dots from the International Rescue Committee.

"International Rescue can trace its origins to the International Relief Association (IRA), founded in 1931 in Germany by two left-wing factions, the Communist Party Opposition (KPO) and the Socialist Workers Party (SAP). Its purpose was to aid victims of state oppression and persecution." It was also helped by Albert Einstein and Eleanor Roosevelt when it came to America.

The KPO and the IRA were helped by communists like Lovestone and Bukharin. The Lithuanian Jew Lovestone was first a communist leader in the US who later became an anti-communist yet pro-union CIA informant who helped with domestic spying.

In fact the CIA later used the IRC as a front organization - "According to historian Eric Thomas Chester, by the 1950s the IRC had evolved into a global operation functioning as an integral link in the CIA's covert network, became deeply involved in the volatile confrontations between the two superpowers, and participated in an array of sensitive clandestine operations."

The IRC has generally been run by Jews of slavic origin - men such as Leo Cherne, Reynold Levy, and its current head - Labour Party politician and Davos darling David Miliband.

Recently people are mentioning the ties between the IRC, EU, and the plans of the part-Japanese Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi. Kalergi envisioned a future where not only the EU but also Japan and Korea submitted to globalization and multiculturalism to "fix" their problems after their birth rates slowed and populations plummeted. Continue to watch as globalist organizations try to attack the sovereignty of Korea and Japan as they refuse to allow mass immigration!

In essence this organization with rich Jewish globalist roots and historical CIA ties is designed to erode national sovereignty. It's in plain sight. See if you guys can further dig up garbage on them.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why don't you then post it here?


Haha, it's all out in the open even on Wikipedia. David Miliband has got to become a Sup Forums target. Look at this quote from a speech of his:

"How to make globalisation sustainable. The centre-left can't afford to look like suckers; but we Europeans have pioneered a different view about how to share sovereignty in the modern world than the Americans or the Chinese. I call it Responsible Sovereignty. Yes the nation state is the foundation of legitimacy and identity. But the assertion of national sovereignty is not enough in an interdependent world, where any problem of health, crime, economy, security has an international as well as a national dimension."


He must have cried after Brexit.

>we Europeans
Whenever you question the value of the JQ, because leftypol is trying to use it against us, you see shit like this.



IRC is run by the Jew Miliband who is pocketing a half million dollars a year to resettle a few thousand fugees in the U.S.


>Kalergi envisioned a future where not only the EU but also Japan and Korea submitted to globalization and multiculturalism to "fix" their problems after their birth rates slowed and populations plummeted. Continue to watch as globalist organizations try to attack the sovereignty of Korea and Japan as they refuse to allow mass immigration!

>It's da Jews!
Fuck off, having some different cultures around you isn't a bad thing
>they'll breed muh white wimminz
How insecure are you rightist cucks?

Also, I've heard the name, but I never really looked into the Kalergi plan. So much of the material (their material, not third party fringe conspiracy material) is unfortunately untranslated from the German and French.

I also really need to sit down and read the U.N. report.

ALSO, another area to dig;

>New Zealand and Australia are conspicuously absent from these programs

>New Zealand has been criticized for selling large tracts of land to wealthy U.S. investors, along with citizenship

>In 2016 more Millionaires (over 50% of them Chinese) migrated to Australia than any other country - including the U.S.

Something fish is going on honestly.

>Fuck off, having some different cultures around you isn't a bad thing

It's more bad than good.

>How insecure are you rightist cucks

I dunno bout insecurity. I just look at mulatto states like Brazil and the Philippines and see nothing good.

thx for this


You also have to look into this

>Strategic Engineered Migration as a Weapon of War
Thanks, CIA, MI5 and Mossad!

Nice work.

Oh look it's the country of Canada that just signed compelled speech into law with C-16.

I visited Australia and New Zealand. In Australia maybe I was in a "white" area. But in New Zealand around Auckland there were Chinese millionaires and tourists everywhere. I remember going to the grocery store and hearing mandarin and later a N.Z. friend told me that some former H.K. millionaire owned the entire shopping area.

Maybe something to do with resettling rich people from H.K. and Singapore - former UK colonies that the Commonwealth can't influence as much anymore.



Great link thanks! Your image makes me imagine that Merkel is a US agent and basically the wiretaps were just monitoring of their asset.

If you look at the plans, they strangely include Japan and South Korea.

If you look at the Paris Accords, they almost act as a financial siphon to China.

China is making massive inroads into Africa, and the U.N., especially Macron/France is determined to move tens of millions of Africans out of the wide, empty, resource rich African continent into the crowded and strainged European continent.

Chinese influence is completely dominant in Australian politics and business (our former Army chief bemoaning that China didn't have MORE control over our nation, despite us technically being on opposing military sides).

If I was conspiracy minded I would say China is attempting to "free up" Africa, take New Zealand and Australia (and possibly make it a welcoming "white" country for wealthy collaborators) and ruin Europe (and later Russia, S. Korea and Japan) with mass migration.

Dunno. Fun larping though.

They don't have to blackmail her. Remember that Merkel was communist youth secretary for agitation and propaganda, a complete opportunist in the DDR. She is a socialist, protestant and multi-culturalist. Completely on one page with the pro muslim leftist and multi-culturalist Obama. They've been meeting several times since Trump took office.

The left in the USA and the Christian Social Democrats in Europe follow the same agenda.


France is interesting. Could be that (((someone))) is leaving the sinking ship which he damaged.