Sup Forums - Self-improvement

I know the Golden One is an autist, but he is right with one thing... self-improvement is important.

You cannot convice people to your cause, if you and your life sucks.

So what did you achieve to improve yourself?
Did you lose weight? Achieved or are on your way to an awesome natty physique?
Maybe just a fresh haircut?

Also what are your plans for self-improvement?

We need to get better, so the right becomes more powerful. Not only on a political, but more importantly on a cultural level.

Hi Deutschbro,
You're right, self-improvement is important.
To improve myself I learnt Chinese, got a masters degree and started working out, seeing good progress.
What about you?

I don't even know where to begin, I have been NEET for two years after dropping out from a two year stint from University.

What do? I want to get a good job and earn lots of money to retire early.

I started to work out again, seeing good results as well. Lost about 10 pounds and my muscels are beginning to show again. It seems muscel memory is really a thing.

I got a bachelors degree in a STEM field, so no BS.
Soon I'll work on my masters degree.

It seems unimportant, but I visit the barber on regular basis now, which I did not do in the past.
I also started to groom my skin and I'm researching, how to dress well.

I intend to no longer look like an ogre.
So now I don't look like an oger

Isn't there a discord server about that ?

I did 5 years in the FFL for the sole purpose of self improvement. Got back in law studies and doing good.
Still a lack of motivation though. Civil life is boring and I'm still a bit of an angry autist faggot

Weiter so, bleib dabei :)
GJ mate!
Just give it time, it will get messy

There should be a self improvement general desu

>Lift 3-6 days a week
>Quit smoking
>Lost weight, plan on losing more
>Started moving up the career ladder, plan on earning even more money
>will learn to shoot

Most important thing I haven't achieved yet is marriage and children.

/Fit/ is Sup Forums friendly

>So what did you achieve to improve yourself?
I go Sup Forums /fit/ and /heem/ the holy trinity....

I know, but self improvement isnt solely gym


Lift, box, married, donate money to AmRen and AltRight, redpill people daily

>plan on earning even more money


who says were natty brahhhhh?

There were self improvement general 3 months ago with a weekly book and movie to discuss about.

They had a discord server too

I have no problems in working out and giving my best at the gym,
however when it comes to studies I can't motivate myself & stay concentrated for shit

/Lit/ and /his/ belong to us too

I sometimes go jogging to prevent myself from becoming a whale but holy shit it's all so tiresome.
Education and social status is what matters in the modern world so this is where you should invest most of your energy.

Since I've discovered how badly I've been treating my body I've started to meditate, go to the gym, eat well, drinks lots of water (Scottish tap water), socialise a lot more, got a job

Once you start loving yourself and treat your body and mind like a temple you need to preserve and take care of, life quality increases tenfold.


Matters to whom? Are you saying your only concern should be what other people think of you? You're only contributing to the collective delusion that there's any kind of happiness found in attempting to control how others perceive you, which is ultimately outside of your control anyway. That way lies nothing but constant anxiety and worry.


It matters if you want to influence the society which is our goal.
Social status is hardly reducible to what other people thinks of you. In fact many people who climbed the social ladder are universally hated and they don't give a shit.
Becoming a judge, a millionaire or a politician means you've achieved high social status.
Being good friends with Chad and fucking Stacey in the butt means that you're popular in high school.

You'll still be attempting to influence society from within the same established framework. Playing the game to subvert the game will put you at odds with those who play the game to win. You need a more solid plan than that if you want to do more than get trapped in the whirlpool.

I don't see why we should destroy the game entirely.
The system is broken because the left filled academia, media, courts and business with their shills, not because it's inherently bad.
I don't advocate for revolution or anarchy. Replace the elites with more reasonable, conservative people then rewrite some laws and the society will be fine.
The right wing can be just as successful in the game as the left wing and it often was before Hitler sperged out.

Find a passion, find an industry that you want to be part of. Either through education or entrepreneurship. Money comes from doing good things for others, at least it should instead of jewing.

let's see.... I started smoking again (after 12 years quit!), I dip, I am now exclusively attracted to 2D and waste my time on ecchi boards, I drink coffee all day and I've never been happier or more at peace
>my entire 20's... was a mistake

Yeah I made one about two weeks ago but it got deleted. Depends on which mods/janitors are online. Self-improvement threads should be regarded as board culture just as deep sea and New Vegas threads are tolerated on Sup Forums.

I'm doing my masters this year and I will start a martial art this semester, either BJJ or muay thai. Also looking to learn myself public speaking which is a valuable skill in basically any field. Been lifting for ages, now focusing back on increasing my lifts inspired by The Golden One.

Books I'm reading:

>The Metaphysics of War, Julius Evola
Classic Evola, with very interesting chapters on the Crusades and Islamic jihad.

>King, Warrior, Magician, Lover
The psychology of Carl Jung as applied to the masculine. Interesting read for everyone. It helps if you know a bit of Jung though.